November Magazine 2012

Give The Employer What They Want
The number one goal of a resume is to get you invited for an interview. In order to make this happen, your resume needs to make you look like a great fit for the job being offered. A resume is more than a report card or simply a description of what you’ve done. Think of your resume more as a marketing piece where you are selling yourself as a valuable asset to the company posting the job. Before you write one word, this approach will have you asking yourself, “What is it that an employer is looking for in an ideal candidate for this position?” Where you will find the answer to this question will be in the qualifications posted for the job in which you are interested. So, the first step in preparing to write your resume is to carefully consider what you want to say. The most important thing to make sure you say is how you fit the qualifications for the job for which you are applying. The following ideas will help you begin to put your thoughts together.
Matching the Qualifications for a Job
Most job postings will list some qualifications for the job that’s being offered. Usually that will include some amount of experience in that type of work. Many jobs require that you have done the same or similar work elsewhere and that you already know the job, the tools, the technology, and the information necessary to get the job done right away and with little or no training. Some companies only require someone who knows something about the work, has related or transferable skills, some useful knowledge and has shown a good aptitude for learning plus a strong work history. All of this guides you in preparing your resume to make sure that you communicate how your experience has prepared and qualifies you to do the job for which you are applying.
The other qualification often mentioned in job postings is an educational background in the work or field. That may mean that you have graduated high school or possess a college degree. An educational background may also mean that you have some relevant vocational or “on-the-job” training. You may have taken classes or training in the field for which you are applying. Think of the classes, courses, workshops,
books, training, and lessons you have taken worth mentioning to impress the perspective employer with what you know. It will be especially important to mention any certificates you have earned, any licenses, or any specific tools or technologies that you have trained on that has prepared you or qualifies you to do the job.
Key Words
While preparing to write your resume, list the words that are used in describing the qualifications listed for the job you want. Use those very words as best as you can in describing your own experience. These will likely be the “key words” that the initial screener will look for in determining which resumes get a closer look. The better your resume can match your experience, your education, and your other qualifying factors with the key words that are listed as job qualifications, the more closely your resume will be considered.
The Other Important Qualifications
There are other qualifying factors that may or may not be included in a job posting. There are several qualities that any employer is looking for in a good candidate. Qualities such as reliability, a proven work history, the ability to work with others, and your overall character are important to demonstrate on your resume. Even if these are not listed as a job requirement, you want to make sure your resume says there is a lot about you qualifying you as a potential employee. A strong showing of these other qualifying factors will make you appear as an excellent applicant.
Proven Success At Work
An employer wants to know that you are a great employee and that you have had success on your past jobs. Success will look like accomplishments and recognition you have achieved along the way. Accomplishments may include promotions you’ve received, levels of responsibilities you have been given, special projects or performance goals for which you’ve been recognized. You will want to make sure you mention these accomplishments in ways that anyone reading your resume would be impressed. You may also want to mention any “outstanding” or “excellent” evaluations you may have received while on a job. You want to communicate that in the past, your work has been so good that others recognized you. This would qualify you as the kind of person that any company would want to consider hiring.
Adaptability And The Willingness To Get Along With Others
Most jobs will require you to work as part of a team or at least with other people. Most jobs also require that each employee is willing to do what’s asked of them and that you are adaptable and flexible. This may include the kind of work you may be asked to do as well as the hours you may be asked to work. They may want you to be willing to learn or be trained in new areas. They may want you to be able to travel or even to relocate. You want to use your resume to make it clear what you are willing and able to do in terms of getting along with all kinds of people as well as your willingness to do what the company wants from an employee they will want to hire.
A Great Character
Job postings will generally not ask that a candidate be a great person and have a strong character, but you can assume that any employer wants employees who are dependable. You may know that you are a good employee and that you’re honest and can be trusted, but the future employer won’t know unless you tell them. Employers want to know that you will show up and that your attendance and punctuality have been shown to be outstanding. They want to know that you are mature in your approach to work, that you have a strong work ethic. This means that you value your work, you respect the company, and that you are reliable, dependable and responsible when it comes to work. Be sure, in writing your resume, that you impress upon the future employer that you bring a strong character to your job. Think of the four or five things that describe your strengths of character that you bring to a job. This is what you want the employer to know about you; make sure they are mentioned in your resume.
