by cjxpadmin | Feb 20, 2013 | Job Club Heart of Texas, Job Search
With last week’s topic still in our thoughts we would like to continue the discussion. An important question to ask ourselves: What is important to the employer during an interview? We prepare ourselves for the questions we will be asked during an interview but we don’t always know if and how we went wrong. Have a look at the following question. Do you know the answer? Tell us what you think and then review more information on the subject, as well as the answer, in the article: NEGATIVE FACTORS EVALUATED BY AN INTERVIEWER
Of the following five behaviors that candidates exhibit during a job
interview, what do you believe is the one behavior most interviewers find
1. Poor personal appearance/hygiene
2. Overemphasis on money
3. Failure to look at interviewer while interviewing
4. Did not ask questions
5. Late to interview
This topic has received much interest which says to us that further action is needed. For those interested, we may be holding a seminar type class to refresh interviewing skills and go over the do’s and do not’s of interviewing. If you would like to participate in this please email us at by 02-27-2013.
Quick Note: If you have found employment, please be sure to notify us and mark yourself as working on your Profile. Thank you.
by cjxpadmin | Feb 13, 2013 | Job Club Heart of Texas, Job Search
Are you really ready for a job? We tell ourselves that we are ready to work, and that we will do anything to get the job of our dreams. We study up on new technology. We brush up on our interview skills and practice in front of a mirror. Although, when the time comes to interview our shoes do not match. Our hair is out of place. We don’t believe that we need to iron our clothes. We self sabotage our chances of getting that job by ignoring the details that come with the interviewing process. We lost that job because we didn’t look ourselves over well enough. We decided to eat a greasy hamburger before the interview. All of these things can contribute to the make or break of the image that we project to others. Are you ready to interview? At the end of the day we all have the responsibility of presenting who we are and how we look to a future employer. Saying ” John Doe doesn’t dress like that”, or “I’ve seen the people in the office…” is a cop-out for not doing what you know needs to be done. They have a job, and they can afford to be relaxed. Can you? If you’re not sure of what to wear go online or find an up to date fashion magazine. You can look presentable and comfortable.
by cjxpadmin | Feb 5, 2013 | Job Club Heart of Texas, Job Search
As we work on finding employers for you to apply to for employment, check your resumes and update your Work In Texas Profile. We would like to give you material that is thought-provoking. The following is for you to think about and check if you are taking the right approach for yourself.
We do not endorse the author of this site but like the message. Do not feel that you need to join this site because we are showing it to you. This is not our purpose.
Our Job Events are coming soon, on February 13th, a Job Fair and an Employer Showcase. You should have a resume and we would like to review it as soon as you will permit. The showcase allows for you to interview, if you qualify.
We are now posting new items on many times a week. You will now see information on employers we are interviewing to provide you the information you need to decide if you would like to apply for employment with a particular employer.
Please enjoy this article.
– – Reminder – –
Screening can assist in matching you to an available job positionoffered by an employer atending the Invite-Only Showcase Event.
The following positions are avaialble for screening:
Psychiatric Nursing Assitant (A Degree is Not Required-Will Train)
Salesman/Public Relations for a Hydraulic/Water Pump Company
Office Manager (Property Management Experience a Plus)
General Managers for the Food Service Industry (Benefits Offered)
Production Machinery Operator
If any one is interested in interviewing for one or more of these position send an email immediately to, and express which position(s) you would like to be screened for.
by cjxpadmin | Jan 30, 2013 | Job Club Heart of Texas, Job Search
As you know, we are constantly looking for ways to assist you in your efforts to find work. We would first like to remind you of the many services that Workforce Solutions could provide you with, including the following:
Universal (core) Services for individuals seeking assistance in their job search, e.g., outreach, intake, and an eligibility determination for additional WIA-funded services.
Intensive services for individuals deemed in need of additional assistance in order to become employed, e.g., comprehensive and specialized assessment of the skill level and service needs of adults and dislocated workers.
Training services for individuals deemed in need of training in order to become employed or retain employment, e.g, on-the-job training, occupational skills training for nontraditional employment.
Support services such as child care, transportation, and work-related expenses when needed by the individual to work or participate in a WIA-funded activity.
Dislocated worker services specific to workers who have been laid off because of a plant closure or other dislocation. These services include job search assistance, introduction to job search tools, labor market information, access to computers, instruction on resume writing, financial planning, stress management, and referral to vocational skills training as appropriate.
