Discussion 36: “Tell Me About Yourself”

Job Club, Job Club Heart of Texas | 40 comments

With the subject of interviewing still on our minds, we have to consider whether we are answering the appropriate questions appropriately. Consider when an employer asks you to tell them about yourself. What is your reply? If your answer is something along the lines of your personal life and interests, chances are that the employer may not have been looking for quite that answer. If you back track to what the illegal interview questions were, you may find that the illegal ones were asking for personal information. If you, then, consider your answer to the previous question, you will likely see that you willingly gave the employer all of this personal information without them having to ask you directly. Depending on the employer, your answer could either help you or hurt you. So Job Seekers, tell us about yourself.


For more suggested answers to tough interview questions, check out this article from CareerBuilder.com: http://www.careerbuilder.com/Article/CB-1115-Getting-Hired-How-to-Answer-10-Tough-Interview-Questions/




Local Waco, TX company is Hiring NOW for construction positions. Criminal background is irrelevant. Contact us immediately for information on how to apply. Rachel@campusjobxpress.com.




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  1. Susan Wade

    Good morning everyone, Susan Wade here. It is difficult to know how to describe oneself as it often different than how others perceive you. I would say that I am an experienced and dependable person. I am eager to learn new skills, and to make myself a valuable team player, able to contribute to the success of the business.

  2. ernestinesample

    Hello Everyone, I’m outgoing, friendly, happy, responsible,honest,dependable,love to read, love church, love being around people,and the list goes on. The thing is, when you talk about yourself to employers, they do not know that you are honest or dependable so you have to allow yourself to show how out going you are for them to give you a chance. Retail call it “customer service”, I call it being you.

  3. jannpage

    Good Morning all. Jann Page signing in. I would say I am alway upbeat, dependable and loyal I love working and that is my driving force. I am experienced and a team player, however I am strong willed some time. ( i am working on that!) I have been blessed with a good job that I look forward to each morning. Good Luck to all and I learned one important fact. Patience, Patience and Patience!!!

  4. ljwp

    Good morning fellow Job Seekers!

    I would describe myself as an honest and dependable quick learner and self starter, who enjoys working.

    Have a blessed day, everyone.

    Linda Parten

  5. Jeffrey Gregoire

    I think this question is relevant to the job one is interviewing for. Jeffrey Gregoire

  6. markbeadle

    This can be a tricky situation when they are requesting information about ourselves. I would keep it on a professional level of my past business experiences,awards, promotions, being honest, a self-starter and attributes that have made you successful.

  7. Melvin

    Jann, I love that you continue to sign on to Job Club every week, even after getting employed. You bring support and encouragement to everyone else on Job Club. Continued success on your new job.

  8. sharringt0n

    I answer this question with facts about my skills as they relate to the position I am applying for. If the position is for a packaging production person, for example, I might say I am highly organized with my files, I’m expert level in Adobe Illustrator, I have a full understanding of layers and styles, and printers have told me they love to see my packaging files come in because they know they will be trouble-free. However, if the position were for a designer, I might reply that I am skilled in presenting to all levels of client from owner to CEO, that I like to get input from all stakeholders before designing, that I like to sketch quickly on paper first to get four or five solid concepts before executing them on the computer, that I keep up to date with the current colors and typography styles, and that a previous re-design of mine increased sales by 17%. So, it all depends on what I’m applying for. Try to keep your answers to reasons they need to hire you.

  9. beverlyheaton

    Beverly Heaton here. When asked that question I say that I am a reliable, experienced, dependable professional with a passion for providing the finest customer service that clients deserve.

  10. dorothymacedo

    I would describe myself as an out going person and enjoy
    working with people.

  11. Charles Becker

    Good Morning, This is Chuck. About my self, feel that I’m stable. The last job was a 12 year plus tenure; prior to that was over 10 years with the company. My personal attributes would be Honesty, and integrity. Working with people developing relationships. Important, because in a small town like Waoo, you’ll “bump” in to many people. Do like listen to prospects. Have found in the digital era today, the playing field has really changed. Before interviews there are alot of pre screening questions, that develop your personal profile. Most companies are online with the applications. Maybe I’m too trusting, but if someone asks a question, most the time would answer honestly. During the interview, would like to stand out from others applying, make a good positive impression.

  12. Charles Becker

    Just another thought on interview questions, we must be ourselves. Answers must be honest. There is no use to try to please the interviewer, if we are not sincere. Have also taken some personality profile type assessments, the results are eye openers. I’ll try and pick up other positive habits from other people. Melvin, you have the ability to listen to many people, always from what I’ve noticed with interest.Thank you for taking the time to listen, not in any hurry, and thank you for your responses., Also thank the others on your staff, . They even say hello in person, and notice me.

  13. Charles Waddle

    Having worked a couple of job interviews we were more interested in experience directly related to the job/profession and not personal information. I try to stay away from directly personal information as it is not the employers business unless it directly affects the company.

