Discussion 9: Video Posting Update

Job Club Heart of Texas, September 2012 Magazine | 127 comments

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Video Update!

(Note: Being that this is our first video post, please bear with us and give us feedback so that we can improve.)

Good morning everyone, this is our first video post so let us know if you are able to view it and hear it okay.

Our discussion question for you today is do you have any questions that the Workforce Center has not answered for you. Let us know what they are.

We also want to make a few quick points.

We want to introduce Silvia Seelig. She will be our Job Club Moderator. She will be answering your questions if we are unavailable or letting us know if there are any important questions that we haven’t seen yet so that we can get to those as quickly as possible.

Also, we have a couple of job events coming up. On the 26th, we will have a Showcase Event for professional jobs and on the 27th, we will have a Job Fair Event for retail jobs. We will give you more information on the locations and times at a later date.

We also want to make sure that you keep posting your job search findings. These have been really encouraging and really exciting to see how many that have actually been found out in the workforce.

So, again, let us know: Do you have any questions that the Workforce Center has not answered and Get Ready For The Showcase Event.

Thanks and have a great day!



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  1. vikkireese

    Good Morning. I am having trouble hearing this.

  2. rhondagade

    Ummm, what does this mean, did I miss something? Lol. Oh, good morning everyone.

  3. beverlyheaton

    I could not hear you and my sound is all the way up.

  4. Charles Becker

    good morning , saw the video, is this something that you’ll be adding more content to? The video ended after you mentioned the job fairs 9-26/ 9-27. Also noticed some comments being added to last weeks open discussion.

  5. jannpage

    The vido was great, just need to speak a little louder. Ready for the subject title so we can get started. By the way Waco Surgical grp is still looking for front desk, ad is in the paper. I interviewed for it once before and not sure why I didnt get it (based on my experience) but maybe good luck for somebody here. They never sent me a letter or call and would not take my calls, had to leave voice mails. Good Luck!

  6. rhondagade

    If we are suppose to hear something, my phone wont let me. Ill have go to library later to use their comp.

  7. vikkireese

    Well I started off in last weeks discussion until this one came up. But I am glad to know that I’m not the only one who couldn’t hear it.

  8. vikkireese

    I also interviewed for the job in the past and didn’t get it.

  9. Frances Gerick

    I also couldn’t hear you and my sound was all the way up also. I’m trying again.

  10. tommyharper

    I have to agree, The video is difficult to hear due to volume be to low. I am Interested to learn more about the job fare on the 26th. What type professional positions?

  11. Ron

    I like the video idea. The audio was a little weak, at least on my computer. Also, sharing job openings is a real good idea. I applied for one that was mentioned last week.
    I’ve been noticing that Yellow Book has been running an add for a sales position. I’ve checked into it and applied. It’s a lot more than just selling ads for the phone book…has a lot to do with online advertising. It has a good base pay & commission. It will require being sent to one of their facilities for a 3 week training.

  12. markskinner

    Morning. The video format was a nice addition. The job hunt continues. Having worked and retired once already, I continue to feel as though my previous work position(s) and pay are actually negatives for acquiring something new. I’d like to know if there is any specialized assistance available through TWC for “seasoned” workers like myself. I’ll continue on with my efforts. Thanks for any help with this.

  13. Charles Waddle

    Although the volume was a little low, I was able to hear the video. Although I had no job interviews this week, I will be available for the “professional” job fair on the 26th.

  14. beverlyheaton

    After reading some of the other comments I assumed you were talking about a job fair and maybe how interviews went this week. I did have a telephone interview that went real well.

  15. Frances Gerick

    I have been to several of the job fairs and I would like to see more of the actual companies there, that are hiring instead of employment agencies that have the same jobs that I have applied for already.

  16. jannpage

    I agree with Markskinner. I feel my experience and pay is a negative for me. I worked hard to acquire this this
    experience and do not feel I should take a job barely
    over minimum pay scale. I have no other type of experience except medical and really prefer to stay in that field.

