November Magazine 2012

This is Melvin. First let me say Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Campusjobxpress and the Heart Of Texas Workforce Solutions Centers.
I would like for you to reflect on all the good things that have come your way and the great possibilities of the future. Some of you have allowed doubt to creep into your lives. You must believe great things are possible. None of you have any idea what tomorrow will bring. But I do know, if you begin to have bad thoughts, bad things seem to come your way. Please believe in yourself and in all the good things that can come your way.
A month ago, I got up getting ready to go my friendʼs wedding and that night I began the first of four days in ICU. After having four transfusions, five doctors and a prognosis that was grim, my friends and family helped me keep my spirit and faith alive. I walked out six and a half days later understanding what is important — family, friends and life itself.
You are alive, you must act as you are. Stop the negative thoughts, being mean-spirited and most of all, stop the complaining and focus on what is really important. You!
Make yourself happy by being happy. Enjoy what you have, life itself.
My favorite quote is “Life is not about having a good hand, rather, itʼs about playing a poor hand well.”
How are you playing your hand? Again, Have happiest of Thanksgiving!
The following is a letter I am sending out to college students in Austin. Please read this and let me know your thoughts.
It is my belief, each of you will need to try a different approach to your job search. For some of you, this video presentation could open new doors for you. It is not for everyone but, it should be considered.
Please read: For years in our past, individual job seekers would fill out applications for employment. Those wanting a higher position, completed resumes to stand out from others. A resume was the premier instrument for seeking employment. Only a select few stood out with this document.
Today, it is very common and expected for most applicants to complete and bring a resume to apply for a job. The resume has become a generalized tool. It has become very difficult to stand out among all the applicants seeking employment. Changing styles, finding unique ways to present one’s self with resumes has not given individuals the opportunity to distinguish themselves from the general population.
That is not until today!
Campusjobxpress.com has developed a way for premier applicants to present themselves in a more visual way, video presentation. It is original, professional and personally unique to each individual.
An applicant can present their resume only as an introduction to an employer. A precursor you may call it. They can send their resume with a link to a most powerful video presentation allowing them to personally speak to a potential employer. They can tell their story, their skills, abilities, education and work history, all accessible from their online resume with a link to their direct message to the employer
CampusJobXpress.com is a division of Workforce Partners Management Group, LLC, a 23-year old employment transition and placement company. In its history, WPMG has worked for the United States General Services Administration, the State of Texas, Workforce Boards, Air Force, Navy, Army and Coast Guard.
Applicants, sign up with CampusJobXpress.com today and begin your transition to the legend of the employed. Present the best of your skills and abilities to your next employer. Let us help!
Go to Campusjobxpress.com and register, post your resume, upload a photo as well as your personal video.
Be seen by your future employer!
Sincerely, Campusjobxpress.com
What are your thoughts about this approach?
Who is willing to try it?
Are you ready to go to the next level?
Thoughts to consider:
“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
“When writing the story of your life; Never let anyone else hold the pen.”
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Hello, this is Melvin. Sorry I have been away for a while but I wanted to re-connect with all of you. I have a lot of things I need to discuss with you very quickly.
A lot of you got an email. Many of you have been responding to job club, but because some of you had not, we sent out an email to everyone because it was very important that you know we are now recording everyone who comes into the job club. We are automatically putting that into the system so that when you report it from your side as part of your contact information, it is already there and it has been verified. So it only helps you in what we are doing as far as this reporting. You will be getting other emails from us because we are also working on getting everyoneʼs resumes up to date.
Iʼve been monitoring while I was gone, your responses to employers not recalling you back, not really having a lot of activities as far as job responses. We are reading those and we understand what is going on and we are now taking action to get something done. I said it in class and Iʼll say it again, “If you are not getting interviews, there is something wrong with your resume.” That being said, now we have to correct your resumes. You may like your resume. You may think your resume looks good but it is not what you think. It is actually what the employer thinks.
So if we are going to get you to that next job, we need to do your resume. I have asked the staff to contact you as quickly as possible to start bringing you in to re-evaluate your resumes. If you would like, we would like you to start on this coming Tuesday. Send us an email, make a reservation, we can take 14 people at a time. We are starting at 9 oʼclock and will go until 12. We are very serious about this issue with the resume.
Also, we are working very quickly to try to see if we can put together a very good, effective job fair for everyone. We are going to try to do it in early December if we can get enough employers to cooperate because it ʼs the holiday season, it may become an issue but it is not going to be for a lack of trying on our part so we will be doing that for you.
So I wanted you also to be aware that on November 15th at the Waco Convention Center, there will be a Veteranʼs Job Fair that the State has asked a lot of workforce agencies across the State to do. That will start at 10 oʼclock and will run until 2 oʼclock. For those of you who are not veterans, I am going to ask you, if you would like, if may be very helpful for you to drop by around 11:30 on to that particular job fair.
We are going to give preference to the veterans up until 11:30, but if you feel like dropping in and seeing whatʼs there, I think it will be an okay idea. So think about doing that, drop in and see if you can make some kind of connection, okay? We will be calling you, you will be getting emails, you will be getting personal contacts from us — if you are getting those, then, itʼs not a personal thing. We are not picking on you. And for those of you who have sent emails in saying that someone is turning you into the State, it is not our responsibility to turn you into the State at this particular time. The State has not asked and we have not seen reason to do that, so if you are getting emails or getting letters from the State, it is not by any action that is being done here. The State has another system that they work through so that, in itself, may be why you are getting that. We will always let you know before we send anything. You will get some type of notice that you are not responding, you are not cooperating, or you are not doing something. Once you get three of those, then, we would probably say okay, we donʼt have a choice. If you are responding, if you are doing everything you are supposed to and if you get an email from us or a letter, donʼt take it personal. Itʼs just easier to send out an email to everyone than to try to screen through 1200 people about job club or about work activities, okay?
