by cjxpadmin | Aug 1, 2012 | August 2012 Magazine
It’s a known fact that employers hire people they like, people who they can relate to or who they seem are like them somehow. Because of this, first and foremost, be likable and create a good first impression on your interview. P E O P L E get hired — experience alone does not!
The following list can help you prepare for your interview. Pay close attention and give your best interview.
Place and time of interview: make sure you know it! Try to be there early, about 10-15 minutes early. Next, know your interviewer’s full name (the correct pronunciation as well) and his or her title.
Research the company. Learn everything you can about the company you are trying to get into. Learn its principal line of business, locations and yes, even annual sales revenue.
Envision why the hiring manager or the human resource person is interested in your qualifications.
Plan on how this opportunity could impact your immediate situation as well as your long-term career development. What can it do for your family?
Always remember that an interview is a “two-way street.” Know what questions to ask. Insightful questions help both you and the interviewer to see if your relationship will be mutually rewarding.
Realize that the better you understand the opportunity at hand, the more you will be able to communicate your interest in the position. It will also help you ask better questions with regard to the job.
Enthusiastic smile and firm handshake are two things with which to greet your interviewer. Always wear proper attire and always, always put your best foot forward!
1. DO plan to arrive on time or even a few minutes early. |
- DON’T arrive late for a job interview. Late arrivals are never excusable.
2. DO fill out your application neatly and completely. |
2. DON’T leave any blank spaces and DON’T rely on your resume to do the selling for you. |
3. DO greet the interviewer by his/her name using the correct pronunciation of their name. |
3. DON’T mispronounce his/her name. If you are unsure of it, ask the employer to repeat it. |
4. DO give the appearance of energy as you walk into the interviewing area. |
4. DON’T stroll into the room lazily. Smile! Firm Handshake! Be genuinely glad to be there. |
5. DO wait until you are offered a chair before sitting. |
5. DON’T just sit down before the interviewer. Sit up straight, be alert and look interested. |
6. DO be a good listener as well as a good communicator. |
6. DON’T appear bored and disinterested. Pay attention when spoken to and ask questions. |
7. DO look a prospective employer in the eye at all times. |
7. DON’T look away during a conversation. Maintaining eye contact shows confidence. |
8. DO follow the interviewer’s leads. |
8. DON’T go off on your own tangent. |
9. DO make sure that your good points come across to the interviewer in a factual, sincere manner. |
9. DON’T come across as egotistical, but do stress your experience, skills, abilities and achievements. |
10. DO always conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job you are discussing. |
10. DON’T underestimate yourself. Never close the door on opportunity. |
11. DO show enthusiasm. |
11. DON’T appear blasé, nonchalant or bored. |
12. DO bring along at least 2-3 copies of your resume. |
12. DON’T forget to bring your resume in a neat and presentable manner. |
13. DO politely refuse an offer of a cigarette. |
13. DON’T smoke, even if the interviewer does and by no means, DO NOT chew gum! |
14. DO explain, whenever possible, any questions asked of you. |
14. DON’T respond with a simple yes or no. Give a good answer without going overboard. |
15. DO tell the truth. |
15. DON’T lie. Be truthful and frank. |
16. DO be considerate of past or present employers. |
16. DON’T make derogatory remarks of past employers. Not a good idea! |
17. DO answer questions politely and completely. |
17. DON’T over-answer. Stay away from politics or controversial issues. |
18. DO keep questions about salary and vacations to yourself. |
18. DON’T inquire about salary, vacation, bonuses, etc. on the initial interview. |
This next chart is just a brief reminder of Dressing For Success!
Women |
Men |
Conservative dress or suit |
If wearing suit, choose navy, gray or charcoal. |
Avoid open-toe or sling back shoes |
Black leather shoes, polished please! |
Conservative jewelry and perfume |
Minimal jewelry and minimal cologne |
Hair neatly combed and not hanging in face |
Conservative haircut |
Now, it is time to check yourself and give yourself the once over right before your interview.
Question |
✔ |
1. How is my physical appearance? |
✔ |
2. How self-assured and confident do I seem? |
✔ |
3. Can I communicate effectively during my interview? |
✔ |
4. Can I represent a return on my employer’s total investment in my pay and benefits if I am hired? |
✔ |
5. What are some specific examples of my achievements at work? |
✔ |
6. How much knowledge of the industry do I have? |
✔ |
7. How much do I know about my potential employer’s company? |
✔ |
8. Can I demonstrate with concrete examples my maturity and readiness to take on this responsibility? |
✔ |
9. Do I have the desire and enthusiasm to learn and grow with this company? |
✔ |
10. Am I exhibiting a positive attitude toward management and co-workers? |
✔ |
11. Am I demonstrating enough commitment and involvement in doing more than the job requires? |
✔ |
12. Do I understand the technical language and practices of the industry? |
✔ |
I hope these tips help you in the preparation of your interview.
Check next month and we will discuss the actual interview process itself and things to remember. Also watch for tips on the particular closing of the interview. △
by cjxpadmin | Aug 1, 2012 | August 2012 Magazine, Job Readiness
Culture at Work
Culture is at work every day and while most people think of culture as a way to distinguish their membership to an ethnic group, they seldom think of it as having an impact at their job or their interviewing process. When you apply to a job, you are automatically giving the impression that you think you would be a good fit within the company. Most
people only look at the salary and benefits being offered and never stop to think how well they would conform to the potential organization. Questions that you should ask yourself when applying for a job is, “How does the organization treat their employees or how are the employees motivated?” Organizational culture is a system of shared meaning held by members that make it unique from other organizations. In order for you to be successful at a job interview, you need to do your research and find out what kind of culture the company enforces so that you can answer interview questions in a certain way, the correct way. Job satisfaction is directly linked to how well you fit in at your work.
