by cjxpadmin | Oct 3, 2013 | This Issue's FEATURE
By Melvin Collins, Jr.
Getting the attention of an employer is one of the greatest tasks a job seeker has to conquer. No matter how good the resume, a web page doubles your value as a qualified applicant. If a job seeker has not captured the attention of a prospective employer demonstrating their personality, positive being, enthusiasm for the position and a general knowledge of what is expected, you’ve wasted your time and theirs. With all of this, it becomes a plain application for employment.
Showcasing your talent on a resume can be very difficult as you have to show various skills and talents on a one- or two-page document. How does the employer know that you have a great attitude? How does the employer know that you possess the drive needed to accomplish the needed goals of his position? How does the employer know that you can communicate your thoughts and knowledge?
The competition for most good jobs is fierce, to say the least! You are competing against an untold number of individuals with various levels of skills and abilities. You may be the best person for the job, but they may be the better writer. Therefore, a resume has afforded them the opportunity to interview and compete for a job with a resume they probably didn’t even write. They hired someone.
How do you effectively compete? We are now suggesting that individuals who are very serious about their career may need to consider an employment video web page. The video web page contains a resume, a bio or summary of qualifications as well as a photo. However, one added feature to this page makes this tool uniquely yours and no one else’s. It would be your
one-minute or less video featuring YOU! With your video, it is you… and only you. It is your smile, your voice, your words and your feelings. This cannot be faked.
With the employment video web page, an employer gets to see you and considers the real you, not just a piece of paper. Your presence on the screen will convey your sense of commitment, desire for the job and works as a face-to-face interview, under your control. You tell the employer what you have to offer and what you are looking for in a position or company.
CampusJobXpress presents a special way for applicants to demonstrate their skills, education and abilities. With this web page, an individual shows what they have to offer. Employers will be able to review:
- A snapshot of their summary of qualifications
- A full resume
- A photo
- A video presentation of the applicant telling their own story
After reviewing this web page, an employer can determine their next move. They are impressed with what they see and hear. They have a resume and a good feeling. This trumps a two-page resume any time. You now have the option to send an employer a link to your page which should put you in a better position for consideration for any position you seek. Save time and money by using this most efficient tool! △
by cjxpadmin | Oct 2, 2013 | December 2013 Magazine
By Sheena Williams
Anger is a completely natural human emotion. However, it can quickly become destructive and get out of hand, if you are not careful. It can lead to loss of friends, relationships, and even your job. It taps into the more aggressive parts of your reactions, and it needs to be watched so that you don’t lose control. How often have you gotten angry with someone, then, later regretted saying the things that you said? Maybe you did something that you wish you hadn’t done in a moment of anger, and then, wish to take it back. Well, you can’t always take it back, and the best cure for the problem is prevention. Here are some things that you can do.
Express Your Angry Rationally
Anger is, at its core, an aggressive reaction to something that is wrong. Holding it in is not healthy, but neither is
flying off the handle. Not all situations require doing harm or saying something hurtful. If you find that something is really bothering you about that person, meaning bothering you because of something that is affecting you directly, then, you should say something calmly. After you have said your peace, you need to let it go, or take the next step and go to a higher up. It is not your responsibility to crusade against Mandy for using up the paper clips and not putting new ones out. They may not even know it’s an issue. Just make sure that it is something that is your business. You being irritated because Jessica is wearing a red dress (and you hate the color red) is not a problem with her. It’s a problem with you.
I know it’s easier said then done, but sometimes taking a deep breath and counting to ten is the order of the day. Some people really don’t know that they are irritating. Silently repeat words and phrases such as: relax, calm down, or take it easy. Picture a relaxing place and just stay there for a minute. Breathe in deeply and release the anger when you exhale. Sitting down and taking a minute is another way to release the anger. It may sound like a lot of work, but when you weigh the time it takes to calm yourself down against saying or doing something you will regret forever, it isn’t much of a contest.
Most of the time, the object of your anger doesn’t know that you are angry. You may think that the person you’re angry at is cognitively aware of every thought or feeling you have and they just simply are not. They are no more
aware of why you are angry than you are aware of the amount of people you’re making angry. You just never know. So when you see Mandy not replenishing the paper clips, just mention that the paper clips are in the drawer to the left. When she is using the last clip, she may think that the cleaning people re-fill the paper clips and not the office staff themselves.
Getting Over Yourself
Learn to recognize when you should be angry. Just because the day is not going your way or you’re not immediately getting what you want, that is not an excuse to let every curse word you know fly
out of your mouth. Recognize that there are other things going on around you. The world does not revolve around your day, and that sometimes the dog that has its day is not you. You will have your day, and it will be made even better because you’ve had time to get ready for it. People change, rules change, and plans change. It’s best to make peace with that and start working around it now.