So, we will be working very hard for you. We will do everything we can to get you employed as quickly as we possibly can. I want you to keep up your spirits. I want you to think positively because if you go down, as far as your spirits are concerned, itʼs only going to hurt you when you do your job search, all right? I do appreciate it. Good luck. Let us hear from you and you will certainly be hearing from us. Thank you.Bye.
Give The Employer What They Want
The number one goal of a resume is to get you invited for an interview. In order to make this happen, your resume needs to make you look like a great fit for the job being offered. A resume is more than a report card or simply a description of what you’ve done. Think of your resume more as a marketing piece where you are selling yourself as a valuable asset to the company posting the job. Before you write one word, this approach will have you asking yourself, “What is it that an employer is looking for in an ideal candidate for this position?” Where you will find the answer to this question will be in the qualifications posted for the job in which you are interested. So, the first step in preparing to write your resume is to carefully consider what you want to say. The most important thing to make sure you say is how you fit the qualifications for the job for which you are applying. The following ideas will help you begin to put your thoughts together.
Matching the Qualifications for a Job
Most job postings will list some qualifications for the job that’s being offered. Usually that will include some amount of experience in that type of work. Many jobs require that you have done the same or similar work elsewhere and that you already know the job, the tools, the technology, and the information necessary to get the job done right away and with little or no training. Some companies only require someone who knows something about the work, has related or transferable skills, some useful knowledge and has shown a good aptitude for learning plus a strong work history. All of this guides you in preparing your resume to make sure that you communicate how your experience has prepared and qualifies you to do the job for which you are applying.
The other qualification often mentioned in job postings is an educational background in the work or field. That may mean that you have graduated high school or possess a college degree. An educational background may also mean that you have some relevant vocational or “on-the-job” training. You may have taken classes or training in the field for which you are applying. Think of the classes, courses, workshops,
books, training, and lessons you have taken worth mentioning to impress the perspective employer with what you know. It will be especially important to mention any certificates you have earned, any licenses, or any specific tools or technologies that you have trained on that has prepared you or qualifies you to do the job.
Key Words
While preparing to write your resume, list the words that are used in describing the qualifications listed for the job you want. Use those very words as best as you can in describing your own experience. These will likely be the “key words” that the initial screener will look for in determining which resumes get a closer look. The better your resume can match your experience, your education, and your other qualifying factors with the key words that are listed as job qualifications, the more closely your resume will be considered.
The Other Important Qualifications
There are other qualifying factors that may or may not be included in a job posting. There are several qualities that any employer is looking for in a good candidate. Qualities such as reliability, a proven work history, the ability to work with others, and your overall character are important to demonstrate on your resume. Even if these are not listed as a job requirement, you want to make sure your resume says there is a lot about you qualifying you as a potential employee. A strong showing of these other qualifying factors will make you appear as an excellent applicant.
Proven Success At Work
An employer wants to know that you are a great employee and that you have had success on your past jobs. Success will look like accomplishments and recognition you have achieved along the way. Accomplishments may include promotions you’ve received, levels of responsibilities you have been given, special projects or performance goals for which you’ve been recognized. You will want to make sure you mention these accomplishments in ways that anyone reading your resume would be impressed. You may also want to mention any “outstanding” or “excellent” evaluations you may have received while on a job. You want to communicate that in the past, your work has been so good that others recognized you. This would qualify you as the kind of person that any company would want to consider hiring.
Adaptability And The Willingness To Get Along With Others
Most jobs will require you to work as part of a team or at least with other people. Most jobs also require that each employee is willing to do what’s asked of them and that you are adaptable and flexible. This may include the kind of work you may be asked to do as well as the hours you may be asked to work. They may want you to be willing to learn or be trained in new areas. They may want you to be able to travel or even to relocate. You want to use your resume to make it clear what you are willing and able to do in terms of getting along with all kinds of people as well as your willingness to do what the company wants from an employee they will want to hire.
A Great Character
Job postings will generally not ask that a candidate be a great person and have a strong character, but you can assume that any employer wants employees who are dependable. You may know that you are a good employee and that you’re honest and can be trusted, but the future employer won’t know unless you tell them. Employers want to know that you will show up and that your attendance and punctuality have been shown to be outstanding. They want to know that you are mature in your approach to work, that you have a strong work ethic. This means that you value your work, you respect the company, and that you are reliable, dependable and responsible when it comes to work. Be sure, in writing your resume, that you impress upon the future employer that you bring a strong character to your job. Think of the four or five things that describe your strengths of character that you bring to a job. This is what you want the employer to know about you; make sure they are mentioned in your resume.
Your Intentions
Employers want to know that you will stay on the job and that you and the job are a good fit for each other. They want to be sure that the time and cost of training and developing you will be a good investment. It will be wise to mention both in your resume and your cover letter how this position fits for you, your background and interest in this kind of work and that your plans are to have, hold on to and succeed on this job.
Providing a resume that gives the employer an impression that you are right for the job will generally require you to customize every resume you submit. Resume writing is an ongoing process. Rather than having one resume to hand around to all employers you are interested in working for, think of preparing a customized resume for each and every job to which you apply. Always keep a copy of every resume you craft. You will get better with every attempt and you will have a lot of parts to piece together for every opportunity you pursue. Good luck and make yourself look like you were made for that job! Δ