  17. vivianmonroe

    Another job fair would be good.I have an interview on tomorrow I pray that I get it.

  18. Brett Baldwin

    I agree that “seasoned” workers have a hurdle to clear but that won’t stop me.I am looking forward to more job fairs!

  19. carolynwalter

    Had no problems with the video. I agree with earlier comment regarding more employers being at the job fairs instead of agencies. I would rather find my job on my own without going thru an agency. I had good news this week. There is a company with potential for increase in business and if their bidding goes well and they are awarded the job, then I may be selected to join the company. Should find out something in next few weeks. Hoping it works out…

  20. Michael Dutton

    Loader Waco Texas
    Dr. Pepper Snapple Group
    Posted 16 hrs ago on Indeed

    Expert Job
    You can find this on Indeed or go to http://www.jcp.com

    Video was good although hard to hear.

  21. michael calderon

    The job fair went well for me. I have an interview today, and hope to get the job. The video format was nice. It was difficult to hear.

  22. jeffwhite

    Sorry My speakers on my comp does not work. Monday I was riding around Gatesville looking for a job. I came up to this Military warehouse. turned out to be a place where they refurbish the heavy equipment. I noticed a sign on the fence Now hiring. So i went in I talked to a human resource lady. Asking about job. Here is the conversation. Me: hello I noticed sign on fence now hiring.
    Lady: Yes We are hiring.
    Me: what position and what type of work?
    Lady: I think it is for a painter position but I do not know what type of work though.
    Me: ok so its for a painter, ok What are the hours and Pay?
    Lady yes it is a painter and I do not know what the hours are and I don not know what the pay is.
    Me: ok is there someone who can answer my questions?
    Lady: yes me I am Human Resources And everything that we hire for I am the person to talk to.
    Me: Ok so where do I find out what the pay is and what are the hours.
    Lady: well sir I told you I am the person to talk too.

    Ok is it me or did the lady not understand I was wanting to talk to someone else in the company to get questions answered cause she had no clue what the pay was or the hours. And she said she thinks it’s a painters position.

    What do you do in this situation?

  23. Susan Wade

    I was able to hear the video fine. There have been several comments today about workers with experience due to long years in a field. This is particularly relevent to the over-60 worker who has been employed for 40 plus years and now finds themself looking. The looking hasn’t been encouraging. Employers seem to want experience but don’t want to pay for it. I guess employees are “disposable” like so much else in our society today. Several prospective employers have been impressed with my work record, but with that record comes advanced age. It seems to be a big hurdle when trying to find a job today.

  24. jannpage

    Maybe it was a bad day for her personally. I cant believe a person with that type of position would not be willing to
    help, perhaps that is one of the reasons we all are having
    a hard time getting jobs.
    Gotta log out, will check in again today at a later time.

  25. Melvin

    Good morning everyone,
    Sorry for the sound problem. We are working on it, however, a written version is about to be posted. Give us just a few more minutes. This is what happens with trying something new.

  26. sharringt0n

    The volume was hard to hear for me as well. I look forward to learning more about the next job fair.

    I saw HEB Cooking Connections on Wooded Acres has a “hiring now” sign. If you’re naturally outgoing this might be a good fit.

  27. Susan Wade

    Maybe the company is not aware of their HR person’s limitations. Having worked in an office of competent and organized people, it is incomprehensible how some businesses manage to stay open and prosper. I can’t say I’ve ever had an experience like that before.

  28. jeridsmith

    I look forward to finding out more at the job fairs

  29. Eugene Wlodarek

    I was able to hear the video. I am interested in the professional job fair on the 26th. Will be more information?

  30. cjxpadmin

    We apologize for any technical difficulties you may have had in the last 15 min. Thank you for being patient. The video along with the transcription should be working correctly now.

