Discussion 62: Resume Builders

Job Club Heart of Texas | 2 comments

Hello! We’re going to touch upon a topic that we have a lot of questions about. Building your skills. YOu may think that all the skills you have now are all you need for your job, and in some cases that might be true. But it never hurts to add another skill to your resume. Maybe they have free classes at your local library. Maybe they have a leadership seminar run by the city that you can join. There are hundreds of free events that go on throughout the year that will not only give you free skills to add to your resume, but will also allow you to network with others. Check your local college. Maybe there is a typing class that they offer as part of continuing educatino. You don’t have to go and get a whole new degree. Most colleges offer a continuing education program designed for those who just want to try something new. Contact your local library or Workforce Center. They will usually offer classes that you didn’t think would be important at first, but find that it may be a skill that your employer might need down the road. If you’re going to sell yourself an extra skill isn’t a bad place to start!



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  1. tommyharper

    In addition to learning new skills, continual education keeps your mind active and helps to maintain good mental health. It also shows perspective employers that you are willing to learn skills that they may desire. Who knows, it may even lead to a new career field.

  2. shellycawthon

    Good information!


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