Discussion 3: Are You Ready
On August 15th we will be placing many of you for face to face interviews with employers at our Showcase event. Are You Ready? Look at yourself in the mirror and decide if you like what you see. Is there something you would like to change? If so, what is it?
If you would like help from the Job Club take a picture and upload it to your profile so we can critique it. Once we have reviewed your picture it can be taken down if you so desire. Sometimes the latest styles are not the best for job interviews.
We have promised our employers an array of presentable applicants. Our count of employers is increasing daily and their expectations are high. We have 15 days and counting until the event. Please understand that we will not allow anyone through to the interview table who does not look appropriate.
In our discussion we will talk about what is appropriate and we will answer all questions truthfully. We welcome your opinions.

Ten Hints to Writing a Great Cover Letter
Ten Hints For Writing A Great Cover Letter
From time to time, it becomes necessary for you to pull out your legal pad or notebook and sharpen up your rusty pencil to produce a much needed cover letter. Sometimes, it helps to write it out in long hand and then transfer it to your computer. Many great authors write this way.
You’ve seen that perfect job you know you are so right for and you want to let that employer know that you exist. You are here, ready for them to hire and place in that made-for-you position. That’s why you need to hone your writing skills and write your cover letter. This is a time for you to introduce yourself and let that employer know a lot more about you and your abilities, skills and experience.
So, pick up that pencil and keep these following hints in mind while you write.
- Each letter should be an original; no photocopies, please.
Plain and simple, no copies. It lets the employer know that you are dedicated to producing a quality product.
- Address the employer by name and title. Research names online or call the company directly.
With the ease of technology, it is so easy today to find this type of information on the internet. It is also helpful to know a little something about the company.
- Your first sentence should capture the attention of the employer. Refer to a mutual friend who referred you for the position. If there is no referral, then start with “Having graduated tenth in my class in the field of Elementary Education, I feel I am the perfect candidate for your position of Coordinator of Children’s Programming with your company.” You want the employer to consider you the right fit. He/she may receive hundreds of cover letters. You need to create enough interest in your opening sentence which will compel the employer to continue reading.
Make your impact on the employer about why you are writing within your first sentence. Let him/her know that you learned of this position with the company and your interest in it.
- Make your cover letter concise. A cover letter should be one page with three to six paragraphs.
Your letter should be no less than three paragraphs and no more than six. Don’t make your paragraphs very long either. Keep your letter as concise as you can but deliver your message as best you can.
- The body of your letter should highlight your experience and accomplishments. Focus on the needs of the employer. You want them to believe that hiring you will mean improved services, innovative ideas, greater efficiency or increased productivity.
Include your work experience and accomplishments in this area. Make sure your skills and abilities match those of the employer.
- Your letter should ask for an interview. State how you plant to follow up with the employer.
Make sure that you let the employer know that you are at their disposal. Let him/her know that you are flexible and can accommodate their time requirements. If you state that you are going to follow up, do it! This lets the employer know that you keep your word and you are reliable.
- Your closing should briefly summarize the body of the letter. Leave the reader with an important thought to remember you by.
This could be something as simple as expressing how much a part of their company you would like to be.
- Check and re-check your letter for errors. Look closely for mistakes in grammar, punctuation and especially spelling. Have someone else proof-read and critique it for you.
Very Important! Error-free please! Also, check your grammar.
- Select quality bond paper for your final copy. The paper you select should coordinate with the paper you use for your resume. Also, use a letter-quality or laser printer and black ink.
Your letter needs to look very professional and neat.
- Fold and mail your cover letter and your resume in a matching envelope.
Don’t fold and re-fold and have any creases other than the necessary two folds to your letter. Also neatly address your envelope, if not typed.
Sample Cover Letter
123 Main Street
Anytown, Texas 78888
Ms. Mary Boss
(TITLE, if known)
123 Business Drive
Anytown, Texas 78888
Dear Ms. Boss:
In the 1st Paragraph, indicate the reason for writing, the specific position for which you are applying and if there is a position opening, the source from which you learned of the job and the date it was posted. If you are inquiring about jobs in general and no opening was advertised, indicate your interest in career opportunities in your field.
I am writing to inquire about your position of Telemarketer listed on your website yesterday. I would like to apply for this position with your company.
In the 2nd Paragraph, mention why you are interested in the position or organization and its products or services. Talk about your related academic or work background as it pertains to the position you are applying. Bring attention to your qualifications, work experience and specific achievements. Mention other things that are not on your resume.
I have ten years experience in the telemarketing field. I have undergone a multitude of training programs with relation to customer service and have a vast knowledge of telemarking techniques. During the past ten years, I have accumulated several awards, certificates and plaques honoring my telemarketing abilities and accomplishments. I will call your office within the week to find out if an interview can be arranged.
In the Final Paragraph, refer the employer to your enclosed resume. You may also mention how an employer can obtain your references or credentials. Mention that you would like to have a personal interview, at their convenience. Indicate your flexibility as to time and location. Re-state your interest and eagerness to meet personally to further discuss the position. Be sure to include your telephone number and mention that you will be calling within 7 to 10 days to inquire about a possible interview. If you indicate that you will call, follow through! Thank the employer for taking time out of his/her busy schedule to read your letter and resume.
