Organizing Your Job Search

Organizing Your Job Search

It’s a brand new year, and it’s time to clean up and organize your job search! That’s right — everything from brushing up your resume to getting all your information organized to do your resume. Need suggestions?

That’s what we live for! We have outlined some simple  “no frills” ways to  get your job search together so that you know exactly where you are to where you are headed on the hunt for that brand new shiny job!

  1. Organize; Don’t Procrastinate. Do not use your organizing time as a way to procrastinate. You can only push paper around so organize1much until you’re not leaving yourself any time to do any actual job searching. Get your stuff together, then do something with it! You can’t finish the race if you don’t start it!
  2. Create A Command Station. Make sure that you have an area where you can keep all of your file folders organize-file-foldersand job search items. If you don’t have a lot of space, get a large 3-ring binder and put everything inside! Get or make yourself some dividers and you have a mobile office that you can take with you 24/7. Maybe you’re a techy. You can put everything on your laptop in one folder on your desktop, and when you open that folder, you know you’ll have everything you need!
  3. Equipment Gathering. Your prospective new boss is trying to relay a number to you for you to contact his manager, so that you can interview for a position that is open with his company. You, penshowever, don’t have a pen or paper to jot down the number. No good! You need to get everything that you need at your work station and that includes pen, paper, and planners. Make sure that you have everything you need, and don’t remove it from that spot. Keep all your materials together and you will never have to worry about missing out on any important information!
  4. Develop A Tracking System. You just applied to Murray Corporation last Tuesday, then Henrietta Depot the Thursday before that — not to mention Davis Enterprise the Wednesday before that. Needless to say, you are going to need a way to track who and where you applied with so that you are not continuously re-tracing the tracks you have made! It can be something as easy as a paper filing system broken into parts such as:

• Date applied

• Follow-up date,

• Date interviewed

• Date application was dropped off, etc.

Or maybe you could have something as advanced as a database file that tracks and sorts the information for you by date. Or perhaps, it can just be a plain calendar that you color-code to track your preferred job application or interview. Whatever you use, make sure it’s something that you can keep up with!

  1. Take Time To Search. Searching for work is a job within itself. As such, you need to block out time to do just that. Your Search is calendaryour job, and you need to treat it like one. Make a schedule, get dressed as if you’re going to work, and start searching. Studies have shown that when you act like you’re on the clock, you get a lot more done. Putting yourself on a schedule gives you a sense of urgency that you would not normally have. Not only do you need to treat that time like your search is a job; those around you need to treat that time like it is as well. It is of benefit to everyone that you locate work, so taking it serious is something that you can all share.
  2. Research. You should make a list of companies where you feel you would like to work, based on your skills set. Then, you need to make another list of companies based on your peripheral skills set (jobs that you can do because you know how to do your first job). Then, do another list of jobs that you will take if push comes to shove. After you have compiled that list, then, you need to research each company. Maybe visit one or two to check out the environment. Find out who the hiring manager is, and maybe, make a friend. Get the address and phone number of the places you have on your list. Know where they are, and know how to get there.  By doing a little research, you not only know what to expect, youSkills know how to tailor your resume for each company!

Your job search is a serious subject, and we know the frustrations that you feel at times. Getting organized will cut through some of the frustration and keep you prepared to take the job of your dreams. Keep heading toward your dream job and you will get there! Δ



dream job


Putting Valentines Back In Your Budget

Putting Valentines Back In Your Budget

By Sheena Williams

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching! That’s right, hearts, flowers, candy and cards!  It’s a chance to re-connect with those you love, whether you are in a relationship or not. It’s a chance to show someone that you appreciate them for being in your life and sticking it out with you through thick and thin. We know that some of you still have not have fully recovered from the holidays, so we are going to give you some inexpensive, but nice things for you to do for those you care about!

valentines-cards1Homemade Cards — You can do a lot with a sheet of paper and some simple dollar store items. Make a card with a personal message inside. Not poet lariat? Get online and find a quote or message that explains what it is that you want to say perfectly. It’s not about having that symbol at the bottom of your card that shows you care, it’s about the words in the card that express how much you care that shows it.

