Office Etiquette
We’re not going to cover hygiene. We assume everyone knows how to do these things. We are talking about those unspoken rules that are applicable to a work setting with which you may not be familiar — things that make getting along with customers and co-workers a breeze! Degrees may vary depending on how laid back your job is, but these etiquette rules apply, no matter what type of work you do.
Being Respectful and Courteous. You don’t have to make friends with everyone in your office. In all honesty, you may not. There is a good chance there will be someone at your job you dislike immensely, but that is life. Regardless of how you feel about someone, there is no excuse for being rude to them. There is no reason for you to attack them personally or physically for any reason. Don’t start none and there won’t be none. Staying professional is key in any profession.
Be Mindful of Others’ Work Space. This can be difficult if you’re at stations or cubicles, but running around and just borrowing things can grate others the wrong way. Being asked is always appreciated. You wouldn’t want others randomly taking your things, so don’t do it to others. The things you take may hinder their work or safety, and no one wants to be responsible for a safety hazard.
Be a Team Player. Yes, this can get old rather quickly, but everyone needs help at one point or another. No one is asking for you to come to the rescue of lazy co-workers, but if there is a team member who is falling behind, then, by all means, pick up some slack. That extra help and assistance could make a big difference in your group or unit meeting their numbers or going home on time.
Office Attire. Always dress appropriately for work. Not doing so can make for a difficult and distracting situation with the people you work with, and in some cases, uncomfortable. How you dress is a reflection of who you work for, and if you’re wearing a tank top with torn jeans during a shareholders meeting or while waiting on customers at the grocery store, it could make your boss question your commitment to your work ethic.
Know Your Place. If you are not a manager or supervisor, then, you have no business telling another worker about themselves. Your best and safest bet is to present your concerns to a higher up and let them handle the situation. If it does not affect you personally, you run the risk of making your work environment a hostile one. Your job is to do your work, not police the work of others that are on the same rung of the ladder as you. Being annoyed is not a good reason to address anyone either.
Gossiping. Another word for gossiping is snitching. This is not a problem reserved for women. This is a problem that concerns everyone and it can hurt your work place tremendously. If you are where you’re supposed to be and doing your work, you don’t have time to discuss why so-and-so stayed after work with the boss. If your work is getting completed in a timely manner, then you don’t have to worry about why so-and-so had two lunch breaks. They both could have very innocent reasons that have nothing to do with you. Once you get the stigma of being the office gossip, it’s hard to shake and your boss will wonder why you have so many people running up to your desk every five seconds.
Everyone wants to have an enjoyable work experience and the best way to do this is to keep your work space as problem-free as possible. With a little effort, you can be a rock in any storm and your ability to stay above problems will not only be noted, but appreciated.