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Discussion 54 Alamo: Questions to ask yourself
Monster has listed some questions that everyone should ask themselves before accepting any new job. Do you agree or disagree with this list below. What would you add? By: Chrissy Scivicque @ Monster College Is this a long-term career move? If not, what does this...
Discussion 54: Questions to ask yourself
Sample Page – Monster has listed some questions that everyone should ask themselves before accepting any new job. Do you agree or disagree with this list below. What would you add? By: Chrissy Scivicque @ Monster College Is this a long-term career move? If...
ASSESSMENTS AND THE WORKPLACE Over the past several months, we have had a chance to work with individuals taking assessments in getting ready to take a job. What are assessments and how do they affect you getting a job? Several companies,...
Discussion 52: What is the difference between a career and a job?
What is the difference between a career and a job? Quoted from article by Trent on The Simple Dollar Web Site • A job is something you do simply to earn money; a career is a series of connected employment opportunities. • A job has minimal impact on your future work...
Discussion 51: Being Pleasant and Letting Go
A smile is just a small part of being pleasant. Greeting people when you walk into a room, or opening doors for people regardless of gender are just some of the many ways to be pleasant. Saying a polite thank you when someone passes you a sheet of paper. Having...
Employers Need More Than A Resume!
By C’Mone Collins In the past, if you used a typical paper resume, you were seen as professional, but now, everyone has one. So what could you use to make yourself stand out from the crowd? What can you do to show off your great personality? What tool can you use to...
Discussion 50: Employers need more than resumes
If you are interested in being prescreened for jobs hiring in and around the Waco area email us NOW at and make you appointment for July 19th between 10AM and 2PM at The Hampton Inn and Suites on Marketplace Dr.
By Sheena Williams In an earlier issue, we discussed ensuring that your soft skills were on point when you start applying for jobs. For those of you who are not sure what a soft skill is, a soft skill is a skill that you have that isn’t technically something you can...
By Sheena Williams Losing a job is something we’ve all had to face at one time or another. Whether you’ve been working for 30 years, 3 years, or 3 months, we have all found ourselves without work. The worst thing that you can do is give in to depression and/or panic...
On GPAs and Brainteasers: New Insights From Google On Recruiting and Hiring
LinkedIn Today <> On GPAs and Brainteasers: New Insights From Google On Recruiting and Hiring June 20, 2013 “We found that brainteasers are a complete waste of time. How many golf balls can you fit into an airplane? How many gas stations in...
Behavioral Questions
A Commentary by C’Mone Collins So in the previous article entitled “GPA’S and Brainteasers: New Insights From Google On Recruiting and Hiring,” we found out that Google’s senior vice president believed that brainteasers were “a complete waste of time” and that GPAs...
June Magazine 2013
Discussion 49: New Mission for Job Club
Hello, We hope your week has been awesome and finds you well. Today we are announcing a change in how Job Club is conducted. We are going to be enhancing the content of our weekly discussions! The open discussions will continue as always, and we will still be sending...
Discussion 48: What do you look for in a job?
There are times you look at the job you're doing, or the work you're looking for and you have doubts. You have doubts about whether or not it's worth it. For those of you looking for work you need to stop and ask your self one question. "Is the job I'm looking for or...
Discussion 47: RoundUp
We cannot stress enough the benefits to you surrounding the upcoming Applicant Roundup Events. Every third Friday until September, we will be accepting your professional photo, accepting your resume and assisting in filming your very own video resume. To prepare ahead...
Discussion 46 Alamo: What Am I Missing (Revisited)
*Due to discussion 46 not going up as scheduled we are keeping it up another week to give everyone the chance to read it* WHAT AM I MISSING? To succeed, one must be thorough in their goals. Being thorough is the highlight of our upcoming Applicant RoundUp...
Discussion 46: What Am I Missing (Revisitied)
*Due to the post not going up as scheduled we are keeping the same post up this week to give everyone a chance to read it.* WHAT AM I MISSING? To succeed, one must be thorough in their goals. Being thorough is the highlight of our upcoming Applicant RoundUp...
May Magazine 2013
2013 Resumes: Tips You Need To Know To Maximize Yours!
POSTED ON JAN 7, 2013 IN HIRING HUB | 1 COMMENT Courtesy of Happy 2013! At the beginning of this new year, I compiled some of the most frequently asked resume writing and building tips. The goal here is to help you on the road toward developing an...