  31. Jeffrey Gregoire

    Good morning all! The video sound quality on my computer was just fine. Great job Rachelle! Subscribed to the Facebook postings so am looking forward to receiving job info regularly.

  32. sheilaparrish

    Good morning Job Club Members,
    I was able to view the video and the sound was fine. I think the video is a good idea. I too agree with the problem having 19 years in management and people see that as a threat of some sort. I get the impression that they don’t believe you can step down and just work a regular position (so frustrating). But I continue to be encouraged. Please let us know more information about the job fairs as soon as possible.

  33. kareypatterson

    I am looking forward to the job fair on the 26th. Just need more information on it. I posted some comments earlier this morning but they showed up on Discussion 8.
    They were meant for todays date. Vidio was just not loud enough.

  34. sheilaparrish

    Also, If you are in medical the V.A. has several positions listed on their website. usajobs.gov
    Sheila Parrish

  35. sharringt0n

    OK, I have a question for TWC. There is a position… it is ONE position. Workforce Solutions has posted this position to me TWO times. I have already interviewed for the position and don’t want Workforce Solutions to contact the employer on my behalf AGAIN. I have just ignored the referral from them. Is this going to count against me? The employer only has the one opening, and has already interviewed me for it.

  36. Peggy Lane

    Can you tell us more about the Showcase Event for professional jobs next week?

  37. ljwp

    Hello everyone,

    I could view and hear the video and audio. Yes, the volume could be increased.


  38. brandyrodriguez

    I think that the video made logging in a bit more interactive since we actually see and hear a real person talking vs. just reading everyting. I like the idea but thought that the video choppiness was a bit distracting. I look forward to seeing which businesses/industries are going to be at the showcase.

    Brandy Rodriguez

  39. Daniel Coulon

    Had a good interview at the last job fair and am looking forward to the next one on the 26th.

  40. Charles Waddle

    @jeffwhite — Jeff, unfortunately I think you have run into the govment (spelling on purpose) worker syndrome. Once you are in the GS system you just can’t be fired. So you are transferred to positions where you can do the least amount of damage.

  41. jenniferobinson

    Morning Everyone,
    The video post was great, I just couldn’t hear it that well.Reading from the other posts. Looks like we’re having another job fair. I’m Ready….

    here is a job that i found on the web
    Pilot/ Flying J is looking for a Retail Cashier

  42. Victoria

    I was able to view and hear the video without any problems.

    L-3 and SpaceX have good company websites for job postings. I’ve also heard that Hobby Lobby is hiring. TSTC has an opening for a college police officer.

  43. Amy

    It sounds like I am one of the few who did NOT have any problems with the audio, it worked great for me.

    For those who expressed concerns about their experience counting against them, here is an article from USA Today earlier this month. I thought it offered an interesting perspective and a reminder that experience is VALUABLE.


  44. mac mcknight

    I could view and hear the video and audio. Yes, the volume could be increased

  45. jeffwhite

    Well during that conversation I felt like I had to twist her arm to get her to tell me what the job was, what the hours were, and how much it paid. I finally said ok Ma’am have a good day sorry to bother you. I just could not get her mentality. If I was in her position. I would like to think I know what is going on and what positions they are hiring. What the pay is. I mean gezzz it was not like I was applying at Space X lol. Oh well I will continue to look else wheres.

  46. Cheryl

    Good Morning Everyone,
    The video is a great idea. The only issue I encountered is the volume, even with my volume turned all the way up I still could hardly hear.
    I haven’t been using this site very much. I would like to hear more about the job fairs coming up. Will it be the companies who is doing the hiring there or head hunters?
    As an older job seeker I am also running into the issue of once an employee looks at my resume thinking I will only be happy in a higher position. When I truly do not want the higher position an the stress that goes with it. I have already climbed as much of the ladder that I care to.

  47. ernestinesample

    I was able to hear the video. I also enjoyed it. I would like to know more about the job fair and showcase. Do the showcase offer retail positions?