Find A Solution
A lot of time anger comes from frustration. Stress is a silent killer that knows no age, race, creed or religion. It affects all of us differently, and the only known cure for distressing is to get rid of it. If you have a problem at work with getting something out timely, find out why. Once you can identify your stressors, then, you can begin working on it. Admitting that there is a problem is the first step to recovery.
Doing Something Constructive
If you find that when you get angry, the first thing you want to do is to swing at someone or shout at someone, then, it’s time to change your modus operandi of how you express your anger. Putting your hands on someone
without provocation is not acceptable at any time. Take a yoga class, or Tai Chi or just get some exercise. Instead of cussing, find more eloquent ways of expressing what it is you want to say. Try not to use words like forever or always. Nothing is forever, and nothing happens always or even all the time. Also avoid being passive-aggressive. You know who you are, being rude while smiling is still being rude!
Hopefully this article finds you well and happy. If you know someone who has severe anger issues, then, by all means, seek professional help. It could be a response to a deeper issue that meditation cannot fix. As always be safe and be happy! △
by cjxpadmin | Oct 2, 2013 | This Issue's FEATURE
By Sheena Williams
When you hear about violence in the news, it’s usually out in the streets or some far away country in an area that has nothing to do with you directly. Even if it’s closer to home, it’s always some other person who was abused by their spouse or someone else’s child getting picked on at school. No one ever thinks that it can happen to you, but it can. It can happen in some of the least likely places like your place of employment.
Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at your place of business. It can be anything from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide. It can involve employees, clients, customers and visitors. Most people are not expecting it, and so, are unprepared for when it happens. Thousands of incidents of workplace violence take place every year and those are just the ones reported. There will never be a true count of how much goes on because so many cases go unreported every year. Here are some ways to reduce the risk of workplace violence for yourself and others.
Zero Tolerance of Workplace Violence
If you take the issue seriously from the start, then, there are less likely to be occurrences of it happening in the first place. See what your job’s policies are on violence in the workplace and see how they are treated and/or enforced. These policies should not only cover those who work there, but those who come inside as customers, clients, vendors, or just persons off the street. If you see that your job does not have a workforce violence program, see about starting one.
Be Aware of Your Surroundings
One of the dangers of being in your workplace when violence happens is that you are prepared for it. No one thinks that when they walk into their cubicle, workstation, or company bathroom that something is going to happen to them. Don’t walk around being paranoid, but always take stock of where you are. Note who is around you and what people are doing close to you. The easiest way to do this without causing a fuss is to say hello to people as you go by. It lets everyone know that you’re acknowledging them and that you see him or her without making a big deal about it.
Don’t Feed Into the Drama
Sometimes, a simple argument between employees can spiral out of control. Some might laugh at an argument starting over an individual running out of something innocent like post its, but when you work in a high stress environment, things can escalate very quickly. You don’t really know what is going to set someone off. Learn to know when a situation is going to get out of hand, and then, either avoid it or try to diffuse it. If you see two co-workers arguing, don’t jump into it. If you see someone getting hurt, if at all possible, call security prior to stepping in.
If you notice something of real concern, you should always alert your supervisor. Please make note of real concern. Your supervisor is going to become agitated if you report on Cindy having a nail file at the office, and everyone knows she does her nails at her desk on Thursdays while on the phone. If you see someone exhibiting seriously bad behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable, then, by all means, let your supervisor know that something is going on. You know when a situation is not right. It’s best to do it in writing, if at all possible, because you will have a date and time the issue was addressed.
Make sure that your workplace has information available and posted for those coming in and out of the workplace. OSHA creates many pamphlets, brochures, and handouts that your office can secure at no cost regarding Occupational Safety and Health. They also offer different stress handling classes or safety awareness seminars throughout the year. If you ever have any questions regarding these policies, see the following information:
For a free copy of OSHA publications, send a self-addressed mailing label to this address:
OSHA Publications Office
P.O. Box 37535
Washington, DC 20013-7535
Or, send a request to fax number (202) 693-2498, or call (202) 693-1888.
To file a complaint by telephone, report an emergency, or get OSHA advice, assistance or products, contact your nearest OSHA office under the “U.S. Department of Labor” listing in your phone book, or call toll-free at:
(800) 321-OSHA (6742)
Tele-Typewriter (TTY) Number (877) 889-5627
To file a complaint online or obtain more information on OSHA federal and state programs, visit OSHA’s website.
