“Faith is the ability to step out into the darkness, and trust that you will either land on something solid, or you’ll learn to fly” -unknown
There are times in our lives where we lose ourselves due to the process of looking for something that we don’t have at the time. Maybe it’s a relationship, sometimes it’s a reward, and sometimes it’s money. When that happens sometimes you have to take a step back and re-evaluate what it is you want and why. What is it about this something that makes us chase it? Is it worth chasing, and is it even good for us? Once you’ve thought about it and have decided that it’s what you want you have to fall back on faith, and trust that the things that you want most will come to you. If you have faith in a higher power, then trust that it will lead you to your goal. If you have faith in yourself, then you can trust that you will make the right choices for your and those you love. If you are searching for a job at the time, trust that if you have lost it that it may be a blessing in disguise. How often have you stayed in a position that you don’t love or even barely like because it was safe? How often have you stayed in a place that you are because it’s familiar? Sometimes something happens because it’s a course of adjustment, and you have to trust and believe that something better is right around the corner. What is something that you haven’t done that you hope to do with your next job?
I have to agree, EXCELLENT