by cjxpadmin | Jan 28, 2013 | February 2013 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE
It’s a brand new year, and it’s time to clean up and organize your job search! That’s right — everything from brushing up your resume to getting all your information organized to do your resume. Need suggestions?
That’s what we live for! We have outlined some simple “no frills” ways to get your job search together so that you know exactly where you are to where you are headed on the hunt for that brand new shiny job!
- Organize; Don’t Procrastinate. Do not use your organizing time as a way to procrastinate. You can only push paper around so
much until you’re not leaving yourself any time to do any actual job searching. Get your stuff together, then do something with it! You can’t finish the race if you don’t start it!
- Create A Command Station. Make sure that you have an area where you can keep all of your file folders
and job search items. If you don’t have a lot of space, get a large 3-ring binder and put everything inside! Get or make yourself some dividers and you have a mobile office that you can take with you 24/7. Maybe you’re a techy. You can put everything on your laptop in one folder on your desktop, and when you open that folder, you know you’ll have everything you need!
- Equipment Gathering. Your prospective new boss is trying to relay a number to you for you to contact his manager, so that you can interview for a position that is open with his company. You,
however, don’t have a pen or paper to jot down the number. No good! You need to get everything that you need at your work station and that includes pen, paper, and planners. Make sure that you have everything you need, and don’t remove it from that spot. Keep all your materials together and you will never have to worry about missing out on any important information!
- Develop A Tracking System. You just applied to Murray Corporation last Tuesday, then Henrietta Depot the Thursday before that — not to mention Davis Enterprise the Wednesday before that. Needless to say, you are going to need a way to track who and where you applied with so that you are not continuously re-tracing the tracks you have made! It can be something as easy as a paper filing system broken into parts such as:
• Date applied
• Follow-up date,
• Date interviewed
• Date application was dropped off, etc.
Or maybe you could have something as advanced as a database file that tracks and sorts the information for you by date. Or perhaps, it can just be a plain calendar that you color-code to track your preferred job application or interview. Whatever you use, make sure it’s something that you can keep up with!
- Take Time To Search. Searching for work is a job within itself. As such, you need to block out time to do just that. Your Search is
your job, and you need to treat it like one. Make a schedule, get dressed as if you’re going to work, and start searching. Studies have shown that when you act like you’re on the clock, you get a lot more done. Putting yourself on a schedule gives you a sense of urgency that you would not normally have. Not only do you need to treat that time like your search is a job; those around you need to treat that time like it is as well. It is of benefit to everyone that you locate work, so taking it serious is something that you can all share.
- Research. You should make a list of companies where you feel you would like to work, based on your skills set. Then, you need to make another list of companies based on your peripheral skills set (jobs that you can do because you know how to do your first job). Then, do another list of jobs that you will take if push comes to shove. After you have compiled that list, then, you need to research each company. Maybe visit one or two to check out the environment. Find out who the hiring manager is, and maybe, make a friend. Get the address and phone number of the places you have on your list. Know where they are, and know how to get there. By doing a little research, you not only know what to expect, you
know how to tailor your resume for each company!
Your job search is a serious subject, and we know the frustrations that you feel at times. Getting organized will cut through some of the frustration and keep you prepared to take the job of your dreams. Keep heading toward your dream job and you will get there! Δ

by cjxpadmin | Jan 28, 2013 | February 2013 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE
By Sheena Williams
Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching! That’s right, hearts, flowers, candy and cards! It’s a chance to re-connect with those you love, whether you are in a relationship or not. It’s a chance to show someone that you appreciate them for being in your life and sticking it out with you through thick and thin. We know that some of you still have not have fully recovered from the holidays, so we are going to give you some inexpensive, but nice things for you to do for those you care about!
Homemade Cards — You can do a lot with a sheet of paper and some simple dollar store items. Make a card with a personal message inside. Not poet lariat? Get online and find a quote or message that explains what it is that you want to say perfectly. It’s not about having that symbol at the bottom of your card that shows you care, it’s about the words in the card that express how much you care that shows it.