Artificial-Rose---JC6013-1331527269-0Artificial Roses — So, everyone in your hunny bunny’s office is showing off their expensive bouquets of roses and other assorted flowers. Well, with some felt, construction paper or red gift wrap, you can create a beautiful bunch of flowers that  will not only be the envy of everyone in the office, but it will be something that your love bug can keep long past after everyone else has thrown their flowers away!

Homemade Candy — For pennies on the dollar, you can create candies and treats to give to your loved ones! You can get chocolate-covered pretzels, courtesy of the dollar store or you can make pralines right from your own kitchen.  Maybe you want to make cupcakes so that he/she can pass them out among their co-workers or family. This is something really easy to do on your valentines to-do list.

Hope Lutheran picnicDo Something Special — If the one you cherish is having a hard time with something, offer to spend Valentine’s Day helping them out. Maybe they need help in the garden or maybe they need help in having their tools reorganized. Whatever it is you do, make it fun! Make sandwiches and soda and make an afternoon or a  night of it. Go to the park and stargaze, should the weather permit. Just being together on Valentine’s Day will brighten up even the gloomiest day.

romantic-dinner-at-homeMake Dinner — Candles, tablecloths, music and food… I’m not sure what else you need to say or do that means I love you, but that works for me! Taking the time to make dinner for the one you love shows that you care and that you want them to be happy. You want them to put up their feet and relax.

valentines-chocolateFree Events — Most cities have holiday-themed events, and Valentine’s Day is definitely a holiday! Go to a club and dance the night away. Go and listen to jazz in an off-the-beaten path lounge. Maybe someone is doing some poetry readings. You don’t have to spend money to make the day special, and it’s not only something to do for them, but it’ll be a stress reliever for you at the same time!

Whatever you do, make sure that you put your all into it. Your significant other is there supporting you and ensuring that everything is falling into place around you. They help keep the “crazies” at bay (unless you are the crazy, then, they just love you instead), and that should give you that fluttery feeling in your chest. Don’t half way do it; put all the love that you feel into whatever you do. If they are your significant other or your “bestie,” then, they deserve everything you do for them, right? Δ


Life Wheel

Life Wheel

By Sheena Williams

right directionLooking at the ups and downs of last year can certainly make your head spin. All of the choices that you did or didn’t make, the chances that you did and didn’t take have all led you to the “you” that you are at this moment! What’s done is done, and it can’t be changed, but what you can do now is make sure that you are headed in the right direction! This is where the Life Wheel comes in!

The Life Wheel allows you to gauge your progress toward happiness. Ideally, your life should be balanced within these various areas:

• Business/Career/Studieswheel

• Finance/Wealth

• Health/Fitness

• Social/Friends

• Family

• Love

• Recreation/Fun

• Contribution

• Personal Growth

• Spiritual, and

• Self-image.

All of these things comprise the makeup of who you are and leans you toward a balanced life.

To help you chart your progress toward happiness, we have included a Life Wheel. With this wheel, you can ask yourself questions and plot your points where you feel you are at this particular moment. As you go through the exercise, remember that this is not about beating yourself up. Some of the choices we make may not have been the best, but they are the choices that we made with the information and time available to us. Your goal is to reach toward happiness now and not allow yourself to wallow in the past.

Check out the Life Wheel for yourself.


Step 1: Ask yourself each question and give yourself a rating from 0 to 10, (0 being no progress made and 10 being progress attained).

