Discussion 55 Changes To Job Club And Applicant Roundup

Job Club, Job Club Alamo Area, Job Club Capital Area, Job Club Heart of Texas | 5 comments


The monthly Applicant Roundup for August is being cancelled. We are preparing to put together a Job Event and we felt our time would be better spent in doing this.

We would like to ask everyone to ensure they have an updated resume and make sure your interviewing techniques are sharp.

Please let us know what type of positions you are looking for as we will start recruiting employers within the next few weeks.

FYI, we will be changing our Job Club Discussion to Mondays instead of Wednesdays beginning this next Monday, August 12th. We feel that our Discussion would be better accepted at the beginning of the week, rather than “smack dab” in the middle of the week. Hope this works for everyone!!

See you on Monday!



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  1. tommyharper

    Thanks for the information

  2. jamesswanson

    Will wait for an update.

  3. Loyd Edwards

    Will check back soon. Thank you for the information.

  4. Marie

    Thanks. I will check back later.

  5. Charles Becker



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