Artificial Roses — So, everyone in your hunny bunny’s office is showing off their expensive bouquets of roses and other assorted flowers. Well, with some felt, construction paper or red gift wrap, you can create a beautiful bunch of flowers that will not only be the envy of everyone in the office, but it will be something that your love bug can keep long past after everyone else has thrown their flowers away!
Homemade Candy — For pennies on the dollar, you can create candies and treats to give to your loved ones! You can get chocolate-covered pretzels, courtesy of the dollar store or you can make pralines right from your own kitchen. Maybe you want to make cupcakes so that he/she can pass them out among their co-workers or family. This is something really easy to do on your valentines to-do list.
Do Something Special — If the one you cherish is having a hard time with something, offer to spend Valentine’s Day helping them out. Maybe they need help in the garden or maybe they need help in having their tools reorganized. Whatever it is you do, make it fun! Make sandwiches and soda and make an afternoon or a night of it. Go to the park and stargaze, should the weather permit. Just being together on Valentine’s Day will brighten up even the gloomiest day.
Make Dinner — Candles, tablecloths, music and food… I’m not sure what else you need to say or do that means I love you, but that works for me! Taking the time to make dinner for the one you love shows that you care and that you want them to be happy. You want them to put up their feet and relax.
Free Events — Most cities have holiday-themed events, and Valentine’s Day is definitely a holiday! Go to a club and dance the night away. Go and listen to jazz in an off-the-beaten path lounge. Maybe someone is doing some poetry readings. You don’t have to spend money to make the day special, and it’s not only something to do for them, but it’ll be a stress reliever for you at the same time!
Whatever you do, make sure that you put your all into it. Your significant other is there supporting you and ensuring that everything is falling into place around you. They help keep the “crazies” at bay (unless you are the crazy, then, they just love you instead), and that should give you that fluttery feeling in your chest. Don’t half way do it; put all the love that you feel into whatever you do. If they are your significant other or your “bestie,” then, they deserve everything you do for them, right? Δ

by cjxpadmin | Jan 28, 2013 | February 2013 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE
By Sheena Williams
Looking at the ups and downs of last year can certainly make your head spin. All of the choices that you did or didn’t make, the chances that you did and didn’t take have all led you to the “you” that you are at this moment! What’s done is done, and it can’t be changed, but what you can do now is make sure that you are headed in the right direction! This is where the Life Wheel comes in!
The Life Wheel allows you to gauge your progress toward happiness. Ideally, your life should be balanced within these various areas:
• Business/Career/Studies
• Finance/Wealth
• Health/Fitness
• Social/Friends
• Family
• Love
• Recreation/Fun
• Contribution
• Personal Growth
• Spiritual, and
• Self-image.
All of these things comprise the makeup of who you are and leans you toward a balanced life.
To help you chart your progress toward happiness, we have included a Life Wheel. With this wheel, you can ask yourself questions and plot your points where you feel you are at this particular moment. As you go through the exercise, remember that this is not about beating yourself up. Some of the choices we make may not have been the best, but they are the choices that we made with the information and time available to us. Your goal is to reach toward happiness now and not allow yourself to wallow in the past.
Check out the Life Wheel for yourself.
Step 1: Ask yourself each question and give yourself a rating from 0 to 10, (0 being no progress made and 10 being progress attained).
- ____ Business/Career/Studies Where do you feel you are with regard to your work? If you’re working, then rate your satisfaction with your job goals? Are you a student? Where do you feel you are with regard to your grades, studying, and career goals?
- ____ Finance/Wealth How do you feel about where you are financially? Do you have the savings you want? Are you secure with what you have? This is not about being rich; it’s about how you feel about where you are financially at the moment.
- ____ Health / Fitness How do you feel with regard to your health? This isn’t about your size; it’s about whether you can pass a physical. Do you breath correctly, do you work out on a regular basis? How do you feel about your level of physical activity?
