by cjxpadmin | Jul 2, 2012 | July 2012 Magzine
Many people are raised to think of work as a four-letter word — literally, a curse we are
burdened by and forced to do. However, there are a lot of different ways you can take on the “world of work.” This message is dedicated to giving you an edge, insight and tips to help you succeed at work.
What if work were a part of your life that you loved? Your job could be a way you could make a difference, where you could contribute and where you could blossom. You can make your work, work for you. Your job may call on you to be more than you know yourself to be. You may be challenged, you may be bored, you may like it one day and hate it the next. Your relationship with your job is crucial to where that job will lead you.
The wisest thing you may ever learn is that your job is a training ground, always preparing you for something better. If you make the best from every job, you will be known as someone people want to work with. That is what will get you hired and open doors as far as you want to go. Don’t ever make the mistake that you are working for someone else; always make your work, work for you.
Keeping and being successful on a job requires work on your part. You are putting yourself out there, taking on responsibilities and having to keep it together. Jobs make you be on time and show up and work, even when you don’t feel like it. There are not a lot of jobs for children, but there are for adults. The intention of this article is for you to complete it, ready to keep it and succeed on the job.
We all know why you want a job; you want to make money, right? It’s been said that the only people
who work to make money are minters and counterfeiters. If you are going to be successful in any way on a job, it’s got to be about more than the money. Not every job is going to be the job of your dreams, true. But guaranteed, every job will give you a chance to learn and earn. People stay on jobs because the job becomes important to them. So if you’re going to make the very best of your next job, make it important to you. Your job is important, far more than the dollars you earn. Your job is your stand in the world; it is you stepping up and saying you can count on me. At stake are your reputation and your future. Your next job and every job thereafter is a steppingstone to the life of your dreams. Nothing will help you get where you want to go in life than being successful on your job.
The easiest way to stay on a job is to like it. There really are a lot of things that you can find to like
about a job. You may enjoy the people you work with, the tasks that you do, the tools and machines you may operate. However, there are going to be some things about any job that you don’t like. Whether you like something or not is always up for upgrading, especially in the “world of work.” If you master the art of liking what you have to do rather than waiting for something you like, you will go far in your work. Jobs call on you to deal with all kinds of things. The person who is the most flexible, most willing and the most productive will be rewarded. Liking a job is something you can bring to work with you; there is an attitude about working and you can create yourself to be a person who likes what you do. You might as well, right, since it’s your job.
Most people really do work because they need the money and the benefits that come with a job. Earning your own living is a responsible satisfying way to go through life. A tip on working for money is to always give more than what is expected. In other words, make it easy for them to pay you more. Some people try to just get by, a lot like we did when we were in school. This quality of the average person will allow you to shine when you truly earn your pay. The average person feels they are paid too little and already work too hard. The superior person knows that the path to riches is paved with honest effort and a willing attitude. Someone, sometime along the way, may try to take advantage of you. Overall, however, you will find that pretty rare. Giving more than is expected will always work, whether it’s working for others or working for yourself. Remember, it’s really the same.
Another thing about working that people enjoy is building relationships with a lot of other people.
Often, people at work spend more time together than they do with their own families. It helps if you like the people you work with. Again, liking people is something else that you can bring to work with you. A friendly, helpful attitude is exactly what most employers are looking for in their people. A genuine attitude of liking people will help you get along with customers, coworkers, and bosses. Some of the best and most important relationships you will have will be with your co-workers. A tip worth following: Be great to the people you work with; it will always come back to you ten fold.
Whatever complaints, upsets or frustrations we may have with our jobs, it is always helpful to remember that your job just may be the key to a life that works. If you have ever spent a long time not working, suffering from a lack of money, and getting more depressed day by day, you will find working a job as a more rewarding way to spend your time. Between the pay, the skills, the people and the opportunities that come, it works to work. △
“The secret of happiness is not in
doing what one likes, but in liking
what one has to do.”
James M. Barrie
by cjxpadmin | Jul 2, 2012 | July 2012 Magzine

by cjxpadmin | Jul 1, 2012 | August 2012 Magazine
A personal marketing package is a personʼs first introduction to a prospective employer. Therefore, it must make a great presentation. It should be accurate, neat, attractive, error-free and as professional as one wants to be perceived. This article provides the job seeker with the methodology for preparing a professional looking and sounding package that is representative of oneʼs background and skills.
