by cjxpadmin | Dec 31, 2012 | January 2013 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE, Uncategorized
By Sheena Williams
It’s that time again! The holidays are over, and it’s time to take down the tree. Time to reflect on what a year 2012 has been. The ups and downs, the high and lows, and the sometimes those days that were just middle of the road! It’s been a year to remember and we at have immensely enjoyed being part of your year. Some of our most memorable moments this year have been with you. We can’t thank you enough for allowing us to be a small portion of your year. We have been privileged to see you become awesome job seekers and have had the chance to help you along the way.
In an effort to prepare you for the New Year, we have made a list of things to keep in mind as you get started with preparing for your job search for the coming year with some helpful resolutions to get you started. These resolutions are in no way mandatory, but we find that these things help us get ourselves together as we go about our daily lives. Some of the things on the list are things you might already know how to do, but check it out — you might find a different way of doing them!
- Learn To Delegate — You can only do so much. You’re trying to find work, and trying to get
the kids fed, then on top of that, the dog needs water. As you are at home more now, you can take a little more of the workload to help out and keep the person working in your home afloat, but there is no sense in taking it all on yourself. If you have kids, make a chore list that leaves you time to look for a job. When your working spouse gets home, maybe they can walk Bruno as you check your work emails. Keeping your stress level low is key when searching for a job.
- Get Organized — Everything has a time and a place. Believe me when I say, it certainly makes your time a lot better when you know where that place is. Know where your files are on the computer. Color-code some bills for easy paying. Set up a house chart for the family. Put your coupons in alphabetical order. Prioritize your day and have your resume at your fingers tips always. Any of these things can make your life easier and get you to work or an interview faster.
Ramp Up Your Resume — With a new year, comes a new resume. Look over your job history and see what needs to be tweaked. Maybe check in on your References and wish them a Happy New Year. Maybe you took a class in your down time and you have a new skill to add? All of these things can beef up a sparse resume and give an edge to an already spectacular one!
- Learn A New Skill — As mentioned above, learning a new skill is great. I don’t care if it’s Brazilian Macrame! It has given you a skill that you can add to your resume. Maybe it took you 7 weeks to learn to do whatever you did, but that’s dedication, reliability, and hard work that can now be put in your list of stellar attributes.
- Give Back To The Community — This one is kind of a no-brainer. When you help others, it takes your mind off of your problems. That means less stress for you! When there is less stress
for you, there is less stress for everyone. When there is less stress for everyone, everyone can be happy. Giving back is a gift that keeps on giving and you should totally take advantage… and take the time to network while you’re there!
- Find A Career, Not A Job — So you were working at a job that you lost, and you find that you are not that broken up about it. It’s because it was a job that paid the bills. It was a job you took because you needed to make some money, and this was the end result. Your next step may include taking another job like that, but only if it fits into your overall plan of getting a career. While we work, we become so wrapped up in having a steady pay check, we forget what our dreams are. So make sure that while you are looking for that job that tides you over, you are also looking for ways to fit it into your dream job!
- Stop Beating Yourself Up — Negativity not only comes from the television and outside
sources, it comes from you. Every time you drop a glass of water and call yourself stupid. Every time you don’t get dinner out to the table on time or when you berate yourself for being lazy. Every time you say something negative about yourself, you internalize it and your mind takes over the negative affirmation. We are all about taking a realist look at ourselves, but nothing about being realistic is negative. You may need to change your style of dress, but telling yourself you’re a slob is not helpful. Instead, tell yourself that there are some clothing choices that would be better for my job search and make those changes. No need to call yourself names over things that can easily be changed!
- Do Something Nice For Others — This may sound like volunteering, but it’s not. Doing something nice for others is a way to show appreciation for the support and love that those around you are giving you while you look for work. Maybe your husband is watching the kids so you can fit some “me-time” in to work on your resume. Maybe your wife is keeping your desk and home office organized while you are out pounding the pavement looking for a job. Whatever it is, doing something nice reminds the other person, whoever that is, that you are a team and are in this together.