- ____ Social / Friends How are you doing with your friends? Do you support them and are they supportive of you? Do you have fun when you go out with them? Are they more trouble than they are worth? Are there any negative influences?
- ____ Family Are you happy with how your family is getting along with you, not whether they get along with Aunt Delia or not. Do you get along with those family members who are important to you? Do you need to apologize to anyone? Do you feel you are owed an apology? Do you love being around them?
- ____ Love How loved do you feel? This is not necessarily romantic love. This is about how loved you feel overall by your family and friends. Do you feel that you are emotionally validated by those you have around you?
- ____ Recreation/Fun Do you participate in things that you enjoy? Hobbies, martial arts, card collecting, or any other activity that you do to relax. Do you take time for yourself?
- ____ Contribution How do you feel about your contribution to society? Do you give back to the community? Do you do unto others as you would have them do unto you? How often do you do something for someone with no expectation of reward in return?
- ____ Personal Growth Do you read on new ways to do things? Take a computer class or maybe take a cooking class? Watch documentaries on the civil war? Take up a hobby that builds your hand and eye coordination? Do you do things to better yourself and keep yourself thinking?
- ____ Spiritual This is not necessarily religious, though it can be. Do you belong to a church that you attend regularly? Do you meditate? Are you Agnostic or Atheist? Do you chant to the tunes of bells, or do you quietly pray at the end of your day and before every meal? What is it that you do that keeps you centered and focused on what it is you want out of life, and are you taking the steps to make sure it happens?
- ____ Self-Image Forget about what everyone else thinks about you. Forget about the way your Pomeranian looked at you when you walked in the door. What do you think about yourself and where you are at this moment? As a reminder, this is not where you can dump on yourself and criticize yourself. This is where you take a few minutes to think of all the things that you believe are great and all the things that you could work on and sum them up in one rating.

Step 2: Once you have rated yourself plot them on the included chart with a point then connect the dots.

Step 3: Once you have connected all of the dots, then, read on to find out what the shape of your wheel means.
- A Consistent Small Wheel — Notice the small wheel due to the low scores? This means that there are things going on in your life that are hindering you from broadening your wheel. Take some time to figure out what it is and take the steps necessary to broaden your circle.
- A Lopsided Wheel (a wheel that’s larger on one side then the other) —Decent! It means that you are moving forward in some parts of your wheel. However, it may also mean that you have neglected other parts of your wheel in pursuit of other parts. Try to balance your wheel out.
- A Generally Broad Wheel With a Few Low Points — You are doing really well. Most wheels look like this. Your scores are pretty equal all the way around, but there are a few areas that you could work on. Take some time out to figure out what these areas are and see if you can straighten them out!
- A Large Complete Wheel (Circle) — I’m sure the Dali Lama has a complete circle, but we mere mortals find this shape to be the hardest to obtain. It’s doable, but it takes a lot of balancing to have all of your ducks lined up in a row. And honestly, that is just a part of the human condition to strive to be better. A possible trap that some may fall into once they reach 8 and up on their wheel is that they will feel there is no room for improvement which is furthest from the truth. There is always room to improve yourself. Your wheel may never be perfectly round, but it’s the process of getting it there that makes it worth it!
Look at the scores and the shape of your wheel and take this as a chance to ask yourself some questions and do some soul searching. This isn’t for assigning blame or pointing the finger. Small scores are not a red flag for unhappiness. It just means that there are some areas that you may want to look into to round out your life. This wheel is about locating your happiness and finding a way to move toward it! Take a deep breath, get a piece of paper and a pen and start writing out some plans and wishes!
WPMG offers an electronic book called the “The Me I Want To Be.”
This publication can help you find the person that you hope to be. It will take you from where you are to where you want to go. “The Me I Want To Be” may help you sort out some of the imbalance on your wheel by helping you figure out exactly what it is that you wish to do. Check out the WPMG Network tab on Good luck! Δ
by cjxpadmin | Dec 31, 2012 | January 2013 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE
By Melvin Collins. Jr.