Your Intentions
Employers want to know that you will stay on the job and that you and the job are a good fit for each other. They want to be sure that the time and cost of training and developing you will be a good investment. It will be wise to mention both in your resume and your cover letter how this position fits for you, your background and interest in this kind of work and that your plans are to have, hold on to and succeed on this job.
Providing a resume that gives the employer an impression that you are right for the job will generally require you to customize every resume you submit. Resume writing is an ongoing process. Rather than having one resume to hand around to all employers you are interested in working for, think of preparing a customized resume for each and every job to which you apply. Always keep a copy of every resume you craft. You will get better with every attempt and you will have a lot of parts to piece together for every opportunity you pursue. Good luck and make yourself look like you were made for that job! Δ
The City of Waco is one of the top ten employers in the Waco, Texas area. If you secure employment with this employer, you are one of the fortunate ones. Earlier this year, we published an article entitled “Do You Want To Work For the City of Waco?” In this article, we discussed how to fill out an application, the conditions of employment and how to apply for City jobs.
This article consists of everything you want to know once you get employed with the City of Waco. Read on.
Full-Time Employment Benefits:
Standard Benefits
Employee Assistance Program: This benefit is provided by the City of Waco at no cost to employees. Up to six counseling sessions are available (per employee and each dependent) per issue. Horizon Health EAP Services provides this benefit.
The EAP provides additional services beyond short-term counseling including crisis intervention, on-line resources, and preparation of a simple will to name a few. The City wants to ensure employees remain healthy and productive in the workplace while maintaining a balance between work and home life.
Advantages of using the EAP: The service costs the employee nothing; it is high quality and professional, easy to access, confidential, available for employees and their families, and offers practical solutions for employees’ unique issues.
Bilingual Pay
The Bilingual Pay Program compensates employees whose position may require the use of Spanish bilingual skills. Each department is allotted a maximum number of positions that are eligible to receive bilingual pay.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is effective the first day of employment for employees and dependents who enroll. The City’s health plan year runs October 1st through September 30th. Employees may elect not to enroll in the City’s health plan. The City offers one health and prescription insurance plan, administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (BCBS) and prescription services provided through Prime Therapeutics. Locally, employees have access to Hillcrest and Providence Hospitals located in Waco and Scott & White Hospital located in Temple.
The City observes nine paid holidays each year for full-time employees. Holidays which fall on a Saturday will be observed on the preceding Friday; holidays which fall on a Sunday will be observed on the following Monday. Employees scheduled to work on a holiday may be given another day off or may be paid for the holiday.
Leave for Jury Duty
Employees required to report for jury duty will receive their regular pay during the time they serve, on a regularly scheduled workday. The employee must present proper documentation to his immediate supervisor upon receipt of the notification to report for jury duty.
Life Insurance & Accidental Death Insurance
The City provides Basic Term Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment insurance at no cost to the employee, which becomes effective on the first day of employment. An employee is automatically enrolled for an amount equal to one times his base annual earnings to a maximum of $50,000. An employee may purchase supplemental life insurance and life insurance for his family. Life insurance and accidental death insurance are offered through Prudential Insurance Company of America.
Longevity Pay
Employees must have 5 full years of continuous service as a full-time regular employee as of November 1st each year to be eligible for longevity pay. Longevity pay is paid each December at $4 per month for each year of service with a maximum of 25 years. Civil Service employees receive longevity pay at a rate of $4 per month after one year of service up to a maximum of 25 years, which is paid bi-weekly.
Long-Term Disability
This program may pay an employee up to 50% of his/her salary after being disabled by an injury or illness. The coverage begins on the 181st day after an injury or illness and may continue to age 70. The benefits of this plan may be coordinated with other income the employee may be receiving. An employee is automatically enrolled at no cost to the employee. This benefit is provided through Prudential Insurance Company of America.
Military Leave
Employees who are members of a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces or National Guard are entitled to military leave with pay for 15 days per year. For longer periods of military duty, the City adheres to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Guidelines.
Employees are paid every two weeks for a total of 26 paydays per year.
Post Retirement Benefits
Life insurance in the amount of $2,500 is provided at no cost to each qualified retiree. An optional $5,000 in life insurance is available at the retiree’s expense. Retired employees may keep medical coverage as long as they continue to pay the health premium; however, the decision to continue medical coverage must be made upon retirement.