Set Clear Goals — Know what you want and how you’re going to do it! It’s not enough to say I am going to get this job and live a fantastic life! You need to know how you’re going to get it. Are you going to go to school and learn some skills? Are you going to apply in different areas? Maybe you’re going to open up your circle in the networking world? However you plan on reaching that goal, you need to have a clear picture in your head of how you’re going to do it.
- Keep Your Goals Realistic — While you’re dreaming big, let’s keep the goals realistic. Let’s say your goal is to be an international pop star. Forget the statistic for becoming an entertainer. You can’t sing, you’ve don’t have any dance moves, and you’ve never been on stage a day in your life. So the goal is not realistic. Not because you can’t
do it. You can do anything with hard work, but you’re not going to get it done with the skill set you have now. Research your goals and find out what it takes to reach them. Having a clear goal is awesome, but without the baby steps to make them work, they are only pipe dreams.
- Stay Fit And Healthy — Wash your hands, get your vitamins, and for the love of Pete, keep some cold medicine around the house. The New Year can be a bit blustery and unfortunately, with all the pollen around and all the germs and sneezing dancing through the air, you might catch a cold of epic
proportions! Nothing will lay you low and eat away at your savings like medical expenses. Take advantage of all free health fares. Call the health department for any deals on health care and pay attention to the weather.
- Find A Healthy Way To Relive Stress — Find a hobby. In fact find two! You need to find something that lets you take a step back and center yourself. Stress is a killer, and if you are not managing it, then, you’ll wind up with bigger problems then just being unemployed. Maybe taking long walks around the neighborhood is your thing. Try painting. There are thousands of cheap crafts and projects that you can get into to keep yourself busy as well as stop yourself from worrying!

We hope that you have not only a Happy New Year, but a Happy Rest Of The Year. We, at, are committed to getting you back to work and look forward to another year of working with all of you! △
by cjxpadmin | Dec 31, 2012 | January 2013 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE
By Sheena Williams
A makeover is something that everyone should try, now and then. I don’t mean getting a new suit or buying a new brand of make-up. Those are fantastic too, however, there are changes that we can make, on the inside and around us, that can also constitute as a makeover. A new positive attitude is always in season, and it is a makeover that everyone can appreciate. So, this year, why don’t you try some of the following:
- Be Thankful — Being thankful is not just for Thanksgiving Day. You’re alive to see another
day; you can walk and move around. Even if it’s slowly or stiffly, you are still here to do it. There are people who can’t say that. Whenever you feel “Woe is me,” know that you are not alone and that there are people all over the world who are going through the same things you are, but they are doing it with a smile. Let those people be your guide and your model and be grateful that you have another day to get your life together, another chance to find that career, and another moment to make yourself happy.
- Appreciate Your Support System — Tell those people who care about YOU that you care about THEM. This is your Support System. Thank them. Tell them that you love them. Give them a hug. Give them a pat on the back or a secret handshake. Whatever it is you do that lets someone know that you appreciate them, for not only what they do, but who they are will make their day just a little brighter. This will ensure you that you know who is close to you. Most people only have a few friends, so when you look around and you see your people still standing there, they need to know that you appreciate that they are still there.
Be Generous With the Compliments — Hand out those compliments. Giving compliments makes others smile. It makes others happy. It lets them know that whatever they were doing or tried to do, did indeed work. We like to call these “warm fuzzies.” When you make someone smile without the expectation of a compliment in return, it lets them know that the statement is genuine. If you can’t give a compliment properly, then don’t say anything. Why make someone’s day bad just because you aren’t happy?
- See the Good in Everyone — Try to see the good in everyone as well as every situation. Staying positive is crucial to not falling into depression. People are depressed because they allow themselves to give into the negative thoughts that surround their everyday lives. By looking on the bright side and finding the good in every situation, you are blanketing yourself into a protective layer of positivity. Get to know more about a person or a situation before you make snap judgments about their life. They are on their own journey and you don’t know what led them to the moment they are at right now. So use a little compassion.