January 1, 2013 marks the beginning of the twenty-fifth year of Workforce Partners Management
Group, LLC. This company began as ADAPT Publishing Company, Inc. by Melvin Collins, Jr. and Yolanda L. Salazar to write and publish transitional and self-reflective materials. The very first book, Common Knowledge, A Clerical Reference Guide was written by Yolanda as an aid for clerical employees of an insurance company.
Yolanda L. Salazar began her adult career as a client of the Texas State Commission for the Blind. As a client, Yoli, as her friends know her, received one of the first successful bilateral corneal transplants by Dr. Robert L. Rock. After her vision was restored from legal blindness, Yoli accepted a full-time job with the same agency that assisted with her surgeries, State Commission for the Blind, where she rose to be the Assistant to the Regional Director and Office Manager. In 1974, she hired a new rehabilitation counselor who had come right out of The University Of Texas Rehabilitation Masters Program.
That counselor, Melvin Collins, Jr., was to become her business partner of almost forty years. Melvin worked for the State Commission for the Blind for five years as one of three Rehabilitation Counselors. His area of coverage included five Capital Area Counties. After a successful time and scheduled departure from the Commission, he became the Director of Tenant Services with the Housing Authority Of The City Of Austin where he remained for another five years. 
In 1979, when Melvin left the Commission for the Blind, he and Yoli partnered to start their own business called Maintenance Management Company, Inc. After putting in 8 hours on their day jobs, Melvin and Yoli would work until midnight fulfilling agency and medical building cleaning contracts. Within a few years of continuing to operate on this schedule, the duo created MelZar Resources, Inc. which housed other new businesses: The Typing Store and Snac-A-Tac Deli. Both of these businesses were operated during the day by hired staff with Melvin and Yoli keeping an eye on day-to-day operations in between their day jobs. This went on through 1988.
On January 1, 1989, Yoli and Melvin struck out on their own to see what good they could do in the business world. They acquired a small two-room office where Yoli’s desire to write books came to fruition and Melvin decided to use his degree and do personal counseling for referrals from the Austin Municipal Courts. After a couple of years of doing this, Melvin and Yoli decided to write books together as well as visited with the local Writer’s League where a few other writers were commissioned to write books in accordance with their expertise.
In 1991, the book series, Common Knowledge, was born. It became a popular series to supplement school programs and help land a fifteen-year GSA (General Services Administration) Contract. The GSA Contract allowed WPMG to serve all members of the military and the Department Of Defense. This contract allowed ADAPT to provide books and materials to several military installations within the States as well as many overseas projects. When these installations started receiving ADAPT’s books, they wanted the staff to come to their sites and train their staff on how to use the books, so several training sessions were commissioned with the military for that purpose.
WPMG has a twenty-two year old history of working with Workforce Agencies, delivering job search and job-readiness services to thousands of participants. These services began with a contract with the Waco Housing Authority in 1993 where WPMG began its well-recognized RISE Program (Rising Into Self-Empowerment). From this experience, other agencies took note of the success of this project and were commissioned to work with the Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas, doing youth projects three years in a row. Word got around about the success of the youth programs and again, WPMG was commissioned by Corpus Christi’s Workforce Solutions Office to work with their youth.
Two programs, two years in a row, were developed for them, also quite successful. Notice of WPMG’s program successes also got the attention of some of the military bases which had been contacted previously. Some of the most familiar locations served were White Sands Missile Range, Kelly Air Force Base, Red River Army Depot, U. S. Coast Guard as well as a consortium was developed at the Naval Base at Bangor, Washington to bring in the staff for a training session with all military installations within the State of Washington.