  48. sherriemorgan

    I had no trouble hearing/viewing video. Some of the jobs that I have applied for require you to know a computer program called ‘SAP’. I was wondering if there are classes in the Waco area where I can learn this program? I would also like to know more about the event on the the 26th. During my searches I ran across this posting on indeed.com, it is with L-3 requires you to be cretified forklift driver tho…Stock Clerk M2B – Requisition ID 039255, USA-Texas-Waco, http://www.L-3Jobs.com, Organization: Integrated Systems- Platform Integration Division – Waco

  49. jannpage

    Susan Wade zeroed in on the problem with the experienced “older” person applying for a job.
    Experience no longer counts like it used to. I
    feel employers are looking for somebody that will
    accept low pay, PERIOD.. I guess we really are

  50. jannpage

    Good Luck to everybody and will check in next wk.

  51. chriscutbirth

    My volume is already maxed out, but i could hear it ok.

  52. Melvin

    Retail job fair will be on the 27th at Richland Mall

  53. Melvin

    Remember, this is a job fair no invitation needed. Everyone is welcomed. Please be ready with your resumes to handout.

  54. Melvin Freeman

    Video was good but I had to turn my volume to maximum to hear you.

    Job contact:Wingfoot
    Certified tire & wheel technician
    1202 Sun Valley Rd
    Robinson Tx 76706

  55. angeladevinney

    You look great, Rachel! No problems at all with the video. I was at my second day of my practicum so I was just now viewing it. I tried to view it at lunch, but didn’t have but about ten minutes to cram my food in. I received a call from someone in San Antonio TWC office. I’m not sure what it was about, but I called them back and left them a message. We are playing phone tag I guess. I don’t have any specific questions for anyone at the HOT Workforce commission. I posted recent job postings that I had found last week. I saw the one for the HEB Connections job at Wooded Acres, but couldn’t remember the name so I’m glad someone else posted it this week since it was the only additional one I saw. Thanks everyone. I’m excited about the addition of the video posts.


  56. Elisa Oliver

    I want to thank everyone that indicated that experience is not valued any longer. As an older,unemployed person, I can support that comment. I thought it was just my way of thinking.

  57. ChaiHo

    I just came back from interview. I think I did pretty well, hopefully I will get the second round interview.
    The volume for the video need be fixed, I could’t hear.
    PETCO is looking for full time store associates, apply on line at Indeed.com

  58. dorothy conroy

    This a good idea

  59. Candice Lovell

    Hello. I can not hear the video.

  60. leebumpers

    I could’hear the video.

  61. tammystanphill

    I like seeing what everyone else is posting for jobs but feel we all are seeing and going to the same webistes. I have seen that the animal hospital in PetSmart is hiring for clerk.I also know that Nurses Unlimited is still interviewing for their clerical position.

  62. tammywitt

    I am sorry that I missed the video this morning. I was able to upload it and hear it just fine. I am doing well in school and am just trying to figure out if everything is still the same or am I finally getting smarter. I am taking an English Comp. class and am learning that the number one complaint from businesses is that employees can’t compose correctly or that their ability to perform job speeches are very poor. I am glad to say that I am taking a business speech class as well and hope that I can improve both. I hope that you all have a nice week and that things at least begin to look up for you.

  63. joancampbell

    I also had an issue with the volume, but I know you are working on it. I was able to hear it.

    As for the topic for today. I had a woman call me the other day and ask me why I applied for the position with her company and she sounded really confused. The postion was for store management and I told her I thought I would be a great candidate for this, as I have years of experience. She told me that I was way to qualified for the position and I would not be happy. She said I would not be considered, but thanked me for applying. Wow! Others ask me about my previous salary. I skirt this one if I can, because I know Dallas is much larger and I know I will have to take a cut in pay to live here. How should I approach this?

  64. carolynwalter

    joan, I have also been told I was “too” qualified. If only the employer would give you a chance they may be blessed with a loyal and “qualified” worker instead of those “hoping” they can do the job once hired.