- Be All That You Can Be — Not to steal from the Army, but be that person you always wanted to be. I was told a long time ago that your life is like a piece of paper. Everything that happens, everyone that you meet, and everything that you do leaves a mark. You need to decide what type of mark you plan on leaving on the lives of those around you. Do you want to be a positive mark or a negative one? These are the kinds of things that we need to keep in the back of our minds when dealing with people every day. While at work, you have the ability to affect the day of a lot of people. You don’t have a choice in affecting their day, but you do have a choice in how you are affecting their day.
- Stay Away From Negative Energy — In the above item, we talked about not making any
negative marks on the pages of others. This one deals with negative marks made on your page. Do not allow yourself to be blindsided or swayed from your course by negative influences. If someone is giving you advice, listen, but then, decide what you want to do with that information. Not all advice is good advice and some advice does not come from a positive place. If you have a goal for yourself, then, do what it takes to reach it. You can at least say you were brave enough to act on your dreams. Negativity is usually a product of fear and has no place in the new positive you!
- Introduce Yourself To One New Person — Here in Texas, saying hello to someone is not an odd occurrence. If you’re breathing, you’re greeting someone. However, introducing yourself to someone new is a whole different story. Introducing yourself means that you are
making yourself, your time, and your advice available to someone else. That is what networking is. It is the ability to walk up to someone, give them your name and let them know that you’re available. If you introduce yourself to one new person a month, by the end of this year, you will have widened your social network by 12 people.
The New Year is fraught with new chances, changes, and challenges. A lot can happen over the course of 12 months, but in that time, you can make yourself exactly who you want to be. It is up to you and we wish you the best of luck! Δ
by cjxpadmin | Dec 27, 2012 | Job Club Heart of Texas, Job Search
Hello, our discussion is late this week due to the holidays, don’t worry participation will be counted as normal!
A New Year’s resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. A key element to a New Year’s Resolution that sets it apart from other resolutions is that it is made in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings. People committing themselves to a New Year’s resolution generally plan to do so for the whole following year. This lifestyle change is generally interpreted as advantageous.
It is not enough to say “I want a new job.” It is important to look within yourself and see what it is that you need to change about yourself to get that new job. Maybe you slouch during interviews. Maybe you need to update your resume. All of these things are important. It is mandatory that you take a deep breath look in the job mirror, and identify the things within yourself that you can change to make your job search fruitful. It could be something as simple as changing your outlook on how you search for a job, how you apply for your job, or what type of job you’re looking for. Are your standards too low or too high? The leading cause of resolutions is failure is that the expectations for the goal are unrealistic.
From 1 to 10 tell us what your work resolutions are! Happy New Years from CampusJobXpress!
– -NOTICE- –
TWC mails you a letter showing the maximum amount of EUC you could receive for each Tier. Per federal law, the program allowing payment of EUC benefits expires on December 28, 2013.
Based on the maximum amount of EUC you could receive for each Tier, your benefits may run out before the EUC program expires.
If you have benefits remaining on your EUC claim after the program expires, TWC cannot pay those funds to you because the EUC program will be over.
EUC Eligibility and Deadlines
Tier 1: Must exhaust regular benefits by December 21, 2013, and Tier 1 claim must begin by December 22, 2013. TWC determines your eligibility for the extension after you complete and return the EUC application.
Tier 2: Must exhaust the prior Tier by December 21, 2013. Per federal law, the program allowing payment of EUC benefits expires on December 28, 2013. If you have benefits remaining on your EUC claim after the program expires, TWC cannot pay those funds to you. Other eligibility requirements:
You must be able and available for full-time work.
You must be unemployed or working reduced hours.
Your base period wages must equal or exceed 40 times your weekly benefit amount. (If your regular claim pays 26 weeks of benefits, you meet this qualification.)
You must have exhausted your regular benefits on your most recent claim, or the claim year must be expired.
Your regular claim must have been filed on or after May 7, 2006. You cannot be eligible for unemployment benefits on a new regular claim* in Texas, in any other state, or Canada.