Seven characteristics that define culture at an organization are:
* innovation and risk taking
* attention to detail
* outcome orientation
* team orientation,
* aggressiveness, and
* stability.
Innovation and Risk Taking is the degree to which employees are encouraged to be innovative and to take risks. If you like to take risks at your job or you are very innovative, then, you must find out if the job you are applying to encourages their employees to function in that particular manner.
Attention to Detail is the degree to which employees are expected to exhibit precision, analysis, and to details. If you are a person who likes doing intense research or you love to analyze the logistics and details, then, an organization that motivates their employees to pay attention to detail would be a good fit for you.
Outcome Orientation is the degree to which management focuses on results or outcomes rather than on the processes used to achieve those outcomes. People who pay attention to the big picture or the end result of a project would do well in a company that has strong outcome orientation. People orientation is the degree to which management focuses on your ability to get along with others in the company and with the public. Organizations like Disney and Public Relation companies are known to value this particular characteristic.
Team Orientation is the degree to which work activities are organized around teams, rather than individuals. This
characteristic is where most people fall short because a lot of people are hesitant about working in groups.
Aggressiveness is the degree in which people are motivated to be aggressive and competitive, rather than easy going. People who are not competitive would probably have low job satisfaction versus people who thrive on competition.
Stability is the degree to which organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status quo and contrast to growth. Companies that are high in stability are less open to change and different innovative ideas so beware if you are the type of person who likes to mix things up a little bit.
Applying to different companies should not be a random process because your happiness and satisfaction depend on how well you pick the companies you want to apply to. Some companies are strong in more than one area listed above and some are only strong in one of the characteristics listed so be aware. Your job is to decide what you value and would like to deal with on a daily basis.
If you like companies that value risk taking and innovation or stability or perhaps you prefer team orientation, it is up to you to determine how you would like to function at your work and to find a company that allows and encourages you to do so. Read daily news about the companies you are applying to because that could give you some insight as to how they appear to the public eye.
Another way to find out about the company is to use networking. Never underestimate networking because talking to people who work for potential companies can give you insight that is not shown to the general public. Some companies that have strong organizational cultures are Google, Hewlett Packard, and Dell. The bigger the company, the easier it will be to research what kind of company they are. Remember do your research, know what you want, and know your potential company and employer. △

by cjxpadmin | Aug 1, 2012 | August 2012 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE
Creating Your Future
In creating your future, you need to learn how to choose to be the YOU you want to be!
We are not our actions, because we can change our actions and still be ourselves. For the same reason, we are not our thoughts, our opinions, our beliefs or our feelings. We can change all of those and still be ourselves. We are human beings. We have the power to create ourselves.
As we begin to explore the skill of becoming ourselves, it is very useful to see what being skillful is about. It is about having
choices and flexibility. We can adapt, we can change and we can be bigger than we ever thought possible. This is personal skill, the skill to create ourselves, to be the people we want to be, rather than the people we were.
So far, we have seen that our lives have been shaped by the past. We see that it is possible to become aware of ourselves as we act in the present. Now we will see how it is possible to create our own future. For most people, the future is a blank. We expect it to be more of the same or expect it to just happen.
It sure is hard to see into the future. There are so many possibilities and paths to follow. Who knows what’s going to happen to us? Are we as helpless as a little rowboat being tossed about in the ocean? Or are we more like the captains of our own ships, steering ourselves from one major point in life to the next?
Where are you steering yourself?
One thing for sure, if you are reading this article, you care about your future. You care or you have a commitment to make your future better than what you have known in the past. You may not know exactly what you want, but you know you want the future to be better than the past. You will now have a chance to discover the skill you have for creating your future.
Becoming skilled means learning to change the things you can change, accepting the things you cannot change and having the wisdom to know the difference.
Challenges Life Offer |
Meeting Your Basic Survival Needs |
Food, Clothes and Shelter |
Meeting Your Children’s Needs |
Love, Attention, Guidance |
Finding: |
Jobs, Relationships, Money, Time |
Staying Healthy |
Having a Body That Serves Your Purposes |
Caring For Others |
Friends and Family |
Conquering Your Fears |
Things You Can Influence But Have No Control Over |
Things Over Which You Have Some Control |
The other people in your life |
What you think, believe and feel |
The circumstances that you are born into |
What you do or don’t do |
The passing of time |
What attitudes you adopt |
Mistakes |
What you want |
What you are trained to meet challenges in life |
You may not choose all the events that occur over the course of a lifetime, but you do choose how to experience those events.
Skills With Which to Build Your Future
Success – There is no better foundation on which to build. Draw confidence from your experiences of success.
Self-Communication – Speak positively and lovingly to yourself. Keep a positive image and faith in yourself in your heart.
Bonding – Create partners, allow yourself to become close to the people who mean the most to you.
Values – Become clear about what matters most to you. Trust in your own values.
Self-Responsibility – You can be a leader to yourself. You need not depend on anyone else for your survival or success.

Meaning – Judgments and evaluations can either hurt you or help you in life. It is wise to know that you give the meaning to what happens for you.
Risk – The risks involved in meeting challenges head on include the possibility of messing up, looking foolish, or suffering a set-back. The rewards for taking positive risks are excitement, accomplishment and fulfillment.
Models – There is a power in learning from people who you respect and admire. We all learn from each other. Choose your models wisely and you will learn well.