Being Thankful

Being Thankful

By Sheena Williams

It’s almost that time of year again. You would think that with the bright lights and busy stores, you would be more upbeat. However, with the economy slowly recovering and people still trying to get back on their feet, there is a lot of grumbling and frustration out there. People are still struggling and the news is a constant remainder of feeling insecure which creates a feeling that nothing good is going on in the world. Well, here is what we say, “Hogwash!”Boating in the Prince William Sound

There is absolutely no reason for you not to smile this holiday season or any other season. There is so much in this world that we can be thankful for. You just have to look around and you can find something. So, here are 6 ways to start being more thankful!

Relax It can be pretty difficult out there, but remember you stressing yourself out over things that you can’t control is not going to help anyone.  Take a deep breath and count your blessings. Even if you can only find one at the moment, you have found one!

Present Tenses Make sure that you are only using present tenses because tomorrow is not here yet, and yesterday is gone. All you can do right now is worry about what is happening at this moment in time. Are you alive? Did you make it to work fairly unscathed? Did your family eat last night? Then, you are millions of times luckier than a lot of families in the world right now.

  1. Appreciate Take time to appreciate the beauty around you. In our quest to get more or get there faster, it’s easy to overlook all of the splendor around you. Is it raining? Then, you are not in a drought. Is the air clean? Then, some factory is doing their job efficiently. Is your bed warm and inviting? Are the flowers blooming? Do you feel happy when your kids hug you? Then,
  2. you have loads to be thankful for right at this moment. When you start counting beautiful things or the things around you that make you feel good, then, you can sufficiently start being thankful and appreciative of what you have going on in your life.
  3. Smile Do something that makes you smile and remember why you are working so hard. When you’re working, you can get so caught up in what you are doing that you forget why you are doing it. Are you working so that your kids have a better life? Go play with them. Are you working so that you can go on vacation at the end of the year? Read about your location. When you affirm your reasons for why you are doing something, you can get back to the business of doing it with a smile.
  4. Journal Your Gratitude Sit down and for 5 minutes a night for 5 straight nights, just start writing down things that you are thankful for in your life. Even if you come up with some of the same things everyday, you are pinpointing exactly what it is you appreciate and cherish. Then once a week or when you feel like you’ve lost your way, look back at your notebook and remember all of the things in your life that make you and your day possible.Thank you concept
  5. Giving Thanks Always remember to give thanks where thanks are due. If you pray, chant, meditate, or any combination thereof, there is a reason that you are here today. Maybe your religious beliefs have given you a reason. Maybe you feel a mentor had guided you through what you need to get done or get through. There is no such thing as being self-made. You had help, you had support, and you had been given the opportunity. But remember who you are thankful for or to, because it reminds you that you are not alone, and you never will be.
  6. Journal Your Gratitude Sit down and for 5 minutes a night for 5 straight nights, just start writing down journalingthings that you are thankful for in your life. Even if you come up with some of the same things everyday, you are pinpointing exactly what it is you appreciate and cherish. Then once a week or when you feel like you’ve lost your way, look back at your notebook and remember all of the things in your life that make you and your day possible.
  7. Giving Thanks Always remember to give thanks where thanks are due. If you pray, chant, meditate, or any combination thereof, there is a reason that you are here today. Maybe your religious beliefs have given you a reason. Maybe you feel a mentor had guided you through what you need to get done or get through. There is no such thing as being self-made. You had help, you had support, and you had been given the opportunity. But remember who you are thankful for or to, because it smilereminds you that you are not alone, and you never will be.


Remember, take time to be thankful and think happy thoughts. It makes the day go by faster and your life will be more joyous, not just for you, but also for those around you. △

Discussion 67: Being Positive

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
-Aristotle Onassis
During your job search you are going to have times of doubt and worry. Things aren’t comng as fast as you need them to, and you are fast getting into a bind. Those are the moments when you need to be the most positive. It is those exact moments when life seems its darkest that you need to rally your strength, your faith, and your support group around you. you won’t ever see the light if you are focused on the darkness around you. You need to focus not on what may happen, but what will happen. You will get that job, you will go back to school, you will be financialy solevant. The only thing that needs to happen to make those things possible is for you to believe it is possible. What WILL happen for you today?

Discussion 66 Alamo: Getting that Job

You know what job you want. You know that it’s open, and that if you can just get your foot in the door you’ll get it. Are you ready to get your foot in the door? Getting a job is not just about being qualified. It’s about going above and beyond. Have you?


1. Worked on staying current?- All of the people who are interviewing for this job know the same things you do. What is setting you apart?

2. Revised your resume?- Have you tailored it to fit your new job?

3. Practiced talking about yourself?- You should be able to sum up your qualifications in roughly 30 seconds to a minute

4. Made sure your interview outfit is read?- Keep it simple, and keep it neat.

Discussion 65 Alamo: When Opportunity Knocks

There are times when we are given the chance to do something and we don’t. Not because we aren’t capable of doing them, but because we are afraid to take that step. Or maybe we just don’t believe it’s the right opportunity. You hear about a volunteer job that could give not only experience, but give you connections, but you don’t have the time or don’t want to be bothered. You are asked to go to a mixer after work, and you’re tired, but your supervisor is there with his employer announce that a new job is opening up. They are giving away free class at a local venue, but you doubt that you can learn something new. The town is throwing a job fair, but you don’t go because you think there will be nothing fast food jobs. We need to learn to take each opportunity that comes our away, and not be afraid. Some times to get what we want we have to do things that we have never done before.

Discussion 64 Alamo: The Little Things

When we look for work there are times that we are so focused on a job that we gloss over the little things that might help us land that job. Are your shoes scuffed? Did you print your resume on resume paper? Maybe a new haircut or color is in order? Do you have a thank you note ready to send to the employers? Are you keeping busy by volunteering or networking? Are you still in touch with your references?  Try checking your cover letter for any mistakes. There are so many things that could boost our chance of getting a job that really make a world of difference. Is everything ready for you?