Retirement Plan
Employees scheduled to work a minimum of 1000 hours per calendar year are members of the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS). An employee contributes 7% of his/her gross pay, and the City contributes 14% of the employee’s gross pay to the employee’s fund. Qualified employees may retire at age 60 with at least five years of service credit with TMRS or have 20 years of service credit with TMRS, regardless of age.
School Conference Policy
Employees with school-aged children may be granted one and one-half hour with pay per child per semester for school conferences, provided supervisory approval has been granted.
Sick Leave
Employees accrue sick leave with pay at a rate of one workday for each month employed. Sick leave may be accumulated without limit and carried forward from year to year. An employee who separates from the City after five years of continuous service is paid for accumulated sick leave, not to exceed 90 days.
Civil Service Employees are allowed sick leave with pay, accumulated at the rate of 1.25 full working days for each month employed in a calendar year, so as to total fifteen working days to an employee’s credit each twelve months.
Social Security
The City participates in Social Security.
Employees earn vacation leave at a rate of 13 workdays per year. After five years of consecutive employment, full-time employees earn 18 vacation days per year. After 20 years of consecutive employment, full-time employees earn 20 vacation days per year.
Civil Service Employees are entitled to earn a minimum of fifteen working days vacation leave with pay each year. A maximum of 20 days can be carried over to the next calendar year for all employees. An employee who separates from employment with the City is allowed a maximum of 20 accrued vacation days to be paid out.
Worker’s Compensation
The City provides Workers’ Compensation insurance or equivalent benefits to employees for job-related injuries and occupational illnesses.
Optional Benefits
Deferred Compensation Plans
Participation in Deferred Compensation is available for employees who want to save additional money for retirement and not pay taxes on the money until it is withdrawn at retirement. The City offers three deferred compensation plans: Metlife, ICMA, and Nationwide.
Dental Plans
The City offers voluntary dental plans. Quality Care Dental (QCD) of America provides a dental/vision discount plan that employees may choose to enroll in at no cost to the employee; employees may choose dependent coverage at the employee’s cost. Cigna Dental provides indemnity dental insurance that employees may choose to enroll in at the employee’s cost.
Cafeteria Plans
The Section 125 Cafeteria Plan allows employees to use pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible expenses, which allows employees to reduce income taxes and increase take-home pay. The plan includes: health, vision, and dental premium sheltering, healthcare flexible spending account, and dependent care flexible spending account. PayFlex Systems USA, Inc. administers the City’s flexible spending accounts.
Savings Bonds
Employees may elect to have payroll deductions to purchase savings bonds.
Short-Term Disability
Employees may choose to enroll in this benefit at the employee’s expense. This benefit begins on the 15th day following a non-occupational accidental injury or non-occupational sickness, and it pays up to 70% of an employee’s weekly earnings, up to a maximum of $350, less deductible sources of income. The minimum weekly benefit is $25. The maximum period of payments is 26 weeks. This benefit is provided through Prudential Insurance Company of America.
The City offers a voluntary vision plan through Superior Vision. Employees may choose to enroll in this plan at the employee’s cost.
Waco Federal Credit Union
City of Waco employees can join the Waco Federal Credit Union.
I hope this helps out in understanding the full benefits offered by the City of Waco. Please check out the City’s website, www.waco-texas.com, for any further questions or information. Δ
There are times in our lives where we have made some bad choices, or some bad choices were made around us, and we find ourselves unable to find work due to the fact that we have a rap sheet. It can be difficult to find employment because the hiring process is all about trust. The employer trusts that you will do your job competently. The employer trusts that when they leave you alone, their profit- making materials will be safe with you. When you have a rap sheet, it’s like a red flag to them which could be a deciding factor in whether they hire you or not. Your job, while doing your job to find a job, is to let employers know that they can trust you.
Find Out Exactly What Your Record Is Showing. Do yourself a favor and see what the employer would see on your background check sheet. Don’t let there be any surprises for your or the employer. You may be revealing to the person interviewing you some things that were never even on your background check. You may be allowing guilt or anger to paint a picture of you that no one is trying to see. By being upfront, it definitely shows that you can be trusted. It is all about the conversation you have with the employer.