Around that time, there was word going around that the government was getting ready to downsize five military installations. On the chopping block was our infamous Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Melvin and Yoli had worked quite a bit in the San Antonio area working with the Alamo Workforce Solutions Office there, working on various programs. When the word got out that the government was downsizing, Melvin and Yoli saw an opportunity to become a Rapid Response Team for the State of Texas. This involved being available, at a moment’s notice, should there ever be a downsize or lay-off situation happen anywhere in the State. This was an awesome opportunity and Melvin and Yoli went after it and became one of the largest Rapid Response Teams in the State. Areas covered were Austin, San Antonio, Waco, Corpus Christi, East Texas, Deep East Texas, Beaumont, Texarkana as well as various other closures around the State. This continued until 2009.
In 2005, in between these projects, WPMG was contacted by the Workforce Solutions for the Coastal Bend Staff regarding the huge Katrina population that had descended upon the city of Corpus Christi. WPMG accepted the challenge to create a separate office to work with all the Katrina evacuees as a result of the devastating Hurricane Katrina. Hundreds of people were served as a result of this project. Three separate graduations were held for the participants of this program and many placements were made. When it was time for the Louisiana population to return to their city, many of the evacuees chose to stay in the Corpus Christi area. A prestigious award was presented to Melvin Collins for his direction with the Katrina Project. Weldon Boggus, Operations Manager for the Katrina Project, was also awarded a prestigious award and recognized for his tenacious efforts.
In March, 2009, the Executive Director for the Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas saw a dire need for assistance with all the dislocated workers in the Waco area. His idea was for WPMG to create a “Workforce Center within the Center” concept, just for all those people who were being laid off at the time. WPMG set up this “Workforce Center within the Center” and commenced to serving customers left and right. The Center was quite a success and served thousands of customers throughout its 9-month tenure.
In 2010 as well as 2011, again the Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas had a need for various program projects that WPMG took on with the same challenge-driven endeavors it had dealt with on previous projects. There were many successes involved with these programs and to date, there are many, many individuals who fondly remember WPMG and everything it did to assist and serve them.
In mid 2011, Melvin came up with a concept of assisting college students. He felt there was a bit of
neglect there because there was assistance for dislocated workers, single-parent households, the elderly, the Veterans, etc. He felt, however, that there was no program or assistance for the college students. Upon graduating from college, there are many students who are in dire need of employment. They complete their studies and they go out in the real world to get a job, but following them is a long-time student loan which they are responsible for paying.
Melvin created! This is a magazine format that houses much more than just articles. It affords its subscribers to participate in job-related activities as well as opportunities for savings on various business deals and specials. offers various job postings, availability of internships or volunteer projects and much, much more.
In 2012, WPMG was again commissioned to do a project for the Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas. This project involved again working with all the individuals who were recipients of the Unemployment Insurance Benefits Program. Melvin decided to launch the magazine in March, 2012, not just for the college students, but also for the dislocated workers in the area. It was discovered that everything that the magazine could do for the college students, it could also do for the dislocated workers as well as any other program associated with Workforce Solutions, to include the Veterans. took off with subscriber participation growing monthly. It now has an
Online Job Club which allows the subscribers to log on and communicate with other subscribers as they participate in weekly discussions. A subscriber can post comments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can chat with one another regarding jobs they have found or jobs they are particularly seeking. It is an excellent way for job seekers to stay in touch with each other and to lend a hand to their fellow-subscribers.
Also available on is the availability of RSS Feeds that link to major
employers from around the country (Fortune 500). These Feeds provide a regularly updated summary of web content, along with links to full versions of that content. Businesses can link their company webpages to this magazine so that the subscribers always have up-to-date news footage available to them at any time. The Feeds are controlled by the individual companies and they make changes and updates, as needed.
Subscribers also have the opportunity to create their resume utilizing the Resume Chat Room, creating a Video Resume and chat with employers through the Video Chat Room with Employers. Another feature available to subscribers is the Online Mall. This is a service where representatives will visit with businesses to
locate food specials, movie ticket deals, auto repair discounts, clothing discounts or food deals. When representatives make contact with the business, the business will be given the opportunity to engage in the CJX Rewards Card Program. All subscribers will be issued Rewards Cards and when businesses sign on to provide specials, discounts and deals, the subscriber will be able to take advantage of those opportunities. This affords both the business and the subscriber an opportunity to benefit from this arrangement.