The next important decision to be made for your resume is which format will work best for you? Which resume can encompass all your experience, skills and abilities and put them in the best light? We are going to go through three different types of resumes:
> Chronological,
> Functional, and
> Combination.
Once youʼve determined what kind of resume format you want to use, you will need to gather your employment information, education information, skills, accomplishments and references and prepare them for presentation.
Regardless of which format you decide is right for you, be sure and create a Summary of Qualifications at the very top of the resume. This Summary of Qualifications needs to include your most valuable information with regard to education, experience, skills, abilities and accomplishments. Also include some personal traits and characteristics. In most cases, employers have approximately 15-20 seconds to review resumes due to the large number of resumes that they get. With all your important information in your Summary, the employer can review this in that small amount of time and if he/she sees something that intrigues them in your summary, then, they will be compelled to read your resume in more detail. However, if you do not put anything interesting in your Summary, they will just lay your resume aside.
The chronological resume format will list your work history, with the most recent position first. Your jobs will then be listed in reverse chronological order. In other words, you will list your current or most recent job first. Then you list the rest of your jobs in the same order, most recent jobs first. Ordinarily, employers like to see this type of resume because it is quite simple for them to see what jobs you have held and how long you have worked there. The chronological resume format works best for those job seekers who have a strong and solid work history with no breaks between jobs. The following is an example of a chronological resume format.

I hope this has helped you decide which resume format works for you. If one of these three formats does not work for you, you may also want to check out these other types.
Some of those are:
Targeted Resume — This is a resume that is customized to fit the qualifications and requirements of a particular job. It may take you a little more time to prepare it, but it could well be worth it if you are targeting a particular job, one that fits your pertinent skills and experience.
Mini Resume — A mini resume is very much like the Summary of Qualifications on your regular resume. This can be used when you are networking or when someone requests a summary of your qualifications and accomplishments.
Non-traditional Resume — A non-traditional resume is a web-based version of your resume that may include your photo or certain graphics, images, pictures of various things and maybe even a video.
Good luck in determining the best resume format for you!
by cjxpadmin | Jun 3, 2012 | June 2012 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE
Know What Makes You Great
By Marissa Ermelinda Maldonado
Searching for a good job can be time consuming and stressful and many people become discouraged when they go through numerous interviews and still turn up with no job offer in hand. One way to relieve stress is to know yourself and what makes you tick. Most people make the mistake in trying to improve their weaknesses, but what they should be doing is finding out what strengths they possess and find ways to enhance these qualities. 
Everyone has weaknesses and strengths. The key factor is searching for a job where you can put your personal strengths to good use because this will help you excel in the work place. Because everyone has different strengths, it is important to know which ones you have in order to make yourself more marketable to the employer.
Think of yourself as a product and each employer as a consumer shopping for the best product on the market. You have to use your unique strengths to show the employer how you can be valuable to an employer’s company. What sets you apart from the rest of the products? A reliable test that a lot of top universities use in order to assess strengths that students have is found on Strengths Quest. This test has 34 possible strengths and once a person takes this accurate test, it will give each person their top five strengths.
The website address is Remember not to spend too much time overthinking the questions and pick the answer that you feel best describes you.
Once you know your strengths, you can communicate these strengths during an interview. Notorious interview questions that give interviewees a hard time are the open-ended ones such as “Tell us about yourself.” or “Why should we hire you?” or even “Why do you think you are a good fit for this position?”
The problem is that most people tend to go blank or others end up rambling on and on about personal details that have nothing to do with the question. A way to eliminate this problem is to already know your strengths and to elaborate on how these strengths can benefit the employer and the company. When an employer
asks you to tell them about yourself, you cannot just tell them anything that pops in your head. The employer is listening for reasons why they should hire you. These types of interview questions are also a test to see how prepared you are for the interview. I would recommend discussing only your top five strengths and elaborate from there. If you list too many different strengths, the employer might become overwhelmed. If the employer takes the time to tell you a little bit about how their company operates or what their main goals are, do not be afraid to say how your strengths fit with the company goals or how your qualities can help or enhance their objectives. Not only does this type of strategy show confidence in your abilities, but it also shows that you can communicate efficiently by listening to what the employer has said and saying what you need to say in an eloquent manner.
When you communicate that your strengths coincide with the objectives and culture of the company, the employer will see that you are not only valuable, but
you are also a good fit. Do not try and guess what qualities the employer is looking for and pretend that these are the qualities you possess. The fact of the matter is that it is too hard to guess what the employer is thinking. Even if you do not think your top five strengths match what the employer is looking for, you still need to stick to your guns and be honest about what strengths you have. This is your chance to be creative and really think of how your strengths can be a good fit for the job position you want.
