Working Dads are Appreciated
Oh, the joys of being a dad! Rough housing with the kids, building tree houses with the boys, and, of course, the random tea parties with princes pearly pants! The only problem is trying to balance out your work life and your life as a father. If you’re the good dad we know you are, you want to spend as much time with your kids as possible. But with this economy, work hours are getting longer and time with your family is getting shorter. Here are some things that could possibly make your life a little easier.
1. Keep from stressing out. We know that’s like putting the chicken before the egg, but not stressing out is the first thing that you need to accomplish. More men die of heart problems every year due to anxiety. Taking thirty minutes to an hour out for you each day to just decompress could make all the difference in the world to you. If you have to throw the white clothes in the washer or help to start dinner, just take that time while it’s going to do something for you.
2. Keep from overextending yourself. When you have a lot to do, you tend to try to cram as many activities as you can into your day. But instead of patting yourself on the back for a job well done, you fill it up with more things! You will get more done when you take only a few projects at a time instead of carrying the load for the office. It’s better to get three things done well than to get no things done at all or done badly.
3. Keep from becoming a ghost. Yes, you’re working 18 hours a day. Yes, your boss is calling every 5 minutes, but there comes a point when you have to focus on why you are working so hard — your family and yourself. If you are not taking time for either of these things, then, what is the point? So often, men become so engrossed with making money that they don’t make the time to see their children. Taking time to reaffirm your reasons for working hard is never a bad thing. But take the time to focus on your goals and it reminds your children that you care for them.
4. Keep a positive attitude. There is nothing like thinking happy thoughts! Every day you’re at work, you are one step closer to your dream. Every time you hug your child, you are just a little closer to cementing that bond that will carry you both throughout your lives. You have a goal and you know that though it may not happen right away, you will get there. Just keep the big picture in front of you and move forward. Just remember that the path to your goal may not be a straightforward one. You might have thought you were going to become President
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