A Veterans Section is also being created to assist veterans in their job-search endeavors and any particular issues they may have with regard to job seeking or perhaps, questions they may have with governmental agencies or personnel. Experts in the area of veteran issues are being contacted daily to
assist with ongoing articles and assistance for the veterans.
In 2006, WPMG created The WPMG Network, a website that is constantly being improved and upgraded for its users. The website houses all of the ADAPT books, videos, podcasts, seminars and a few cooking classes to boot. This website is linked to the site and is available at any time of the day or night for those individuals who see a need to read a book, view a video or just to watch a cooking show. The books are printable. Many agencies have taken advantage of this website to assist them with their customers and staff.
To make this long story short, WPMG is celebrating its many successes with you because that was the intent of Melvin and Yoli when they created every bit of this company’s features and services. It is WPMG’s desire to wish you and yours a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Together, let’s make a spectacular year! Δ
by cjxpadmin | Dec 31, 2012 | January 2013 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE
Beginning January 1, 2013 starts its countdown to graduation. (CJX) was developed to serve college students as they approached graduation. Many students finish their education with a degree, certification or license, plus a loan to pay back. Finding a job becomes paramount to start their new life off correctly. Also, CJX has discovered that its services fit many laid-off workers and veterans as well.
CJX combines many services that you will find on other sites, and much more. The combination of services truly allows convenience and efficiency. This site appears as a job search magazine; however, it houses much more with even more to come. What is on the site, you might ask? Well, let’s see:
Our online magazine takes pride in its encouraging and informative career-based articles posted each month.
Employers are able to post job openings in detail for subscribers to view as often as needed, all with our compliments. These listings are posted by workforce regions within the state. Employers are allowed to post as much detail as they feel is needed.
CJX offers employers a specialty page categorized by industry types. On these specialty pages, employers can provide a detailed explanation of their company’s history, benefits and special instructions with hyperlinks to their company. It is an opportunity for businesses to really open up to their future employees. This page offers full color appeal to attract the best candidates.
The magazine is linking to News RSS Feeds of the major employers from around the country (Fortune 500). An RSS Feed is a regularly updated summary of web content, along with links to full versions of that content. These feeds have the option to link company webpage news to our magazine so that all up-to-date news can be seen by our subscribers at any time. The Feeds are controlled by the companies and may change at any time.
If subscribers are looking for internships, on-the-job training or volunteer hours, we have a specific area which allows the students to post their availability and what type of volunteer work is being sought. Employers are also able to post openings for internships or volunteer needs. Work experience is critical for most of our subscribers to gain much needed experience in selected fields.
In this section of the magazine, CJX showcases the most outstanding or top-qualified employment candidates. These candidates are referred by their school, organization or workforce agency. Subscribers with extensive experience, degrees and skills can be at the top of the employers review list through Our Best Section.
Resumes are very important for candidates to showcase their skills. CJX asks its employment candidate to detail a summary of qualifications with a full description of employment and educational history. This section allows for communication with a Resume Expert reviewing their resume with possible suggestions and tips.
Subscribers can post video recordings of themselves discussing what makes them a valuable employee candidate for employers to review. As important as a resume is to finding the appropriate job, a video resume allows for a candidate to set themselves apart from other candidates. Anyone can do your resume, but only you can do your video resume. Your are able to display personality and project yourself with the video resume. Subscribers are given a link to place on their resume for ease of viewing by employers.
If employers wish to interview subscribers, but for any number of reasons cannot see the subscriber in his/her office, employers and subscribers are able to engage in video interviews through a Video Chat Room.
