by cjxpadmin | Nov 18, 2013 | Job Club Heart of Texas
It is easy to allow yourself to fall into the trap of I need money now. So many times you get stuck at a job where you feel comfortable, and you’re afraid to leave or to ask for more because you have one bird in the hand. In the end that’s fine you have to chose what is right for you and your family, but there will come a time when you know that you should be making more for the work that you do. There are however things that you need to consider when you are thinking of making that move to management or to another company. Are you truly worth the money? That is going to be the main thing, and if you stop and take a hard look at your skill set and the things you bring to the table you will have your answer. Without out knowing how much you do and can do, you will have no idea how much you should be making. If you don’t know as much as you think you may need for the job there is nothing wrong with picking some new skills. It can only make you more marketable. The next thing is being in a place that is going to pay you what you are worth. If you live in a smaller town you may not make as much money as someone in a larger doing the same job. There are a lot of things to consider when trying to figure out if you are being paid what you are worth. At the end of the day it is something that only you can decide.
by cjxpadmin | Nov 11, 2013 | Job Club, Job Club Heart of Texas
Sometimes it’s easy to feel as if you are floating around in the world. Like you are moving about aimlessly with nothing to guide you. You’re working hard, but sometimes the results are just not there. That’s when you give up. We at CampusJobXpress are here to tell you that it’s moments like those when you need to push harder. It’s times like those that let you know that you need to break up your goals in to accomplishable chunks. Goal setting is the act of picturing the future that you want and reaching that goal in small bits and pieces. Picture your goals, and break it down into smaller parts. As you accomplish your smaller parts you fit each part of your picture together like a puzzle. What isyour big picture? What are you doing to create that picture for yourself?
by cjxpadmin | Nov 4, 2013 | Job Club Alamo Area
There are times when you can get so down on yourself, that you forget how great you are. There are things going on around you that constantly tell you that you can give in to negative thoughts about yourself. When that happens it’s hard to do 30 seconds to a minute of talking about your self in a positive light. So the exercise for this week is to list 10 good things about your self. The more often you do this the easier it will be to get used to saying good things about yourself and employers. They are going to ask you why you are qualified for a job, and you need to be ready with an answer. What are ten good things about you?
by cjxpadmin | Nov 1, 2013 | This Issue's FEATURE
By Sheena Williams
At this time in our history, it is so easy to point the finger at someone else, or say it’s someone else’s fault that something happened. It’s almost second nature to say that it was the other person’s fault. But it is your responsibility to get yourself to work on time. It is your job to make sure that your reports are submitted in a timely fashion. It is your job to ensure that the directions you give your employees are good ones. In a word, everyone tries to pass the buck. It is up to you to make sure that you are taking responsibility for your actions.
The best way to ensure that you are doing what you are supposed to is self-introspection. Ask yourself questions and see if you can answer them honestly. Don’t look at Jim, Janice, Jon or Janet. It was not their job to have your work done. So, to make sure that you doing what you are supposed to be doing, we’ve put together some things you should ask yourself.
Was the job assigned to you? There are times when we will switch out responsibilities, or float our schedule due to need, or maybe to help someone out. However, if you agreed to do something and traded with someone without telling your employer about it, there’s a problem. As far as anyone else knows, you are still in charge of the job. So when something hits the fan and the job is not completed, it means that you are going to be the one called on the carpet.
- Did you get it in writing? There have been so many times when you ave spoken to someone on the phone and gotten a verbal agreement. It means nothing until it is documented. Make sure that whatever favor you do or whatever promise is made to you that you get it in writing. Even if it’s in an e-mail, it is at least a documented statement that there was intent. If you failed to get it writing, it would still end up being your fault.
Are you doing only what you are able? A lot of the time, our responsibilities fall by the wayside because you made too many promises to too many people. Your time is now torn between doing what you are supposed to be doing, and doing favors for Tom, Dick and Harry. It’s fine to help people out, but not at the detriment of your own well-being or work. Try to keep your workload and your promises real and reasonable.
- Do you have the adequate resources to fulfill that job? Yes, you say, you can do this, and this, and that. But if you don’t have the time, money, know how, or resources, it’s going to be an uphill climb making that happen. Make sure you can do what you say you can do before it becomes a problem
- Have you communicated with everyone involved? So, it turns out that you’re running late on whatever you’re supposed to be doing. Have you told the appropriate party? Have you contacted a supervisor, or told the field rep that there is a complication? Most problems can be avoided if you tell someone soon enough that there is an issue. They can be fixed if you give people the time to fix them.