One service in particular stands out to us and we would like to put this one in the spotlight: Support services such as child care, transportation, and work-related expenses when needed by the individual to work or participate in a WIA-funded activity.
This service is one that must FIRST be applied for in order to be determined eligible. We will be offering our assistance if you would like to apply. Our team will keep applications available for you within The Workforce Center. Just ask for Rachel, Sheena, or Melvin and any one of us will get you set up to apply.
Have a great day!
There will be a Showcase and Job Fair Event held on Wednesday, February 13th from 10AM-2PM.
The following positions will be interviewed for at the Showcase Event:
If you are interested in any of these, you will need to email us ASAP at for a chance to interview with hiring companies on February 13th.
Please keep in mind that if you would like our assistance in matching you to jobs, you must first provide accurate information in your profiles. We will always need to know: Your previous work experience, What you are looking for now and Most important, how to contact you if we have an opportunity. In order to insure that you will receive assistance, REVIEW and EDIT your Profiles. The ‘edit profile’ button can be found under the section where you initially signed in. Thank you.
by cjxpadmin | Jan 23, 2013 | Job Club Heart of Texas, Job Search
We continue to attempt to help everyone find employment, so, remember there is a Food Service Job Fair Thursday, January 24th at the Waco Workforce Center from 9 to 12 noon. This job fair includes manager positions. Please plan to attend to explore all opportunities plus it is good practice.
On February 13th, 2013, get ready for the “My Heart For A Job Fair,” a full and open job fair, at the Red Men Museum next to the Waco Workforce Center. On the same day, there will be an Employer Showcase which gives those who match employer requirements a chance for a face-to-face interview.
Next, we are interested in which employers interest you and those employers you would like us to investigate for employment opportunities. Many of you have said employers are not responding to your applications for employment. We will ask them those questions you want answered. Tell us the employer, the question you may have and the answers will be posted as soon as we get them.
Always let us know your thoughts about how you may be better served. Are you ready for the Job Fairs?Then, put on your smile and your interview gear and letʼs make it happen.

by cjxpadmin | Jan 15, 2013 | Job Club Heart of Texas, Job Search
These are jobs that have come up in WorkinTexas in the last week. If you are interested in any of these positions, let us know so that we can start screening you for them. Make sure your WorkInTexas is up-to-date, then, we can schedule a time for you to come in and discuss the position. If you need more information on the position, we have given you the name of the job and the WorkInTexas (WIT) number so that you can look it up. If you have forgotten your sign in information for WorkInTexas, please stop by the Resource Room at 1416 South New Road!
Rehabilitation Teacher III
Recreation Program Specialist I/II/III
Fireplace Installer
Sergeant – ReqCode TX011-2012-026
Break Relief Operator – Plant
Route Sales Driver
Construction Operations Manager
Part Time Recruiting Coordinator
K527 / Transport Maint Crew Chief II
Park Ranger I-III (Park Police Officer (PPO)/Inter
Flight Instructor (5102)
Integration Quality Assurance Lead
Service Response Center Technician
Zone Technician
Administrative Associate Keyboard Division
Recruiter (Temporary)
Filler Machine Operator
Human Resources (HR) Clerk
(S) Various Supervisor Positions
Assistant Professor of Social Work
Habilitation Therapies Director
Customer Service Represenative
Administrative Asst II
Night Auditor
Warehouse Associate/Forklift Operator
Restaurant Team Member
Shift Leader
Budget Accountant
Facilities Director, Baylor Research Innovation Co
Electrical Engineer 43235
Project Engineer 42547
Systems Software Developer 42973
Technical Recruiter 40943
Captain – ReqCode TX011-2012-027
Quality Assurance Manager – ReqCode TX011-2012-028
Plasma Processing Technician
Store Manager-116
Delivery Driver
Assistant Case Manager
Program Specialist III
Psychiatrist III
Clerk III
Don’t Forget! We have several Job Events coming up!
January 24th: Food Service Job Event
H.O.T. Workforce Center
This event is public. However, some employers have asked for candidates to be prescreened. If you are interested in the food service event be sure to update your profile and let us know.
February 13th: Job Fair & Showcase
Showcase-H.O.T. Workforce Center
Job Fair- Red Men Museum (Red Brick Building next to the Workforce Center)
The Job Fair will be a public event. The showcase will require a prescreening and invitation (scheduled appointment) to attend. Be sure to email us your interest in the Showcase Event to secure a prescreening. Your resume must be uploaded to your profile.
We will be posting job positions as soon as we receive them. Keep a watchful eye on Job Club and Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.