Job Club Heart of Texas

Job information brought to you as soon as we get it!

Discussion 51: Being Pleasant and Letting Go

A smile is just a small part of being pleasant. Greeting people when you walk into a room, or opening doors for people regardless of gender are just some of the many ways to be pleasant. Saying a polite thank you when someone passes you a sheet of paper. Having manners is something that stands out regardless of where you are. By being polite or having a smile you can unknowingly brighten someone's day. Never underestimate the value of being pleasant. It shows through your actions, and carries...

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Discussion 49: New Mission for Job Club

Hello, We hope your week has been awesome and finds you well. Today we are announcing a change in how Job Club is conducted. We are going to be enhancing the content of our weekly discussions! The open discussions will continue as always, and we will still be sending you great interview and resume tips. However, we will be changing how we get the job information to you. We will be posting job information as it comes in! What we want for you is to send us the jobs you are individually looking...

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Discussion 48: What do you look for in a job?

Discussion 48: What do you look for in a job?

There are times you look at the job you're doing, or the work you're looking for and you have doubts. You have doubts about whether or not it's worth it. For those of you looking for work you need to stop and ask your self one question. "Is the job I'm looking for or wanting a career or a paycheck?" If it's a career then all steam ahead and good luck to you. If it's just a job then you may want to rethink what you're doing. There is a saying that goes  “Find a job that you love and you'll...

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Discussion 47: RoundUp

We cannot stress enough the benefits to you surrounding the upcoming Applicant Roundup Events. Every third Friday until September, we will be accepting your professional photo, accepting your resume and assisting in filming your very own video resume. To prepare ahead of time, we can accept and review your resume through e-mail prior to the event. Just send your document as an attachment to Also, if you have already taken a professional photo of yourself, you can...

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