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How To Create The Life You Desire, Now Introduction
Do you know why your life is the way it is now? Why have you not been able to experience the life that you desire for yourself? Do you know that your future is pre-determined by your thoughts in this moment. So, if you want to change your future, you must change...
Is Being Unemployed Driving You Just A Little Crazy Introduction
During these strange and unsure times of a worldwide pandemic (Covid -19) being laid off from our jobs has made us a little uncertain about our future, maybe even "just a little crazy." It's happening to all of us around the world. Let us help you find your way back...
SNAP and Medicaid – From The Texas Workforce Commission Website Due to COVID-19, all SNAP recipients will get the maximum amount for their household size for April and May. The April amount will be added by Wednesday, April 15. You can see the maximum...
Job Seekers – From The Texas Workforce Commission Website COVID-19 Stimulus Bill Update Important Note to COVID-19 Applicants: If you have already applied for unemployment benefits, DO NOT APPLY AGAIN. TWC will determine which pandemic unemployment benefits program...
Employers Tax Department – From The Texas Workforce Commission Website Due to COVID-19, the due date for the 1st Quarter 2020 tax reports and payments is extended to May 15, 2020. Due to the unprecedented amount of internet traffic on both our claimant and...
Effective March 1, 2020, children may accrue absences without impacting ongoing eligibility for services or provider reimbursements. TWC will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and make a future determination on when this absence policy will conclude....
Additional Resources Are Coming Soon
Watch this space for timely information and announcements.
Middle Rio Grande Presents Creating The Life You Desire, Now!
Financial Management (Spanish)
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Jack Of All Trades Personnel Services
Jack Of All Trades Personnel Services – a dedication to the growth and productivity of our clients and their people. It is very evident that a company is made by its people. Every business depends on its people for success. This makes hiring a crucial part of your...
Let Spherion Help You Find Your Dream Job
Your Dream Job is Out There ... Let Spherion Help You Find It! At Spherion®, we believe a job is more than just a means to pay the bills—it is a creative outlet for people to apply their skills and talents to something that’s bigger; something that is both challenging...
Jumpstart Revisited
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Financial Management
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Top 10 Jobs of 2014
By Yolanda L Salazar This article is based on an article by U.S. News of their 100 best jobs selected for 2014. Here I will be providing you with the top 10 Jobs of 2014. If you click on each of the job titles in this article, the link will take you to a full review...
The Graduate Program – Why Should I and How?
By Yolanda L Salazar That is the question on many grad students’ minds! The reasons to go to graduate school are many and varied. Some students want to ensure that they will have higher earning power and others want to enhance their education — two very good reasons....
College Loans Giving You the Blues?
By Melvin Collins, Jr. College loans certainly can be a pain in the side and in the pocketbook, if not handled properly! It’s the college loan that makes students (and parents) worry about their education plan. They have to be aware of how much money it is going to...
Are You Using the Right Job Search Tools?
By Yolanda Salazar For the past 50 or 60 years, resumes have been the thing to do in putting your name out there for a job. Resumes do serve their purpose; however, with today’s technology, there is so much more out there to take advantage of in order to announce to...
When Opportunity Knocks…
By Ayunne Collins When opportunity knocks, do you answer? Well, do you? Everyone is always told to never give up. Many people take that advice, but others may not always follow suit. At a certain age, you start to get hit with life quotes and I am throwing one at you....
Is Your Career Blooming?
By Silvia Seelig In searching for a job, many things need to be taken into consideration when selecting the companies that interest you. You should think about the type of job you want, the type of work environment that best suits you, and what a company has to offer...
If Not Resumes, Then What?
By Silvia Seelig Regular resumes have almost become obsolete. It is still a good idea to have one, but don’t stop there. We suggest that you always have an electronic resume at your convenience, but other than resumes, we will also discuss other job search tools...
Job Search: Ready! Set! Go!
By Ayunne Collins When preparing for a job search, what are the appropriate steps to take? What do you have to do to get ready? What items should you put together for purpose of ease? How should you conduct this job search? All these questions come to mind when you...
Getting An Employer’s Attention
By Yolanda L Salazar With the job market the way it is today, it is not only difficult to get a job, but it is becoming extremely difficult in just getting an interview. There could be many reasons why you are not getting an interview. Take a good look at your resume....
General Assessment
As you conduct your job search, besides considering the usual — dress for success, arriving timely, questions to ask, knowledge of company, knowing your interviewer’s name, etc., realize also that upon getting the interview, you may be asked to go through various...
March: A Time To Spring Into Action
By Silvia Seelig As the cold weather days dwindle into the ends of winter, look ahead to Spring — a time for regeneration, a time for cleaning out and throwing away the old and bringing in the new. As we look at ourselves, let us think how we can perform some...
WPMG Story
Since January 1989, Workforce Partners Management Group, LLC (WPMG) has provided publishing, employment, consulting and transition-related services to clients around the world. Its clients include the United States Government (GSA), Texas Workforce Commission, local...
Fun Jobs and Careers
By Yolanda L. Salazar Being a member of a Rapid Response Team for the State of Texas, the WPMG Team was witness to many, many people losing their employment through no fault of their own. These were certainly stressful times for these individuals. WPMG would come in...
Are You Being Watched At Work?
By Cmone Collins My name is Lily Donovan and I work for a large drug chain as a cashier. I’ve never had a real job before, where I actually had to clock in, wear a uniform, etc. The only work experience I’ve had is doing light work for my grandparents’ company, so I...
CJX Applicant Pool for Employers and Job Seekers
By Melvin Collins, Jr. The Applicant Pool is here and growing! An Applicant Pool is a source of qualified job seekers and it is here now. A major undertaking is now in progress to recruit applicants and review the resumes of those available job seekers in the New...
20 Random Acts of Kindness At Work
By Ayunne Collins Have you ever done a good deed and made someone’s day? If yes, that’s great! It will bring good feelings to you and eventually to your family because you pass your good feelings on to them. If you haven’t done a good deed, try making someone’s life...
New Year’s Greeting
January 1st isn’t just the celebration of a new year; it’s a time to renew yourself. I’m not just talking about your appearance, but your reputation and actions as well. Make reasonable goals that you want to reach and accomplish in the new year of 2014. Keep the...
The Program That Keeps on Giving
Life is full of challenges that can really test an individual. At times, unfortunately, devastating events occur that literally turn a person’s life upside down and they find themselves at a crossroad. It’s during these devastating times, whether it be an illness, a...
Discussion 73 – What Does Your Resume Say About You?
While teaching class this week, it came to our attention that many of our participants have good looking resumes; however, the resume does not fit the job they are seeking. If you have a varied work history and a number of careers that you are able to pursue, does...
Tell Me About Yourself
In January 2014, is bringing online a new service. This service is a personal web page featuring you. It will have your picture, resume, summary of qualifications and a one-minute video. This page will then be emailed to employers to show who you...
Proper Actions Can Lead To Success During Your Interview
I know you have probably heard it all with regard to interviews. Well, I am here to share just one more, or two maybe, items for you to ponder as you prepare for your interview. First, we always have to think about our form of dress and appearance. Your appearance is...
How Does An Online Job Fair Work?
An online Job Fair is designed to assist employers and job applicants in locating the best match for both parties. This is all done strictly online. The purpose of the site is to connect employers and the best and most talented employees available. Employers will post...
Do You Have a Gift?
Do you ever sit and wonder, “What am I good at?” “What do I have to offer?” or “How can I help others?” All of us, at some point, question ourselves about what makes us important … what makes us special … and the answers lie within ourselves. What is a gift, you may...