  14. alanmccoy

    Good Morning Everybody

    “Tell me about yourself”is difficult if i have not prepared for the interview adequately by writing down what i want to communicate to the interviewer. Response to this inquiry gives me an opportunity to summarize and highlight my personal qualities that i think would translate to the job i am interviewing for however, i obviously am no pro at interviewing or i would not be un employed. Best Regards

  15. tommyharper

    How do I accurately describe myself? I am a self-motivated individual who is competent and knowledgeable of my craft. I love a challenge, and I enjoy learning new things, methods and techniques. I thrive on responsibility and believe in personal accountability for my actions.

    God Bless

  16. sherriemorgan

    I’m punctual, honest, a bit of a perfectionist. I’m organized, I love to learn, and I am very articulate. I like a challenge, and work well on a deadline.
    Saw this job listed on indeed.com logistics coordinator Cenergy in West, TX.
    Sherrie Morgan-Cole

  17. Victoria

    I am a dedicated worker who has an excellent work ethic. You always need to think about the position you are applying for and tailor your discussion about what works best for that position. Best wishes!-V. Nimmo

  18. Michael Dutton

    Answering this type of question it is best to stick to the characteristics about yourself that allowed you to accomplish specific fact based goals and objectives that are found in your resume.

  19. ljwp

    Signing off for now.

    Good luck everyone!

    Linda Parten

  20. Angela Devinney

    Generally I might say something like: I am dependable, hard-working, honest, reliable, ethical, team player, a people person, and a good listener. I keep it professional also.

    I continue to see ads on television from time to time for Bates Nissan in Killeen saying they are hiring. I thought I would pass along the info in case it helps someone.


  21. Lawrence LeMay

    Hello my name is Larry LeMay. I am very dependable and compentent. I am easy to get along with and enjoy working with others.

  22. Mac McKnight

    Good news, I’ve got a job.
    I will be starting on the 28th. for advance auto parts on valley mills drive as the Assistant General Manager.
    Its been a long road ( 9 months ) but faith pays off.
    wish everyone best of luck in their job hunts.


  23. Eugene Wlodarek

    I would describe myself as dependable, honest and innovative.

  24. brandyrodriguez

    My response would depend on the job that I am interviewing for- making sure to include qualificatiions/skills that would pertain to that position.

    Lorena ISD is hiring a Payroll & Benefits Coordinator, counselors, Special Ed Diagnostician, and a few other positions http://bit.ly/lisd.jobs

    Also there is a medical collections business (also in Lorena) that I have heard will be planning on hiring 40 employees in the near future. There is not a place to apply online- but I know that you can apply in person at their office. Paramount Recovery Systems 111 E. Center Street Lorena, TX

    Hope this helps someone find a job!!

    Good luck everyone!!

    Brandy Rodriguez

  25. Charles Becker


  26. carolsmith1960

    I would describe myself as honest, loyal dependable and a team player

  27. dorothy conroy

    I would answer this with qualifications and nothing about my personal life. I will read the article you reference.

    Thanks for all your help and time.
    Dorothy Conroy

  28. amylynntowery

    I consider myself to be a dependable, enthusiastic, and educated individual. I am seeking employment in the insurance, clerical, or managerial field.

  29. Diana Marquez

    Good Morning Everyone ….I would describe myself as outgoing and out spoken and independent and welling to learn new things in a job..I’m a really fast learner at many things welling to try new things in a new atmosphere..this is how I would describe myself..Thanks

  30. Christie Watson

    When describing myself,I would have to say that I am a hard worker,honest,motivated to learn new things.I enjoy a challenge.

  31. patkolm

    My name is Pat Kolm and I would describe myself as a person who is very well organized, knowledgeable in my field, and very dependable. I have been employed for over 30 years working in all different types of offices. I have worked starting as a clerical clerk up to the position of an Executive Assistant. If I had a preference, I would like to work in a smaller office.

  32. lucretiar

    Hello all. I am going to use personable,and confidential with the ability to get along with most everyone. When the need arises, a tactful mediator.


  33. kn1964

    I would have to say a brief summary of my personal information: my name, where I am from and a brief review of my resume. Also, a short summary of my education and professional experience, capabilities and strengths and any of my hobbies/relation with my work experience.

  34. hcharwell

    self starter,and easy going,but slow with a key board

  35. zshade37

    I am a self starter, detailed oriented pproblem solver; who enjoys finishing ahead of schedule. I adapt to new policy changes and new systems easily, I also enjoy discovering the in and outs of a process, so that I am able to correct mistakes without having to was time searching for standard work or calling help desks.

  36. ChaiHo

    I am honest,responsible, and a hard worker.
    I enjoy working with others.

  37. jamesswanson

    That’s a commonly asked question. I feel it should be answered with what assets you have for the position applying for. I wouldn’t look at it as you might be asked on a 1st date. i would keep it professional.

  38. stantongreer

    I’m not concerned about being open about myself in an interview because if who I am is going to be a problem then I would rather work somewhere else. My time away from my kids that they would be buying is too valuable for both of us to not be excited.

  39. J C Riggs

    I would describe myself as someone who is hard working, studious, and a quick learner, Someone that performs well under pressure.

  40. Paul Andre

    Some questions are prohibited by various laws in our Constitution but that does not stop them from being asked and ANSWERED. We’ve all been asked questions that are inappropriate, nosy or just down right illegal. Very seldom do we call it out because we want the job, right?


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