With last week's topic still in our thoughts we would like to continue the discussion. An important question to ask ourselves: What is important to the employer during an interview? We prepare ourselves for the questions we will be asked during an interview but we don't always know if and how we went wrong. Have a look at the following question. Do you know the answer? Tell us what you think and then review more information on the subject, as well as the answer, in the article: NEGATIVE...
Job Club Heart of Texas
Job information brought to you as soon as we get it!
Discusssion 31: Dressing for success!
Are you really ready for a job? We tell ourselves that we are ready to work, and that we will do anything to get the job of our dreams. We study up on new technology. We brush up on our interview skills and practice in front of a mirror. Although, when the time comes to interview our shoes do not match. Our hair is out of place. We don't believe that we need to iron our clothes. We self sabotage our chances of getting that job by ignoring the details that come with the interviewing...
Discussion 30: Job Event and Showcase
As we work on finding employers for you to apply to for employment, check your resumes and update your Work In Texas Profile. We would like to give you material that is thought-provoking. The following is for you to think about and check if you are taking the right approach for yourself. We do not endorse the author of this site but like the message. Do not feel that you need to join this site because we are showing it to you. This is not our purpose. Our Job Events are coming soon, on...
Discussion 29: We Support Our Job Seekers!
As you know, we are constantly looking for ways to assist you in your efforts to find work. We would first like to remind you of the many services that Workforce Solutions could provide you with, including the following: Universal (core) Services for individuals seeking assistance in their job search, e.g., outreach, intake, and an eligibility determination for additional WIA-funded services. Intensive services for individuals deemed in need of additional assistance in order to become...

Discussion 28: Help us find employers!
We continue to attempt to help everyone find employment, so, remember there is a Food Service Job Fair Thursday, January 24th at the Waco Workforce Center from 9 to 12 noon. This job fair includes manager positions. Please plan to attend to explore all opportunities plus it is good practice. On February 13th, 2013, get ready for the "My Heart For A Job Fair," a full and open job fair, at the Red Men Museum next to the Waco Workforce Center. On the same day, there will be an Employer Showcase...