Job club is a weekly online discussion open to everyone. Subscribers and employers may communicate about different topics each week. Content, questions and answers are open for discussion 24/7. Many questions are referred to experts on any particular topic for appropriate response. Job information is shared by subscribers with one another allowing for a vast network to aid with job searching.
The CJX Online Mall Service is an attempt to give subscribers opportunities which may not normally be offered to them. CJX Representatives visit with businesses to locate opportunities for food specials, movie tickets, auto repair, clothing and much more.
There are times when businesses have over purchased or their business may need a boost. Our Online Mall allows for businesses to advertise their company, specials, and locations to attract subscribers. Subscribers can then find the nearest place to grab a bite to eat or see a movie and check any specials available.
Through our Rewards System, a business may post specials on our website for subscribers to redeem when the Rewards Card is presented at participating locations. Businesses are allowed to change specials as often as necessary and place a hyperlink to their webpage.
CJX added an Online Mall and Rewards Cards to give opportunities to its subscribers to receive various deals and specials. The thought is to provide a connection between the people we serve and the business community.
Many businesses have a need to connect to customers by offering them specials and deals during any particular slow-down times and over-purchases. This benefits our subscribers who may be on a limited budget but still want to go to the movies, eat out, buy clothes or just have some fun.
Both businesses and subscribers benefit from this arrangement. This Rewards Program is not new. It is very likely that you have seen programs similar to this in, as well as other sites. They market hotel rooms, airline seats, etc that have not sold. Why not give subscribers the same opportunity? The card is free. The offers can change many times a week and there is no obligation on the part of the cardholders. If they like it, they can use it.
Our Veterans Section concentrates on the needs and specific information concerning Veterans during their job search efforts. It is a place for Veterans, their families and other interested parties to connect and communicate.

Workforce Partners Management Group’s traditional site to help individuals move their lives from where they are to where they want to go. These services have helped many military personnel, dislocated workers, students and anyone transitioning to a new way of life. On this site, the WPMG Network offers books, videos, podcasts, seminars as well as a few cooking classes. △
by cjxpadmin | Dec 31, 2012 | January 2013 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE, Uncategorized
By Sheena Williams
It’s that time again! The holidays are over, and it’s time to take down the tree. Time to reflect on what a year 2012 has been. The ups and downs, the high and lows, and the sometimes those days that were just middle of the road! It’s been a year to remember and we at have immensely enjoyed being part of your year. Some of our most memorable moments this year have been with you. We can’t thank you enough for allowing us to be a small portion of your year. We have been privileged to see you become awesome job seekers and have had the chance to help you along the way.
In an effort to prepare you for the New Year, we have made a list of things to keep in mind as you get started with preparing for your job search for the coming year with some helpful resolutions to get you started. These resolutions are in no way mandatory, but we find that these things help us get ourselves together as we go about our daily lives. Some of the things on the list are things you might already know how to do, but check it out — you might find a different way of doing them!
- Learn To Delegate — You can only do so much. You’re trying to find work, and trying to get
the kids fed, then on top of that, the dog needs water. As you are at home more now, you can take a little more of the workload to help out and keep the person working in your home afloat, but there is no sense in taking it all on yourself. If you have kids, make a chore list that leaves you time to look for a job. When your working spouse gets home, maybe they can walk Bruno as you check your work emails. Keeping your stress level low is key when searching for a job.
- Get Organized — Everything has a time and a place. Believe me when I say, it certainly makes your time a lot better when you know where that place is. Know where your files are on the computer. Color-code some bills for easy paying. Set up a house chart for the family. Put your coupons in alphabetical order. Prioritize your day and have your resume at your fingers tips always. Any of these things can make your life easier and get you to work or an interview faster.
Ramp Up Your Resume — With a new year, comes a new resume. Look over your job history and see what needs to be tweaked. Maybe check in on your References and wish them a Happy New Year. Maybe you took a class in your down time and you have a new skill to add? All of these things can beef up a sparse resume and give an edge to an already spectacular one!