In the end nothing can guarantee that you will not be a victim of Workforce violence, but hopefully these steps have given you ways to minimize the threat to yourselves and those around you. △
by cjxpadmin | Sep 30, 2013 | september2013

by cjxpadmin | Sep 30, 2013 | september2013, This Issue's FEATURE
Excerpt From Making Healthy Choices Workbook
The Making Healthy Choices Class is a wonderful and amazing personal development adventure. The wisdom students have gained here is not available in too many places. These classes are not usually taught in schools. Education and coaching of this type can be very expensive in the corporate world. This class can and has changed students’ lives. Since its inception, this class has proven an 80% participation rate.
The Making Healthy Choices Program is the beginning of a wonderful new opportunity. Whatever the background or the circumstances of the student, they definitely have found that this program gives them more power and freedom in creating the life they want to have for themselves and their families. Their future is wide open; all kinds of possibilities are ahead for them. The greatest thing a student can do for themselves is to learn everything they can about winning in life. That’s what this course teaches, how to win at life. A student has everything they need, they are smart enough, they have the energy, they have the time, and they already know a lot. This is when we take them to the next level.
The Goals of the Making Healthy Choices Program
The top ten goals that this program has offered an individual:
- Personal Power – Individuals have improved in their ability to make their life happen, to get things done, to take control of their situation and in creating the lives they want.
- Freedom – Individuals have the chance to free themselves of past burdens and constraints, free to be themselves, and free to choose the life they want for themselves and their families.
- Expressing Themselves – Individuals have vastly improved in their ability to speak up for themselves, to be heard, and to use their words to make good things happen.
- Earning a Living – Individuals have learned skills to improve their abilities to find a job, keep a job, and to succeed in their chosen field of work.
- Getting Along With People – Participants have improved their relationship skills with the people in their lives who matter, their family, friends and co-workers.
- Health and Well-Being – Participants have learned to take better care of themselves and their families so that they can be healthier, feel better and have more energy.
- Managing Stress – Participants have learned to better manage hard times, upsets, set backs, fears and frustrations with more grace, ease, and understanding.
- Confidence and Self-Esteem – Participants have upgraded and improved their sense of who they are, appreciation of their strengths and their ideas of what is possible for them in their lives.
- Happiness and Satisfaction in Their Lives – Participants have become happier people, more satisfied, more optimistic, enjoying their lives more as they take on the challenges of the future.
- Loving Their Lives – Individuals have the opportunity to turn the moments that are their life into ones that they love, with an appreciation and enjoyment of playing the game.
There are many other places an individual might be and many other things they could be doing other than being in this program. Many people take part in a program such as this because they are required or “forced” to participate. This is a tough way to begin this program. No one likes to be forced to take a class. Some of these individuals may have taken similar classes in the past and might feel that they do not need another one. Whether they are in the Making Healthy Choices Class by choice or are required to attend, they still can choose to get everything they can from the program.
Recommendations For Getting The Most From the Making Healthy Choices Program
Of all the many ways a person can do this program, we have found the best way to get the most out of the program and for participants to have the best time is for them to choose for themselves to be in the class for them and for their future. Where a person comes from will be the most important factor in how much they get from this program. They can come from, “I don’t want to” or “ I already know all this” and they may receive very little compared to the person sitting next to them. The best place to come from is being hungry for the information, ideas, and coaching available here. Other great places to come from include being determined to get everything they can from every class, being appreciative of the value of the instructors and the workbook, and committed to putting the course to good use in their lives.
Recommended Guidelines for Students Participating in the Program
- Attend every session from start to finish.
- Be on time for the start of every session as well as back from breaks and lunch. Treat the classes as if they are on a job.
- Participate fully in the discussions and sharing that the program raises.
- Do not engage in side conversations or other behaviors that either distract them or others from getting the program.
- Do all assigned readings, exercises, and homework as completely and fully as they can.
- Respect the privacy and feelings of every other person in the group, no gossiping or disrespecting any person in the program. They need to make this a safe space for all that are in the class.
- Create as much value as they can for themselves from every session. Use what they learn.
- Have fun. This program is meant to be educational and enjoyable, it’s up to the individual.
All participants of the Making Healthy Choices Program are asked to create a one-minute video resume of themselves for the purpose of posting on the CampusJobXpress website for employers to view. This one-minute video allows for the participant to speak on their own behalf. They talk a little about themselves and a lot about what they can do and what qualifications and experience they have behind them. The video resume is a small part of this class, however, the students feel that it is a major accomplishment for them.
This video is posted on their personal web page on Employers can be directed to view their video resume when they apply for jobs or when they are in an interview with a company. Employers are provided with a special sign-in code for them to access the applicant’s resume, summary of qualifications as well as the video resume. This has proven to be a beneficial tool for the employer. It allows the employer a chance to not only view an applicant’s resume in print, but also, to view the actual applicant speaking to them about their background and qualifications. The employer is able to see the personality of the person he is trying to hire, before he hires them. It also saves the employer time and money. It allows the applicant to make themselves more visible to more employers. Everyone wins! △