* Note: if you are eligible for a new regular claim that pays less than your EUC claim, you may be able to continue receiving EUC.
Work Search and Availability Requirements
If you are required to look for work, your work search and availability requirements increase while you are receiving EUC.
You are required to participate in special reemployment assessment activities with the Workforce Solutions office, unless you have attended similar services within the last three months.
You are required to seek and accept work you are capable of performing.
You may be required to submit your worksearchlog.
Possibility of Further Extensions
TWC notifies you by mail if you qualify for another extension, so make sure we have your correct address. To verify or change the address TWC has on our records, log on to Unemployment Benefits Services, select Contact Information from the Change My Profile menu, and follow instructions.
You cannot apply for a benefit extension before exhausting your current balance because you must exhaust each level (Tier) of benefits before applying for an extension.
Congress can enact legislation to create further extensions at any time. TWC will notify you by mail if another extension occurs after you exhaust your benefits and you are potentially eligible for the extension. Make sure we have your correct address on our records.
by cjxpadmin | Dec 19, 2012 | Job Club Heart of Texas, Job Search, Uncategorized
To start this discussion we would like to give the most up to date answer we have received regarding UI Benefits from the Heart Of Texas Workforce Center:”You can still make your payment request on your scheduled day even if that day is the 29th , 30th, or 31st.”We want to be sure you understand the above statement does not guarantee you will receive benefits.
The following is a piece of news regarding this situation:
“Unemployment Extension News Update 12/18/12: The National Employment Law Project (NELP) reports that Representatives Sander Levin (D-MI) and Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) joined with Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) and unemployed workers at a press conference to implore Congress to renew federal unemployment insurance before it expires on Dec. 29 – regardless of whether a deal is made on the fiscal cliff.”
On another note, we have a couple of Job Fairs coming up after the New Year. January’s job fair will concentrate on the Food Service industry and February’s job fair will be open to any type of business.
Two things to remember: First, make sure that your WorkinTexas profile is up-to-date and Second, don’t forget to upload your resume to your profile. We will be sure to provide more information as we get closer to the event date. Stay Tuned!If you have any questions please ask and we will continue to get you the most accurate answers as quickly as possible. Everyone have a wonderful holiday and for those who will be traveling, be safe. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
NOTE FROM THE PAGE ADMINISTRATORS: As a side note we will not be in the office from Dec. 21st -Jan 2nd. There will be a job club for the next week, but we will not be available in person at the Workforce Solutions Center until Jan. 2nd. Once again have a safe and happy holidays!
by cjxpadmin | Dec 11, 2012 | Job Club Heart of Texas, Job Search
Below you will find a notice from the Texas Workforce Commission. This notice is to inform you of the latest information available on UI benefits. Please read it carefully. If you have any questions, just ask! Here’s the link:
We have UI Specialists monitoring the Job Club. They will research your questions and will post the official answer from the Texas Workforce Commission. They will also give you the website and online location to find your own answers. The Workforce Center and the CampusJobXpress Staff understand what is happening to your benefits and will assist you in any way possible.
We have a Job Fair December 13th from 10am to 2pm at the Waco Heart of Texas Workforce Center at 1416 South New Road. Plans are to keep this employment effort going through the month of January.
In February, there are plans for another larger Job Fair. It is important for you to update your resume. Even though you may have had your resume done by someone you rely upon, please allow us to review it. We are also encouraging everyone who feels they would be a good candidate for the video resume, to please send us an email so that we may make an appointment for you to accomplish this.
If you have questions, ask now so that we can work on giving you the proper answers. If you have been performing job searches and have not found that that job is for you, then, please post those jobs for others to review.
We have a Resume Class Tuesday through Thursday at 9:00 am and at 10:30am. Computer Classes are available at 2:00pm on Tuesdays, Microsoft Word Classes on Wednesdays at 2:00pm and on Thursdays, we have an Excel Class, also at 2:00pm.
So, in conclusion for this discussion, give us your UI questions, your Job Fair questions and let us know of any employer you would like for us to invite to future job fairs. Thank you very much!