  65. Jonathon Pledger

    I heard the video just fine. I am interested in learning more about the showcase for professional jobs.

  66. Gary McCully

    Ditto Jann and Mark.

  67. Minnitt

    I am able to hear the video. At this time, I do not have any questions that have not been answered by the workforce team! I look forward to the upcoming job fairs!

  68. Brett Baldwin


    How often are job postings listed in the “job market” updated? They often appear to be the same and/or several months old.

  69. donnamartindale

    I think this is a wonderful idea. The audio was a little weak, but other than that I think it is a good source to help others find jobs.

  70. Sherry Wiltshire

    I couldn’t hear the video very well. And no questions for TWC. They are usually very good about answering any questions I may have. Have a good day everyone!

  71. christiemiller

    I could not hear. My sound is turned all the way up.

  72. davidharper

    as you can tell from all the other comments no sound…i would like to say that your web site has been a great new job source…

  73. machellharrison

    i could not hear the video, one of the job interviews i had called me last night about 7:45pm i will go and take two test on sept 18, at 8:00am if i past the test, my physical would be next.

  74. junehodde

    was able to view video, no question at this time.

  75. MissRudd

    Is anyone interested or qualified for the following positiojns: RN, LVN, ST, OT, PT. These are all healthcare positions that are being hired for. Let us know if there is enough interest in these position to include the hiring employer in the upcoming Showcase Event.

  76. zshade37

    Unable to hear the video either. Can not think of any questions of the top of my head. Had an interview earlier in the week; hoping they callback soon.

  77. MissRudd

    Mr. Baldwin,
    The postings may seem old due to the posting date. They will remain up there until the employer closes the postion or if there is an expiration date added.

  78. MissRudd

    We apologize for the volume issues. We will try to get this issue fixed by the next time we post a video. Thank you for your patience and participation.

  79. Michael Rogers

    MissRudd, Video was great and I had no problem with sound or volume. I look forward to Jobs Fair on the 27th. Thanks.

  80. elisaoliver

    I have an interview in Corpus Christi next week. I did not get any calls from Waco/Temple area. I have had a preliminary & initial interviews. I hope it goes well , if I am going to go go Corpus.

  81. elisaoliver

    I am qualified. I am a RN in the state of Texas.

  82. Jannai

    Thanks for the info! đŸ™‚

  83. audrey1966

    I could hear the video. I am excited about the upcoming job fair events.

  84. shellycawthon

    I think McLennan County is looking for nurses to work at the jail.

  85. michealshriver

    I heard everything in the video just fine played all the way through and looking forward to the upcoming events!

  86. nancy adam

    video was good I had no problem with the sound

  87. ls

    Hello Everyone!
    I was able to view the video and looking forward to the upcoming job fair!!

  88. Melvin

    Micheal, I give a lecture on this often and here is what I tell the class.
    If you send out resumes and don’t get interviews, something is wrong with your resume. If you get interviews and don”t get a call back, then we have to look at you. No disrespect, but this has to be considered. It may be that you are not showing the right attitude, perhaps too eager, or not eager enough. Who knows? But it has to be something with what happened during the interview process.

    We may have to have an interview class to discover what a person is exhibiting and perhaps, not even know what that something might be.


  89. Olga Sepeda

    I am unable to see the video. I am going to try to use google chrome to see if it will work on there.

  90. Olga Sepeda

    I tried it on google chrome and could hear and see the video just fine. I have no questions right now.

  91. lolabuchanan

    I had problems hearing the audio. I understand technology problems exist. Patience is a virtue

    I look forward to hearing more about the Showcase Event for professional jobs on September 26th. I would really like to put my education to work for me. Studying for a Bachelor of Arts(History/Women’s Studies)degree and Master of Library Science was not easy — it took a lot of dedication and hard work.