Support Group. There are going to be some really low days while you are looking for work. There are going to be times when you feel as if no one is listening to you, that no one believes you, and that you just can’t move any further. That is a wrong perception to have when you are looking for a job. There are support groups all over the place to help you talk out all your frustrations. Talk to your family or seek counseling. Just stay away from negative influences and hold on to your positive thoughts. Things will get better and you will find an employer who is willing to take a chance on you.
Probation Officer Assistance. Inform your probation officer about any trouble you may be having with your job search endeavors. They may be able to direct you to your local workforce center or they may know of some employers who are less likely to have any bias regarding workers with records. They may also be aware of programs that could help you get back on your feet.
How To Tell Your Story. There are certain ways to tell your story when it comes to explaining your background. Keep your story short and simple. Do not elaborate. State your facts clear and concise. As you will see from the chart on the following page, use one minute to tell your story – one minute! Use the first 30 seconds to talk about your work history, education, etc. Take the next 15 seconds to tell about your negative factors and then use the last 15 seconds to close our your introduction.
If you have the capability to print the following page, please print it and fill it out. Practice your statements so that you provide only information that is needed. Time yourself so that you stay within the allowed timeframes. Prepare a strong closing statement by providing the interviewer with what you can do for them and as the chart says, be very specific and positive.
Start Off Small. Perhaps, prior to your troubles, you were in a position where you were in charge or handled the day-to-day operations of a company or organization or perhaps an office. However, your background makes it difficult to find a job that is willing to allow you the same job responsibilities that you previously held. There is nothing wrong with taking an entry level position to work your way back up. Once again, the hiring process is all about trust. When you can prove to your employers that they can trust you, you are a step ahead of the process. Plus taking a less responsible position could buy you time to look for the job that you truly want, or perhaps allows you time to think about starting up your own business.
Don’t Give Up. There are going to be days when you just want to throw in the towel and do something rash. Don’t do it! You may be facing times when you are so frustrated that you could end up making the wrong choices. Stop that! There is nothing wrong with feeling how you feel, but always take a deep breath and know that things will get better. You have your freedom and you are now working on getting yourself back on track to a new and better life. Relax, know that you will find what you are looking for eventually. You just have to stay positive and keep moving ahead! Δ
In my Human Resources (HR) profession, I review anywhere from 80 – 1,500 employment applications on a weekly basis. Most applications are accompanied by additional precious employment documents, i.e. resumes, cover letter, vitas. It is when I actually have the opportunity to speak to interested candidates where an applicant’s “Blind Opponent” reveals itself in one of our mini visitations; thereby, making our meeting of two a threesome.
You see, it is during such visits where an applicant breathlessly initiates a well-practiced pitch to describe their endless employment experience, number of awards received and degrees earned while also preparing for their conversation finale to push 2 or 3 versions of well tailored resumes and exclaim, “Do you have a job for me?” The applicant has good intentions to get the attention of the employer by distinguishing themselves from all others and closing on the sale to get a job, any job, just a job! However, the employer is distracted by the presence of the Blind Opponent, the applicant!
For this Blind Opponent cannot see the viewpoint of an employer, they can only see their purpose. The Blind Opponent appears desperate, tunnel-visioned and sometimes pushy for they are blind to the employer’s applicant processes, availability of jobs and they, most often, lack the knowledge of who the hiring decision-makers are within an organization. Current and future job opportunities are often talked away and, in most cases, right out of an applicant’s reach because the applicant replaces themselves with their Blind Opponent to speak on their behalf without first asking questions and listening to the employer.
Avoid letting others such as a Blind Opponent speak on your behalf. Re-position your thought process and ask yourself, “What does the employer seek in an ideal candidate?” as opposed to assuming they want whatever you present. Attempt to create opportunities to do the following:
① Secure a 10-Minute Meet-n-Greet Informational Meeting/Interview
To accomplish this task, ask for a 10-minute meet and greet informational meeting/interview. This can be accomplished in person or by phone. Let the employer know that you just want to gather a little more information about their employment processes. Employers feel more comfortable about speaking to applicants outside of their regular processes when they are made aware of the purpose of the meeting and the amount of time you are requesting; therefore, be courteous of their schedule by staying within the requested timeframe when you land such a meeting. Remember, ten minutes!
