Here are some of the most popular interview questions. How would you answer them? What were your expectations for the job? What have you learned from your mistakes? What did you like or dislike about your previous job? What was the biggest accomplishment / failure in your last position? What is your greatest weakness? What is your greatest strength? How will your greatest strength help you perform? How would you describe yourself?
Job Club Heart of Texas
Job information brought to you as soon as we get it!
Discussion 15: Networking the New Way
With all the new social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter), connecting with people has become easier worldwide. You can chat with friends and relatives in other states or share your resume and career interests with companies across the globe. These social networks still seem, to some, an unlikely place to find employment. Many resources and companies, such as, provide people with a convenient way to stay updated with current open jobs and changes in the job market. So...
Discussion 14: Expand Your Horizons.
There is always a first step, but where that last step takes you is just as important. However, in today's topic, where you park your car may be a better term. In many of our classes, we have discussed expanding your job search circle. For example, take a map and place your finger at a spot where you would like to work. Second, take a pen or pencil and draw a circle around your finger as big or as small as you would be willing to travel outside of the area covered by your finger. This will...
Discussion 13: Smile, Say Cheese!
Good Morning Everyone, Today we would like to discuss how you present yourself in the Job Market through pictures. Your image is everything when it comes to getting a job, and professionalism is key. We must always be aware of the statement we make with our clothes, expressions, settings, etc. For instance, if you present yourself to an employer wearing a t-shirt and shorts, that may say to an employer that you are not looking for a professional position. In reality, you may have a degree in...

Discussion 12: UI Benefits and Other Announcements
Please be patient as the corresponding video will be up later today. Thank you! Hello, this is Sheena. Today we have three new things to discuss: the Extended Unemployment Benefits, our last job event and the new contractor for the Heart Of Texas Workforce Centers in this area. First, our major announcement is the management of the workforce center has change and the new contractor will be adding new services whichshould help you with your job search. Under discussion is more help...