  1. ____ Business/Career/Studies  Where do you feel you are with regard to your work? If you’re working, then rate your satisfaction with your job goals? Are you a student? Where do you feel you are with regard to your grades, studying, and career goals?
  2. ____ Finance/Wealth  How do you feel about where you are financially? Do you have the savings you want? Are you secure with what you have? This is not about being rich; it’s about how you feel about where you are financially at the moment.
  3. ____ Health / Fitness  How do you feel with regard to your health? This isn’t about your size; it’s about whether you can pass a physical. Do you breath correctly, do you work out on a regular basis? How do you feel about your level of physical activity?
  4. ____ Social / Friends  How are you doing with your friends? Do you support them and are they supportive of you? Do you have fun when you go out with them? Are they more trouble than they are worth? Are there any negative influences?
  5. ____ Family  Are you happy with how your family is getting along with you, not whether they get along with Aunt Delia or not. Do you get along with those family members who are important to you? Do you need to apologize to anyone? Do you feel you are owed an apology? Do you love being around them?
  6. ____ Love  How loved do you feel? This is not necessarily romantic love. This is about how loved you feel overall by your family and friends. Do you feel that you are emotionally validated by those you have around you?
  7. ____ Recreation/Fun Do you participate in things that you enjoy? Hobbies, martial arts, card collecting, or any other activity that you do to relax. Do you take time for yourself?
  8. ____ Contribution  How do you feel about your contribution to society? Do you give back to the community? Do you do unto others as you would have them do unto you? How often do you do something for someone with no expectation of reward in return?
  9. ____ Personal Growth  Do you read on new ways to do things? Take a computer class or maybe take a cooking class? Watch documentaries on the civil war? Take up a hobby that builds your hand and eye coordination? Do you do things to better yourself and keep yourself thinking?
  10. ____ Spiritual  This is not necessarily religious, though it can be. Do you belong to a church that you attend regularly? Do you meditate? Are you Agnostic or Atheist? Do you chant to the tunes of bells, or do you quietly pray at the end of your day and before every meal? What is it that you do that keeps you centered and focused on what it is you want out of life, and are you taking the steps to make sure it happens?
  11. ____ Self-Image  Forget about what everyone else thinks about you. Forget about the way your Pomeranian looked at you when you walked in the door. What do you think about yourself and where you are at this moment? As a reminder, this is not where you can dump on yourself and criticize yourself. This is where you take a few minutes to think of all the things that you believe are great and all the things that you could work on and sum them up in one rating.

todays lessons


Step 2: Once you have rated yourself plot them on the included chart with a point then connect the dots.



Step 3: Once you have connected all of the dots, then, read on to find out what the shape of your wheel means.

  1. A Consistent Small Wheel — Notice the small wheel due to the low scores? This means that there are things going on in your life that are hindering you from broadening your wheel. Take some time to figure out what it is and take the steps necessary to broaden your circle.
  2. A Lopsided Wheel (a wheel that’s larger on one side then the other) —Decent! It means that you are moving forward in some parts of your wheel. However, it may also mean that you have neglected other parts of your wheel in pursuit of other parts. Try to balance your wheel out.
  3. A Generally Broad Wheel With a Few Low Points — You are doing really well. Most wheels look like this. Your scores are pretty equal all the way around, but there are a few areas that you could work on. Take some time out to figure out what these areas are and see if you can straighten them out!
  4. A  Large Complete Wheel (Circle) — I’m sure the Dali Lama has a complete circle, but we mere mortals find this shape to be the hardest to obtain. It’s doable, but it takes a lot of balancing to have all of your ducks lined up in a row. And honestly, that is just a part of the human condition to strive to be better. A possible trap that some may fall into once they reach 8 and up on their wheel is that they will feel there is no room for improvement which is furthest from the truth. There is always room to improve yourself. Your wheel may never be perfectly round, but it’s the process of getting it there that makes it worth it!

Look at the scores and the shape of your wheel and take this as a chance to ask yourself some questions and do some soul searching. This isn’t for assigning blame or pointing the finger. Small scores are not a red flag for unhappiness. It just means that there are some areas that you may want to look into to round out your life. This wheel is about locating your happiness and finding a way to move toward it! Take a deep breath, get a piece of paper and a pen and start writing out some plans and wishes!

WPMG offers an electronic book called the “The Me I Want To Be.” adapt18This publication can help you find the person that you hope to be. It will take you from where you are to where you want to go. “The Me I Want To Be” may help you sort out some of the imbalance on your wheel by helping you figure out exactly what it is that you wish to do. Check out the WPMG Network tab on Good luck! Δ