by cjxpadmin | Feb 13, 2013 | Job Club Heart of Texas, Job Search
Are you really ready for a job? We tell ourselves that we are ready to work, and that we will do anything to get the job of our dreams. We study up on new technology. We brush up on our interview skills and practice in front of a mirror. Although, when the time comes to interview our shoes do not match. Our hair is out of place. We don’t believe that we need to iron our clothes. We self sabotage our chances of getting that job by ignoring the details that come with the interviewing process. We lost that job because we didn’t look ourselves over well enough. We decided to eat a greasy hamburger before the interview. All of these things can contribute to the make or break of the image that we project to others. Are you ready to interview? At the end of the day we all have the responsibility of presenting who we are and how we look to a future employer. Saying ” John Doe doesn’t dress like that”, or “I’ve seen the people in the office…” is a cop-out for not doing what you know needs to be done. They have a job, and they can afford to be relaxed. Can you? If you’re not sure of what to wear go online or find an up to date fashion magazine. You can look presentable and comfortable.
by cjxpadmin | Feb 6, 2013 | 500 Watch, Employer Spotlight
With open ears, we hear the need for jobs.
Our subscribers are looking for jobs with benefits and jobs with a future. During our exploration of available opportunities, one such company has come into the spotlight…

Careers at Whataburger
Whataburger® began in 1950 when Harmon Dobson opened a tiny burger stand in Corpus Christi, Texas. From day one, he believed that valuing his employees would ensure the success of the company. He was right! That two-man burger stand has grown to over 700 Whataburger locations across 10 states. We are still family-owned and operated and everyone who works at Whataburger is considered a Family Member. We hire people we believe in, we train them for success and we help them build careers that last.
Find your place. For jobs within our restaurants, including everything from entry-level Team Member positions to General Manager, visit Restaurant Opportunities. Or, if you are interested in a corporate position, you should search our Home Office and Field Opportunities.
As General Manager, you’ll manage the entire store and have responsibilities that range from ensuring customer satisfaction to reporting sales. You’ll also grow and develop your team to create a great work environment.
Lead and inspire.
As Manager, you’ll serve as both a restaurant leader and team member. You’ll have numerous responsibilities in this role. Hard work and a great attitude will get you far.
Team Leader Responsibilities
As Team Leader, you will:
- Food Prep & Delivery
- Customer Service
- Daily Operations
- Restaurant Administration
- Competitive Weekly Salary
- Paid Vacation/Sick Pay
- Advancement Opportunities
- Flexible Scheduling
- Discounted Meals
- Training Opportunities
- Health & Retirement Benefits
If you have an interest in working for a Whatabuger Store, a company with a future, please let us know. Send your resume to and we will screen you for referral.
by cjxpadmin | Feb 5, 2013 | Job Club Heart of Texas, Job Search
As we work on finding employers for you to apply to for employment, check your resumes and update your Work In Texas Profile. We would like to give you material that is thought-provoking. The following is for you to think about and check if you are taking the right approach for yourself.
We do not endorse the author of this site but like the message. Do not feel that you need to join this site because we are showing it to you. This is not our purpose.
Our Job Events are coming soon, on February 13th, a Job Fair and an Employer Showcase. You should have a resume and we would like to review it as soon as you will permit. The showcase allows for you to interview, if you qualify.
We are now posting new items on many times a week. You will now see information on employers we are interviewing to provide you the information you need to decide if you would like to apply for employment with a particular employer.
Please enjoy this article.
– – Reminder – –
Screening can assist in matching you to an available job positionoffered by an employer atending the Invite-Only Showcase Event.
The following positions are avaialble for screening:
Psychiatric Nursing Assitant (A Degree is Not Required-Will Train)
Salesman/Public Relations for a Hydraulic/Water Pump Company
Office Manager (Property Management Experience a Plus)
General Managers for the Food Service Industry (Benefits Offered)
Production Machinery Operator
If any one is interested in interviewing for one or more of these position send an email immediately to, and express which position(s) you would like to be screened for.
by cjxpadmin | Feb 4, 2013 | This Issue's FEATURE
“Nothing creates more unhappiness than failed expectations…Expectations are an attempt to control the future. ~Deepak Chopra
I knew this person who would condition positive statements of his future with the phrase, “When my ship comes in.” It would not
matter what the experience was, a new job, new car or a new house. All good things were contingent on when his proverbial ship came in.
Over the years that I knew him, I observed him slowly change into an unhappy, frustrated person. His plans did not work out. He was stuck in the same job ( that he hated), the same house (that was too small for his very large family), and a series of cars, that were never what he really wanted. He eventually became a cynical person, filled with failed expectations and regrets. His “ship” never arrived!
As I think about this man, I become aware of how similar we are. Over the years, I, too, have had my own episodes of day dreaming. In fact, all of us, from the day we are born, are conditioned to seek happiness outside of ourselves.
This expectation/disappointment cycle starts affecting our lives very early. We all either know someone like this or we are similar in our thought process. We use such terms as: (1) Someday my ship will come in. (2) Someday I will win the Lotto. (3) When [fill in the blank] happens, I will be happy. (4) I will do that after I lose this weight. (5) Everything would be fine if she/he would only [fill in the blank]. (6) I cannot do that; I do not know how to start. You get the picture. When we use these statements, our happiness in life becomes dependent on external people and circumstances or some magical coincidence. The result is that our lives become ripe for disappointment.
The key to breaking this cycle is to first realize that our lives are what we have created - no one else! Neither God, parents, lover, employer or siblings are responsible for the life that we have. We have created this life through our beliefs, thoughts, and choices
that we have made on a daily basis. Unfortunately, we often have not given full attention and focus to how we truly want our lives to look. We have not consciously decided who we want to be. At the end of this life on earth, what do you want to be known for?
Start at the end of your life as you want it to be and work backward to where you are now. The story of ”you” is your choice. You can determine that story right now. It is not too late to develop that personal vision of who you want to be. Starting now, take daily action on the things that will result in the “you” you choose to be. Ask yourself this question: “What am I willing to do right now?” This keeps you focused and in the present and it supports your well-being. It brings focus into the present, where we can do something constructive, rather than focusing on the future, where action is not possible.
Keep in mind that from birth, Spirit has provided and continues to provide everything you need to have the life you desire. Spirit wants you to be happy and is waiting on you to make a move. He will continue to move with you.
Believe In You!