20 Resume Trends for 2013
by: lhgould Resumes in 2013 should be worded short, concise and to the point. Let’s take a few minutes to review new emerging trends for the resume for this upcoming year 2013. The resume still remains the essential tool for your job search but the ever changing...
2013 Resume Writing Trends
By Contributing Writer A new year has begun and that means new job hunting trends. While the resume has also played an important role, there are also new trends to which we must pay attention. The most important thing to remember in writing your resume is that 2013...
Job Hunting Etiquette
By Sheena Williams When you are out looking for a job, there are some things that go unspoken when you’re on the hunt, which is really too bad because they are things that are really basic, but they make a large impact on how you are perceived by future employers....
Body Language
Body Language By Sheena Williams Reading people is an art that has been around for ages. Watching the way others move can tell you a lot about what they are thinking and what they are trying to say. If you watch your employer when he/she speaks to staff, you can look...
5 Interview Questions You Should Always Prepare to Answer
By ALISON GREEN March 6, 2013 RSS Feed Print While you can never predict with certainty exactly what questions you'll be asked in a job interview, some questions get asked so frequently that you'd be foolish not to prepare answers for them in advance. Here...
Discussion 46 Alamo: What Am I Missing?
WHAT AM I MISSING? To succeed, one must be thorough in their goals. Being thorough is the highlight of our upcoming Applicant RoundUp Events. These events have been scheduled for the third Friday of June, July, and August. Everyone and anyone can participate. This...
Discussion 46:What Am I Missing?
WHAT AM I MISSING? To succeed, one must be thorough in their goals. Being thorough is the highlight of our upcoming Applicant RoundUp Events. These events have been scheduled for the third Friday of June, July, and August. Everyone and anyone can participate. This...
Discussion 45 Alamo: New Event
We have started the preparations for a new type of event, an Applicant RoundUp. This will be a great step for any subscriber to take to ensure a complete professional profile. We need you all to prepare as well. Continue to keep an eye out for notification of the date...
Discussion 45: New Event
We have started the preparations for a new type of event, an Applicant RoundUp. This will be a great step for any subscriber to take to ensure a complete professional profile. We need you all to prepare as well. Continue to keep an eye out for notification of the date...
Discussion 44 Alamo: What Is Your Work Ethic?
work′ eth`ic n. a belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character. Work ethic? Do you have it? You should always take pride in whatever type of work you do. Your work should reflect what you expect to get back from...
Discussion 44: What Is Your Work Ethic?
work′ eth`ic n. a belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character. Work ethic? Do you have it? You should always take pride in whatever type of work you do. Your work should reflect what you expect to get back from...
Discussion 43: Changes for You!
Our role at the Heart of Texas Workforce Center has changed. You will still be able to receive services at the Workforce Center from the Center Staff. Now, for the service that CampusJobXpress provides you. Our services will continue as usual and in fact, our services...
Discussion 43 Alamo: Changes For You!
Our role at the Heart of Texas Workforce Center has changed. You will still be able to receive services at the Workforce Center from the Center Staff. Now, for the service that CampusJobXpress provides you. Our services will continue as usual and in fact, our services...
The Job of An Organizational Professional
By Ann Kemmy My name is Ann Kemmy and I am an Organizational Development and Training Professional with twenty years of experience. Organizational Development has been around for many years and is often housed in Human Resources. While both deal with people...
Workplace Survival
By Sheena Williams There are times when you need a doo-hickey, a whatchamacallit or a thingamabob. There are times when you are searching for something, and it makes your day even better when you find it. Sometimes there's a mishap and you need to get it...
Workplace Don’ts
By Sheena Williams There are days when you're working or about to start a job, when you might find yourself falling into the pitfalls of work don'ts. It's easy to do, you get comfortable in your position, and you feel that you have some leeway. Though this may be true...
Top 10 Companies Hiring This Week
Top 10 Companies Hiring This Week By Jake Thiewes Updated Apr 22nd 2013 @ 8:58AM Filed under: Companies Now Hiring, Top 10 Lists A job search can get quite frustrating these days, with so many people competing for too few openings. To ease the burden, AOL Jobs...