Discussion 49: New Mission for Job Club
We hope your week has been awesome and finds you well. Today we are announcing a change in how Job Club is conducted. We are going to be enhancing the content of our weekly discussions! The open discussions will continue as always, and we will still be sending you great interview and resume tips. However, we will be changing how we get the job information to you. We will be posting job information as it comes in! What we want for you is to send us the jobs you are individually looking for and our new job locater specialist at CJXP Jobs will find it for you! Come back everyday for our up-to-date job postings.
Also at this time we are screening for these positions at this time:
75 Engineering Jobs in Austin
19 remaining jobs for Food Service in Austin
54 Credit Union Jobs in Austin
Dispatcher Jobs in Waco
Psychiatric Nursing Assistants in Waco

Discussion 48: What do you look for in a job?
There are times you look at the job you’re doing, or the work you’re looking for and you have doubts. You have doubts about whether or not it’s worth it. For those of you looking for work you need to stop and ask your self one question. “Is the job I’m looking for or wanting a career or a paycheck?” If it’s a career then all steam ahead and good luck to you. If it’s just a job then you may want to rethink what you’re doing. There is a saying that goes “Find a job that you love and you‘ll never have to work a day in your life.” This is sort of true. There are jobs that we take to make ends meet, but then there are jobs that let you get up in the morning with a smile on your face. So you need to ask yourself… What am I looking for in a job? What is it that makes me get out of bed in the morning happy, and how do I go about making it work for me?
Below list 10 things. 5 things you look for and 5 things that are deal breakers. Once you’ve made that list examine them. Are they truly deal breakers, or are they things that you can get around and just don’t want to? Are those 5 things the most important things or are they unreasonable request? As always, have a great day!
Discussion 47: RoundUp
We cannot stress enough the benefits to you surrounding the upcoming Applicant Roundup Events. Every third Friday until September, we will be accepting your professional photo, accepting your resume and assisting in filming your very own video resume. To prepare ahead of time, we can accept and review your resume through e-mail prior to the event. Just send your document as an attachment to info@campusjobxpress.com. Also, if you have already taken a professional photo of yourself, you can submit the photo the same as you would your resume.
For those of you who are hesitant to try a video, let me explain how this can be very beneficial to your success. Years ago, a resume was only something created by the higher-end professionals and now everyone creates resumes when looking for a job.
A lot of you are expressing that you would do better in person, but what better way to ensure a face-to-face interview than by showing how different, up-to-date, professional and qualified you are through a one-minute video alongside your professional resume and summary of qualifications.
This will give the employer a convenient look at all you have to offer which will, in turn, create a better result for everyone. Matching yourself with the right company begins first by having the right attitude.
Technology and the workplace are constantly evolving. More and more employers prefer to communicate through e-mail, rather than basic mail or telephone. CampusJobXpress is simply feeding the need for convenience because it diminishes stress and saves everyone time. Creating and completing a full professional profile through CampusJobXpress ensures that you will be viewed as a new age professional and all of our subscribers’ amazing qualifications will be presented in a whole new light to employers seeking the perfect candidate.
Be sure to always maintain the appropriate attitude when searching for work as well as the appropriate attire. Remember to dress for the job you want and keep a positive attitude right there with it!
Discussion 46 Alamo: What Am I Missing (Revisited)
*Due to discussion 46 not going up as scheduled we are keeping it up another week to give everyone the chance to read it*
To succeed, one must be thorough in their goals. Being thorough is the highlight of our upcoming Applicant RoundUp Events. These events have been scheduled for the third Friday of June, July, and August. Everyone and anyone can participate. This event is to ensure that each subscriber has a complete, efficient and updated profile for employers to review. Too many of our subscribers still have incomplete profiles or have yet to upload professional photos or videos. These areas of the profile are considered very important because they are what sets our subscribers apart from all the rest.To properly participate in one of the Applicant RoundUp Events, you will need to prepare as follows:
1. Upload an up-to-date resume with easy-to-read/short/bulleted phrases. The resume should have a Summary of Qualifications with short, bulleted phrases.
2. Take a professional photo of yourself and post it to your Profile Page. You may take this photo yourself and email it to us for approval or have the photo taken at the event. If you take the photo yourself, remember that it should be a photo of yourself without any additional people or props and it should be taken against a plain background.
3. Practice a one-minute or less speech discussing your qualifications (education, experience, skills) that an employer would find appealing as well as what you can offer the company, if hired. It is very important to keep this presentation positive and professional. This one-minute video presentation will also be posted in the Quality Assured Section of CampusJobXpress.com.4. Please choose a job category from the list of jobs under job data base. If the job category that you need is not listed there, let us know by e-mail the category that you need
All of you who are interested in the Summer Applicant RoundUp should e-mail us at info@campusjobxpress.comonce the above three items have been completed.