  92. lolabuchanan

    Does anyone know if it is acceptable to ask the City of Waco Human Resources office as to how many applications were submitted for a position(s)? I am curious as to how heavy duty my competion was for a Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum position and a South Waco Library library technician position. I would at least have liked to of gotten in for an interview.

  93. Christie Watson

    I liked the idea of the video but agree with some of the others,volume was a little low.I would like more info regarding the job fair on Sept.26.

  94. Brett Baldwin

    Thank you Rachel.

  95. joycepolk

    I can see and hear fine. Thanks for the assistance.

  96. Jennifer Goldman

    Thanks as always Rachel!

  97. sallygreen

    The video is a good idea. I could see and hear it just fine. I have seen some of the other comments here, and I agree that it might be better if there were more companies at the showcases instead of just job placement companies. Other than that I have really enjoyed getting the opportunity to attend them.

  98. hcharwell


  99. jannpage

    Rachel, I am interested in healthcare, however the listing you gave would not be for me. I am looking for front desk,and check out desk with referral and scheduling in a very active physician clinic. So far there have been very few openings and huge amt of applicants for any position available. I am patient and sure at some point the right job will come to me.

  100. daletrail

    the volume on this video is low and more info on the job fair on the 26th

  101. MissRudd

    If you are interested in a MANAGMENT position, email me immediately. We are beginning the pre-screening process for the September Showcase and to receive an invitation you must qualify to meet with one of the employers. If you are interested at all for a management position let me know. If you have a criminal history, do not let that hold you back. We have several employers who hire individuals with a record. It can never hurt to try.

    EMAIL: rachel@campusjobxpress.com

  102. tresheniamcclenan

    i could barely hear anything that was said

  103. joancampbell

    Michael Page Internatio​nal is hiring for an accounts payable manager.

  104. Michael Rogers

    I would like more information on the job fair on September 26. Thanks.

  105. petrahardin

    I had no trouble hearing the video and looking forward to get more information on the job faor September 26. Thanks

  106. elainedouglas

    Could not hear the video. Still looking for a job

  107. cgaines

    Hello, yes I was able to hear the video, and no I do not have any questions and I can’t wait for the showcase.

  108. Loyd Edwards

    Good job! – No trouble with the video or audio.

  109. Majdi Tannous

    The vedio was great no problems. No questions for now. Hope you had a chance to look at my resumee. Thanks

  110. Majdi Tannous

    I’m interested in the job fair on the 26th of this month. I am willing to work 2o-25 hrs per week. Thanks

  111. lancesanders

    Nice video , also I think i accidentally posted on the week before topic for this last wednesday topic =(

  112. vikkireese

    I quess we are still on this topic this week?

  113. joancampbell

    The last time I thought we were still on a week, one poped up, so I am sure we are not supposed to post to this one again.

  114. vivianmonroe

    are we going to get a new topic this week ?

  115. angelacotton

    The video showed perfect.

  116. valeriecopeland

    having difficulting hearing the video thing. having trouble commenting. system was telling me my email address isnt correct……help. Valerie copeland

  117. valeriecopeland

    Nevermind on the commenting issue. seems all is well. this is cool. thanks Rachel and Melvin ( whoever you are ) val

  118. Virginia Kilgore

    Good Morning, I had trouble hearing the video. I had my volume turned all the way up. The format for the video was good. However, when she introduced Silvia Seelig I thought we were going to hear or see her.

    I am still looking for employment. I think my previous experience and possibly my previous salary hurts my chances. I realize that I will not find employment making as much money as I made before. I’ve had several interviews that seemed to go well but no results.

    I’m going to remain positive and keep looking.

    Thanks, VK

  119. edgarrichardson

    I also had issue hearing the video

  120. kn1964

    Good Morning, video is OK. I had problems with my User ID kevinniswanger, so I have a new one: kn1964.

  121. Paul Hodges

    For the first one very good. You might consider showing some cards with the event, date and time shown.


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