Please accept my enclosed resume and it is with great anticipation that I welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications with you, at your convenience. I am available any time. Please contact me at (317) 555-5555. Again, let me express my anticipation at learning more about your position and the possibility of working for your company. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to review my resume. I look forward to hearing from you.
Veronica Anderson
NOTE: Make every effort to get a specific name. If you absolutely cannot, address your letter to the correct department. If you are unable to get a specific name, do not use “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern.” Instead use something like “Dear Employer” or “Director of Human Resources.”
Thank You Letter
The following sample is provided for you to get an idea of how to write the letter to the employer to let him/her know that you appreciate the fact that they met with you. It should be very simple. All you are doing is acknowledging the fact that you are courteous and appreciative of the opportunity to meet with someone regarding a position that meets your qualifications and needs.
Again, keep in mind to use good grammar, check your punctuation and definitely check your spelling. Also, ask someone to review and critique your letter for you. It always helps to have someone else look over your shoulder and possibly, give you some pointers on how your letter can look better or be more effective.
Hope this helps you in your job search efforts. Good Luck!
Sample Thank You Letter
123 Main Street
Anytown, Texas 78888
Ms. Mary Boss
(TITLE, if known)
(COMANY NAME, if known)
123 Business Drive
Anytown, Texas 78888
Dear Ms. Boss:
Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the possibility of employment with your firm.
I appreciate all the helpful information you have given me and i welcome the opportunity to put it to use and apply my own experience and techniques in the position of Telemarketer. The firm’s growth and future plans falls right in line with my goals and objectives. I would find it intriguing to be part of such a company.
My references are available and can be contacted at your leisure. Should I be able to provide yo with any further information or if I can answer any other questions for you, please do not hesitate to contact me at (317) 555-5555. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you again for your graciousness and hospitality.
Veronica Anderson
NOTE: Your Thank You Letter does not need to be very long. You are simply thanking the person who interviewed you for the opportunity to acquire a position at their company. Assure them that they can contact your references whenever they wish and be sure to list your telephone number again. If they wish to call you right away, your number is at their fingertips; they donʼt even have to look it up.
It is also correct to use a simple Thank You Notecard. You can still state the above-referenced comments and get the point across.
Discussion 2: This week we need to discuss your resume and profile. This important to us and you because this is how selections are made.
In talking to many of you, lots of resumes are being sent out with out much success. This may be due to your resume not giving the right information or format.
A resume should be clear and easy to read. Objectives are not necessary.
If you have many jobs over a short period of time, change your resume to a functional resume.
If you have not loaded your resume to Campusjobxpress, please do so. We can not consider you for any job with your resume and profile.
Rachel has already begun the search for employers and we have jobs that may have to be filled before the job fair
The Following is Our Sample Resume. Please Review:
123 Harris Drive • Anytown, Texas 76701 • Tel: (254) 444-4444
E-Mail: myname@yahoo.com
• Over 20 years of responsible work experience
• Experience operating and repairing forklifts
• Good Interpersonal and Communication Skills
• Quick learner and committed to quality work
• Dependable, safety-conscious and self-motivated
• Work well individually as well as part of a team
Duties: Responsible for servicing and maintaining forklifts for a local company.
• Repaired all makes and models of forklifts and drove field service van to sites
• Maintained service checklist and accounted for repair parts.
Field Service Mechanic
Duties: Responsibilities involved performing various duties for forklift operation company.
• Repaired forklifts on site and inspected forklifts to diagnose defects or problems
• Disassembled and re-assembled heavy equipment utilizing hoists and hand tools
• Immersed parts in tanks of solvent or sprayed parts with grease solvent to clean parts.
Field Service Technician
Duties: Responsible for repairing forklifts for a large local company.
• Repaired forklifts after diagnosing mechanical problems
• Examined parts for damage utilizing micrometers and gauges
• Tested forklifts to ensure operation was safe and efficient
• Disassembled equipment, cleaned parts, repaired parts and re-assembled for efficient use.
USAR Mechanic
Duties: Responsibilities involved performing mechanic operations on all types of construction
equipment while serving in the military.
USAR Mechanic/Supply
Duties: Responsible for implementing mechanic practices learned as a reserve mechanic.
• Repaired generators and compressors as well as trucks and engineer equipment
• Repaired small motor vehicles such as jeeps and trailers.
Motor Sergeant
Duties: Responsibilities involved basic running for the Mechanic Office for the USAR.
• Loaded testers, amp probes, radiator testers and fuel pressure gauges
• Diagnosed electrical systems and handled man hour accounting.
Motor Officer (Management)
Duties: Responsible for Mechanical Division for the USAR.
• Monitored work done by Motor Sergeants and organized work for USAR Mechanic
• Computer (Microsoft Word, Excel)
• Office Equipment (10-Key Calculator)
• Forklift Operation Skills (20 Years)
• Welding Equipment
• Air Conditioning Installment (Auto, Home, Commercial)
• Carpentry, Electrician and Plumbing Skills (3 Years)
• Mechanic Skills (30 Years)
• Sheetmetal Work (8 Years)
• Sheetmetal and Welding Layout (5 Years)
• Maintenance and Personnel Management (8 Years)
• Truck Driving Skills (6 Years)
Motorcycle, Class C, Texas (with Endorsement P-Passenger)
Forklift Operator Training
Certificate, Forklift Operator
References furnished upon request