- Learn A New Skill — As mentioned above, learning a new skill is great. I don’t care if it’s Brazilian Macrame! It has given you a skill that you can add to your resume. Maybe it took you 7 weeks to learn to do whatever you did, but that’s dedication, reliability, and hard work that can now be put in your list of stellar attributes.
- Give Back To The Community — This one is kind of a no-brainer. When you help others, it takes your mind off of your problems. That means less stress for you! When there is less stress
for you, there is less stress for everyone. When there is less stress for everyone, everyone can be happy. Giving back is a gift that keeps on giving and you should totally take advantage… and take the time to network while you’re there!
- Find A Career, Not A Job — So you were working at a job that you lost, and you find that you are not that broken up about it. It’s because it was a job that paid the bills. It was a job you took because you needed to make some money, and this was the end result. Your next step may include taking another job like that, but only if it fits into your overall plan of getting a career. While we work, we become so wrapped up in having a steady pay check, we forget what our dreams are. So make sure that while you are looking for that job that tides you over, you are also looking for ways to fit it into your dream job!
- Stop Beating Yourself Up — Negativity not only comes from the television and outside
sources, it comes from you. Every time you drop a glass of water and call yourself stupid. Every time you don’t get dinner out to the table on time or when you berate yourself for being lazy. Every time you say something negative about yourself, you internalize it and your mind takes over the negative affirmation. We are all about taking a realist look at ourselves, but nothing about being realistic is negative. You may need to change your style of dress, but telling yourself you’re a slob is not helpful. Instead, tell yourself that there are some clothing choices that would be better for my job search and make those changes. No need to call yourself names over things that can easily be changed!
- Do Something Nice For Others — This may sound like volunteering, but it’s not. Doing something nice for others is a way to show appreciation for the support and love that those around you are giving you while you look for work. Maybe your husband is watching the kids so you can fit some “me-time” in to work on your resume. Maybe your wife is keeping your desk and home office organized while you are out pounding the pavement looking for a job. Whatever it is, doing something nice reminds the other person, whoever that is, that you are a team and are in this together.
Set Clear Goals — Know what you want and how you’re going to do it! It’s not enough to say I am going to get this job and live a fantastic life! You need to know how you’re going to get it. Are you going to go to school and learn some skills? Are you going to apply in different areas? Maybe you’re going to open up your circle in the networking world? However you plan on reaching that goal, you need to have a clear picture in your head of how you’re going to do it.
- Keep Your Goals Realistic — While you’re dreaming big, let’s keep the goals realistic. Let’s say your goal is to be an international pop star. Forget the statistic for becoming an entertainer. You can’t sing, you’ve don’t have any dance moves, and you’ve never been on stage a day in your life. So the goal is not realistic. Not because you can’t
do it. You can do anything with hard work, but you’re not going to get it done with the skill set you have now. Research your goals and find out what it takes to reach them. Having a clear goal is awesome, but without the baby steps to make them work, they are only pipe dreams.
- Stay Fit And Healthy — Wash your hands, get your vitamins, and for the love of Pete, keep some cold medicine around the house. The New Year can be a bit blustery and unfortunately, with all the pollen around and all the germs and sneezing dancing through the air, you might catch a cold of epic
proportions! Nothing will lay you low and eat away at your savings like medical expenses. Take advantage of all free health fares. Call the health department for any deals on health care and pay attention to the weather.
- Find A Healthy Way To Relive Stress — Find a hobby. In fact find two! You need to find something that lets you take a step back and center yourself. Stress is a killer, and if you are not managing it, then, you’ll wind up with bigger problems then just being unemployed. Maybe taking long walks around the neighborhood is your thing. Try painting. There are thousands of cheap crafts and projects that you can get into to keep yourself busy as well as stop yourself from worrying!

We hope that you have not only a Happy New Year, but a Happy Rest Of The Year. We, at, are committed to getting you back to work and look forward to another year of working with all of you! △