Discussion 40: Do you have the big 3?

After many months of working with individuals on UI and other programs, it has become obvious that many of you do not understand the big three things that can get you employed. Let’s review:


Resume –   Resume must be clearly stated

Easily readable

Targeted to the job you seek

Checked by someone other than yourself for errors

References must be notified



Interview – The interview must be focused

Company should be researched

Be prepared to have a conversation

Practice in a mirror and in front of family or friends

Be prepared to give a one minute presentation about yourself (employment-based)

Tell the interviewer what you can do for the company (solve a problem or make the company money)


Likability – Employers hire people they like

You must be able to work well with others

A positive attitude goes a long way

A sincere smile can make a huge impact

An energetic interest in the company must be portrayed




Do you have your three? If not, what are you missing?




Discussion 39 Alamo: What would you do?

The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.

-Zig Ziglar

There are moments in our lives where we have to make choices. These choices not only define who we are, but what we believe in. Though not every choice is cut in stone, a lot of our decisions tell us a lot about ourselves if we pay attention to them. Below are some what would you do scenarios. Read them and tell us what you would do.

If a classmate asked you for the answer to a question during an exam while the teacher was not looking, what would you do?

If the whole world were listening, what would you say?

If one song were to describe your life, what song would it be?

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

If you didn’t have enough money to get the bus home what would you do?

What would you do if you found the wallet of your next door neighbor who you hated?

If you could stop a bad habit that you have, what would you stop?

Discussion 39: What would you do?

The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.

-Zig Ziglar


There are moments in our lives where we have to make choices. These choices not only define who we are, but what we believe in. Though not every choice is cut in stone, a lot of our decisions tell us a lot about ourselves if we pay attention to them. Below are some what would you do scenarios. Read them and tell us what you would do.


If a classmate asked you for the answer to a question during an exam while the teacher was not looking, what would you do?

If the whole world were listening, what would you say?

If one song were to describe your life, what song would it be?

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

If you didn’t have enough money to get the bus home what would you do?

What would you do if you found the wallet of your next door neighbor who you hated?




We are looking for real testimonials from our wonderful subscribers to showcase the services we can provide job seekers and employers alike. If you have something great to say, Voice It. Email us now at Rachel@campusjobxpress.com.

Discussion 38 Alamo: Employer Feedback

In just a few weeks, we will be hosting a breakfast for employers so that we can discuss the benefits of Campusjobxpress.com and brag about our wonderful subscribers. This is just one of our many efforts to bring in masses of great employers and more opportunities for you, the job seeker. We will begin sending invites to employers soon, but before we do, we want to hear from you. Which companies would you like us to invite and why? For those of you outside the Waco area, Which employers would you like to see when we come to your area?

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for convenient updates and reminders.

Discussion 38: Employer Feedback

In just a few weeks, we will be hosting a breakfast for employers so that we can discuss the benefits of Campusjobxpress.com and brag about our wonderful subscribers. This is just one of our many efforts to bring in masses of great employers and more opportunities for you, the job seeker. We will begin sending invites to employers soon, but before we do, we want to hear from you. Which companies would you like us to invite and why?


Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for convenient updates and reminders.