Sometimes it’s easy to feel as if you are floating around in the world. Like you are moving about aimlessly with nothing to guide you. You’re working hard, but sometimes the results are just not there. That’s when you give up. We at CampusJobXpress are here to tell you that it’s moments like those when you need to push harder. It’s times like those that let you know that you need to break up your goals in to accomplishable chunks. Goal setting is the act of picturing the future that you want and reaching that goal in small bits and pieces. Picture your goals, and break it down into smaller parts. As you accomplish your smaller parts you fit each part of your picture together like a puzzle. What isyour big picture? What are you doing to create that picture for yourself?
Discussion 69: Creating your Big Picture
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A speaker on TV the other night mentioned people have homes with homes collected with pictures of the past… childhoods, growing up, sports, ect; Suggested having a WALL OF THE FUTURE… PICTURES RELATED TO GOALS 1 yr, 5 yr, 10 yr. ETC. TURN YOUR MIND LOOSE ON THEM….. ALSO, A WALL OF GRATITUDE… PEOPLE THAT MOVED YOU!! TRY IT!! THANK YOU MELVIN AND STAFF!!!!
Charles Becker, you are so right – a wall of the future is an excellent start to defining your goals.
On the other hand, it looks like this site is down to 2 individuals, lol xD
This can be really good or really bad news for some folks.
Hang in there – I thank Campus Job Express for keeping our login and user ID alive.
Loyd E.
We appreciate you guys hanging in there. Things have slowed down a bit in the Waco area for us, but we are continuing to post jobs in your area, so please, if you see anything that interests you, please let us know by sending us an email.
We are currently working on an online job fair so continue to check out the website. We should be good to go with that around the first of the year. If you have an interest in any company or checking out a job lead, let us know and we will do our best to help you.
Thanks for your loyalty Mr. Edwards and Mr. Becker! Happy Thanksgiving to both of you!