The best course of action that you can do is to research the job position you are applying for instead of merely reading the short description listed under the name of the job position. You, as the job searcher, need to research the company itself because knowledge is power. During the interview, the employer could put you on the spot and ask, “What do you like about our company?” or “Why do you want to work with us?” If you find yourself in this situation, then, you will be more than prepared because you did the research beforehand.
Below is a description of the 34 possible strengths that exist on Strengths Quest, read them over and pick which ones you think describe how you are and then take the test online and see if the results match what you initially thought. I want you, as a conscious reader, to really take this advice and the results of the strengths test as serious tools you can use at your disposal. Remember that no strength theme listed is more superior to the other and all possible strengths are useful, hence why they are called strengths and not weaknesses.
Strength Descriptions
Strength |
Description |
Achiever |
You have a constant need for achievement. You have strong drive and determination. Every day you start at zero and by the end of that day and every single day, you must achieve something tangible. You are pushed to do more. |
Activator |
“When can you start?” This is a re-occurring question in your life. You rely on action versus deep analysis and debate. You make a decision, you take action, you look at the result, and you learn. It is the only way to keep you thinking fresh and informed. It pleases you to know that you will be judged by what you have done versus what you think and say. |
Adaptability |
You live in the moment. You see the future as a place that you create out of the choices you make right now and not as a fixed destination. You are able to respond willingly to the demands of the moment and you don’t resent sudden requests or unforeseen detours. You are a flexible person that can stay productive when the demands of work are pulling you in many different directions at once. |
Analytical |
You see yourself as objective and dispassionate and you want sound ideas and theories. You like data because it is value-free and you have no agenda. You thrive on finding connections and patterns among data which makes you a critical thinker. |
Arranger |
You are a conductor. When you are faced with a complex situation involving many factors, you enjoy managing all of the variables and arranging them in the most productive configuration possible. You try and figure out the best way to get things done. |
Belief |
You have certain core values that are enduring. Your beliefs affect you by making you more altruistic, highly ethical, family-oriented, and responsible. You see success as more than just money and it provides you with direction and it guides you through temptations. |
Command |
You like to take charge. You feel no discomfort with imposing your views on others. People are drawn to you because you have presence and you have no discomfort taking a stand. |
Communication |
You like to explain, describe, to host, to speak in public, and to write. You feel the need to bring events to life, to energize them, to make them exciting and vivid. You turn stories into events and practice telling them. You inspire people to act and others are interested in what you have to say. |
Competition |
You are instinctively aware of others’ performances. You feel the need to compare yourself to others. Other competitors invigorate you. You compete to win. |
Connectedness |
Things happen for a reason and you are sure of it. You feel that we are all connected and we are all part of a larger picture. You are considerate, caring, and accepting. You are a bridge builder for people of different cultures. |
Consistency |
Balance is important to you and you are aware of the need to treat people the same, no matter what their situation in life, so you don’t want to see the scales tipped too far in any one person’s favor. You believe that people function best in a consistent environment where the rules are clear and are applied to everyone equally. |
Context |
You look back. You look back to understand the present. You make better decisions because you sense the underlying structure. You become a better partner because you understand how your colleagues came to be who they are. |
Deliberative |
You are careful. You are vigilant. Everything may seem in order, but beneath the surface you sense the many risks. Rather than denying these risks, you draw each one out into the open. Then each risk is identified, assessed, and ultimately reduced. You like to plan ahead to anticipate what might go wrong. For you, life is not a popularity contest, it is a minefield. You identify the dangers, weigh their relative impact, and then place your choice. |
Developer |
You see the potential in others. In your view, each person is a work-in-progress. When you interact with others, your goal is to help them experience success. You look for ways to challenge others and you devise ways in order to help them grow. |
Discipline |
Your world needs to be predictable. You focus on routines, timelines, and deadlines. You break long-term projects into a series of specific short-term plans and you work through each plan diligently. |
Empathy |
You can sense the emotions of those around you. You hear the invoiced questions and anticipate the need. People are drawn to you because you help them find a voice to their emotional life. |
Focus |
“Where am I headed?” you ask yourself. You are always setting goals and these goals serve as your compass, helping you determine priorities and make corrections to get back on course. You evaluate whether or not a particular action will help you move toward your goal. You are an extremely valuable team member because you keep everyone on point. |