Have you taken control of your situation? No one is going to take care of you better than you. Have you done everything you can to make your situation work? Have you made the right calls? Have you completed the right assignments? It’s going to be pretty awkward if you don’t have all your ducks in a row and you are trying to point out someone else’s wrongs.
- Are you pointing out other people’s wrongs? You messed up. You know you messed up, and it’s pretty obvious you messed up. Own it and move on. Don’t turn around and say, “Cindy from Tech Support should have done it.” By you taking responsibility, it is far better than becoming a “tattletale” when something goes wrong.
Taking responsibility is not only good for business, it’s a survival technique. By taking responsibility for your actions, people know that you can be trusted. They know that at the end of the day, you are someone who will not only get the job done, but will fix it when it goes wrong. △
by cjxpadmin | Nov 1, 2013 | November 2013 Magazine
By Sheena Williams
It’s almost that time of year again. You would think that with the bright lights and busy stores, you would be more upbeat. However, with the economy slowly recovering and people still trying to get back on their feet, there is a lot of grumbling and frustration out there. People are still struggling and the news is a constant remainder of feeling insecure which creates a feeling that nothing good is going on in the world. Well, here is what we say, “Hogwash!”
There is absolutely no reason for you not to smile this holiday season or any other season. There is so much in this world that we can be thankful for. You just have to look around and you can find something. So, here are 6 ways to start being more thankful!
Relax It can be pretty difficult out there, but remember you stressing yourself out over things that you can’t control is not going to help anyone. Take a deep breath and count your blessings. Even if you can only find one at the moment, you have found one!
Present Tenses Make sure that you are only using present tenses because tomorrow is not here yet, and yesterday is gone. All you can do right now is worry about what is happening at this moment in time. Are you alive? Did you make it to work fairly unscathed? Did your family eat last night? Then, you are millions of times luckier than a lot of families in the world right now.
- Appreciate Take time to appreciate the beauty around you. In our quest to get more or get there faster, it’s easy to overlook all of the splendor around you. Is it raining? Then, you are not in a drought. Is the air clean? Then, some factory is doing their job efficiently. Is your bed warm and inviting? Are the flowers blooming? Do you feel happy when your kids hug you? Then,
- you have loads to be thankful for right at this moment. When you start counting beautiful things or the things around you that make you feel good, then, you can sufficiently start being thankful and appreciative of what you have going on in your life.
- Smile Do something that makes you smile and remember why you are working so hard. When you’re working, you can get so caught up in what you are doing that you forget why you are doing it. Are you working so that your kids have a better life? Go play with them. Are you working so that you can go on vacation at the end of the year? Read about your location. When you affirm your reasons for why you are doing something, you can get back to the business of doing it with a smile.
- Journal Your Gratitude Sit down and for 5 minutes a night for 5 straight nights, just start writing down things that you are thankful for in your life. Even if you come up with some of the same things everyday, you are pinpointing exactly what it is you appreciate and cherish. Then once a week or when you feel like you’ve lost your way, look back at your notebook and remember all of the things in your life that make you and your day possible.

- Giving Thanks Always remember to give thanks where thanks are due. If you pray, chant, meditate, or any combination thereof, there is a reason that you are here today. Maybe your religious beliefs have given you a reason. Maybe you feel a mentor had guided you through what you need to get done or get through. There is no such thing as being self-made. You had help, you had support, and you had been given the opportunity. But remember who you are thankful for or to, because it reminds you that you are not alone, and you never will be.
- Journal Your Gratitude Sit down and for 5 minutes a night for 5 straight nights, just start writing down
things that you are thankful for in your life. Even if you come up with some of the same things everyday, you are pinpointing exactly what it is you appreciate and cherish. Then once a week or when you feel like you’ve lost your way, look back at your notebook and remember all of the things in your life that make you and your day possible.
- Giving Thanks Always remember to give thanks where thanks are due. If you pray, chant, meditate, or any combination thereof, there is a reason that you are here today. Maybe your religious beliefs have given you a reason. Maybe you feel a mentor had guided you through what you need to get done or get through. There is no such thing as being self-made. You had help, you had support, and you had been given the opportunity. But remember who you are thankful for or to, because it
reminds you that you are not alone, and you never will be.
Remember, take time to be thankful and think happy thoughts. It makes the day go by faster and your life will be more joyous, not just for you, but also for those around you. △