② Learn Something New
Prepare in advance two open-ended questions that will provide you with information that you previously did not know about the organization’s employment processes, or about the organization itself. It can be helpful to understand who is responsible for reviewing applications, making hiring decisions and if their organization utilizes hiring timelines. Avoid asking closed-ended yes/no questions.
③ Get the Attention of the Employer
To gain positive attention, give the employer 80% talk time. The applicant should take no more than 20% talk time in an employer meet-n-greet informational meeting/interview. This percentage time would be reversed if it were an actual interview; however, this is just an initial meet-n-greet meeting. Employers are pleased whenever they find applicants who take an avid interest in their organization. When applicants approach employers about meetings to discuss specific job openings, employers typically become hesitant for they don’t want to be accused of disproportionately providing information to applicants amongst an applicant pool. So when asked about job openings, the employer will most likely begin rehearsing their commonly used response as to how the applicant may navigate through their website to get additional information. However, most employers love to share how they landed their jobs and how they recruit their best employees. Don’t assume you will get a job with an initial meet-n-greet meeting. Your goal is to gain a positive memorable experience.
④ Apply What You Learn
Apply what you have learned, thus far, from what the employer has communicated with you during the meeting and utilize whatever time you have remaining (of your 20% talk time) to pitch your valuable work experience. Employers are very impressed when it appears you have listened to them. Even when an employer gives information that does not sound promising, stay positive and close the meeting with presenting your resume and a quick pitch about your work experience that summarizes why you are a viable candidate. Be organized and very clear in your speech. Provide eye contact and don’t forget to smile.
Good Luck! Δ
We are not doctors, but having had a few colds around the office, we know that working with a runny nose and a fever is no fun for anyone! So in the interest of cold season coming up, we thought it would be nice (and self-serving because we needed this information too) if we gave out some ways to keep colds and flu away, because apples aren’t cutting it, and our doctors are tired of seeing us!
Wash Your Hands. We cannot say this enough! Washing your hands keeps colds and other infections away. Warm water and soap are two of your body’s best weapons against the flu. Make sure you wash your hands for at least 30 seconds to make sure they are as clean as you can get them. If you can’t get to a sink to wash your hands, grab some hand sanitizer. If you’ve shaken hands or touched a surface you know hundreds of people have had their hands on all day, don’t put your hands near your mouth or eyes until you can clean or sanitize them.
Exercise. Working out is not just for getting rid of those pesky holiday pounds. It’s also excellent for keeping colds and flu away. Exercise strengthens your heart and kicks your immune system into drive. Just 30 minutes a day is like training your sickness-fighting-army to beat and kick colds to the curb and let you get to work runny nose-free!
Home Remedies and Herbal Remedies. This section is beyond the scope of our humble publication, so we suggest going to your doctor or local pharmacist to have them advise you on natural remedies and vitamins that you can take to keep your chances of catching a cold down. This also goes for vitamin C. Always check with your doctor before trying anything new or if you’re going to take up any routine that may affect your health.
Doctors. I know this article is supposed to be about preventing being sick so you don’t have to go, but seeing your doctor is one of the best ways to prevent getting colds and helping to prevent the flu. They can recommend options that the normal lay person can’t. He/She can advise you on the latest shots and medicines that you can take that will be appropriate for you. If you don’t have a personal physician, go to your clinic, student service nurse, work nurse and ask them what you should do.
Chicken Soup. Don’t wave off your grandma when she brings in a bowl of soup. She’s not just good for cookies and warm hugs. Not only is the ingredients in this well known food stuff good for you, they are chocked full of vitamins. The warm steam from chicken soup alone will help with clearing your head. Yum!
Get Plenty of Rest. This is another item on this list we can’t stress enough. Getting enough rest is key in keeping colds and flu away. Your body is bombarded with so much stress, and late nights of studying is pushing it to the limit of what can reasonably be expected. Your body needs sleep to get itself together and keep your immune system in cold fighting order.
Drink Plenty of Water. Staying hydrated is another way of keeping yourself in working order. Water keeps your body lubricated. Think of it as giving your car oil. Water is to your body as oil is to your car. Water is your body’s way of keeping all of your immune systems (parts) in excellent working order!
Just remember that when you’re out and about, you need to be vigilant about where you put your hands, how well you wash your hands, how much water you consume and how much rest you get! There are colds and flu all over the place looking for a home, and with a little work, you can be ready for anything the cold and flu season throw at you! Δ