Discussion 48: What do you look for in a job?

Job Club Heart of Texas | 11 comments

applicant roundupThere are times you look at the job you’re doing, or the work you’re looking for and you have doubts. You have doubts about whether or not it’s worth it. For those of you looking for work you need to stop and ask your self one question. “Is the job I’m looking for or wanting a career or a paycheck?” If it’s a career then all steam ahead and good luck to you. If it’s just a job then you may want to rethink what you’re doing. There is a saying that goes  “Find a job that you love and you‘ll never have to work a day in your life.” This is sort of true. There are jobs that we take to make ends meet, but then there are jobs that let you get up in the morning with a smile on your face. So you need to ask yourself… What am I looking for in a job? What is it that makes me get out of bed in the morning happy, and how do I go about making it work for me?


Below list 10 things. 5 things you look for and 5 things that are deal breakers. Once you’ve made that list examine them. Are they truly deal breakers, or are they things that you can get around and just don’t want to? Are those 5 things the most important things or are they unreasonable request? As always, have a great day!



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  1. scornett

    Top ten
    Five things I look for
    1. challenge
    2. great company/great mission
    3. great working environment
    4. excellent pay/benefits
    5. flexibility/trust
    Five things to avoid
    6. Drama
    7. Negative atmosphere
    8. part time pay with full-time expectations
    9. lack of trust
    10. No opportunities for advancement.

    Great exercise. Thanks!

  2. lkmiddlebrook

    Five pros:
    1.) friendly people
    2.) knowledgeable support staff
    3.) team atmosphere
    4.) good hours
    5.) good location

    Five cons:
    1.) difficult people
    2.) want me to buy something first in order to start
    3.) waste of time
    4.) far from home
    5.) shift work

  3. tommyharper

    I narrowed it down to three positives,
    1) Ability to use my skills and knowledge.
    2) Opportunity for advancement
    3) Christian environment.
    If these exist everything else will fall in place.

    Deal breaking negatives,
    1) Micro management
    2) Shady business practices
    3) Lack of advancement potential
    4) Travel for work ( I don’t fly.)

  4. dorothy conroy

    I had a job that I loved, now I making a career change. I will find another job in the new field that I will love just as much.

    Deal breaker will be:
    1) being lied to

    Dorothy Conroy

  5. sherriemorgan

    1 friendly people
    2 solid company
    3 good pay
    4 Mon – Fri
    5 chance for advancement

    1 negative env
    2 relocate
    3 out of area
    4 bad attitude
    5 bad business practices

    Sherrie Morgan-Cole

  6. cjxpadmin

    We are making calls today to schedule you all for individual appointment times for tomorrow’s roundup event. If you have not posted a resume we may not have your phone number. Please contact info@campusjobxpress.com to schedule an appointment for tomorrow between the hours of 10AM and 2PM. Thank you.

  7. lindanelson

    This is kind of a tough one for me.
    I feel like I am fighting a losing battle because of my age.
    the pros should include:
    Solid company
    Team atmosphere
    Great training
    Mon -Fri
    Reasonable pay

    Cons would include
    Micro management
    Shift work
    Extensive travel
    Low pay
    Lack of trust

  8. shellycawthon

    Do something you love and you will never work a day in your life!

  9. Melvin

    ID: 965Patient Service Specialist FT HewCln Bus Office
    Scott & White Healthcare — Modified 6/16/13 11:54AM

  10. angeladevinney

    Sorry for the late entry. I was in Houston with my grandmother in ICU after a stroke.

    5 things I look for:

    1. A job in my field
    2. Supervisors who care about the clients
    3. An ethical work environment
    4. Chances for development as a professional
    5. Supportive/Understanding work environment

    5 Things that are Deal Breakers:

    1. Unethical work environment
    2. Overdemanding/micromanaging supervisor
    3. Supervisor who does not care about clients (only money)
    4. No flexibility
    5. Lack of cultural diversity or understanding of cultural issues

  11. Stanton Greer

    Good things:
    meets cash flow needs
    clear vision
    matches my gifts
    relaxed atmosphere

    Deal breakers
    does not develop me
    conflicting or mutually exclusive expectations
    hours wrong for kids
    poor culture


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