Futuristic |
You love to peer over the horizon. The future fascinates you and others want to latch on to you because of the hope you bring. |
Harmony |
You look for areas of agreement. You will modify your own objectives to merge with theirs and you will strive to find common ground. |
Ideation |
You are fascinated by ideas. You like to figure out different concepts and get a jolt of energy when you produce a new idea. |
Includer |
Your belief is to stretch the circle wider. You want to include people and make them feel a part of the group. You want to expand the group so that as many people can benefit from its support. |
Individualization |
You are intrigued by the unique qualities of others. You observe each person’s style, each person’s motivations, how each thinks, and how each builds relationships. Because you are such a keen observer, you can draw out other people’s strengths. |
Input |
You are inquisitive. You collect things. You collect things that interest you and this keeps your mind fresh. |
Intellection |
You like to think and you like mental activity. You are very introspective. |
Learner |
You love to learn. You are energized by the steady and deliberate journey from ignorance to competence. Your excitement enables you to thrive in dynamic work environments where you are asked to take on short project assignments and expected to learn a lot about the new subject matter in a short period of time. |
Maximizer |
Excellence, not average, is your measure. Transforming something into something superb is thrilling. You want to capitalize on the gifts with which you are blessed because it is more productive. |
Positivity |
You are generous with praise, quick to smile, and always on the lookout for the positive in the situation. People always want to be around you. You find ways to make everything more exciting and more vital. |
Relator |
You are pulled toward people you already know. You are comfortable with intimacy and you are willing to accept risks in your relationships with others. |
Responsibility |
You take psychological ownership for anything you commit to, and whether large or small, you feel emotionally bound to follow it through to completion. Excuses and rationalizations are not acceptable. |
Restorative |
You enjoy the challenge of analyzing the symptoms, identifying what is wrong, and finding the solution. You love to solve problems. |
Self-Assurance |
In the deepest part of you, you have faith in your strengths. You are confident in taking risks, making claims, accepting challenges, etc. No matter what the situation, you seem to make the right decision. |
Significance |
You want to be known for the unique strengths you bring to the table. You want work to be a way of life instead of just a job. |
Strategic |
You are able to sort through the clutter and find the best route. You can see patterns where others see complexity. |
(Winning Others Over) You thrive on meeting new people and getting them to like you. Strangers don’t intimidate you at all. |
What do you think? Where do your strengths fall? Take the test and know, for a fact, what makes YOU great! △

Marissa Maldonado attended McLennan Community College for two years and transferred to Baylor University where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and plans to seek employment within her field and later consider graduate school in the near future.
by cjxpadmin | Jun 2, 2012 | June 2012 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE
And they just kept coming and coming and coming….
“Coming to what” you ask? Almost 200 job applicants attended the May 22nd Advanced Job Search Event sponsored by Workforce Partners Management Group in conjunction with This event, held at the Hampton Inn and Suites South in Waco, Texas,
matched job seekers and screened applicants for future placement with appropriate employers.
At a steady rate of 35 applicants per hour, the WIA Dislocated Workers came. For five hours, staff introduced applicants to employers seeking good qualified employees. Each employer sat down with an applicant and took the time to get acquainted. They reviewed and discussed resumes, skills and abilities. For many, this was one of the few times they have had a chance to interview with an employer.
There was no one rushing them, no competition for space at a crowded table and certainly no 114. It was just a one-on-one conversation. This is what WPMG calls a “Job Event Showcase.”
In an adjoining room, 5 different stations were made available to the dislocated workers. The stations consisted of Profile Updating, Photo Booth, Resume Review, Pre-Screening and a WIA table. Applicants provided information for their profiles; they had their pictures taken; their
resumes were reviewed by a resume instructor and they were pre-screened by a placement specialist.
“What is all of this about?” someone asked. The answer is simple, “We are advancing your job search, thus, attempting to place you within ten weeks of your receiving unemployment benefits.”
The profiles maintained within the system is made available to all employers for them to access the summary of (profile information) qualifications. In this manner, employers can choose to review resumes that seem appropriate for their job postings. It tells the employer the most current and updated information available on any applicant at any time.
A picture is then taken for employers to seek out potential applicants. The idea is for the applicant to impress the employer with his or her appearance.
Resumes are reviewed to ensure that their skills, knowledge and qualifications are showcased
A placement specialist talks to applicants determining the suitability for placement.